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1998-99 UAF Catalog

Degrees and Programs

Physical Education and Exercise Science

College of Liberal Arts
Department of Physical Education and Exercise Science
(907) 474-7382

Degrees: B.A., B.S.

Minimum Requirements for Degrees: B.A.: 130 credits;
B.S.: 120 credits

The core curriculum in physical education and exercise science studies how humans move and exercise (exercise science), and adds to it studies of professional application such as the pedagogy of teaching (physical education) or further study to prepare the student for graduate study or professional fitness delivery in the private setting. Additionally, the department offers courses directed to individual fitness and skill enhancement for those not pursuing a degree within the department.

Note: Admission to this program is currently suspended. The program is being revised. Contact the Dean of Liberal Arts with questions about this program.

Undergraduate Program


Physical Education -- B.A. Degree

  1. Complete the general university requirements. (As part of the core curriculum requirements, complete: COMM 141X, BIOL 211X* and BIOL 212X*.)
  2. Complete the B.A. degree requirements.
  3. Complete the following program (major) requirements:
    1. Complete a CHEM course at the 100-level (3 credits)
    2. Complete the following:*
      PE 205 -- Introduction to the Human Movement Sciences (2 credits)
      PE 232 -- Analysis of Human Movement (3 credits)
      PE 246 -- Advanced First Aid (3 credits)
      PE 316 -- Motor Development (3)
           or PE 317W -- Motor Learning (3) (3 credits)
      PE 405 -- Concepts and Design of Physical Fitness Programs (2 credits)
      PE 421 -- Physiology of Exercise (4 credits)
      PE 432 -- Biomechanics of Human Performance (4 credits)
      PE 437 -- Adapted Programs of Physical Activity (3 credits)
    3. Complete 8 credits* from the following:**
      PE 211 -- Fundamentals of Softball (1 credit)
      PE 212 -- Fundamentals of Basketball (1 credit)
      PE 213 -- Fundamentals of Ice Sports (1 credit)
      PE 214 -- Fundamentals of Snow Sports (1 credit)
      PE 215 -- Fundamentals of Volleyball (1 credit)
      PE 216 -- Fundamentals of Rhythms (1 credit)
      PE 217 -- Fundamentals of Recreational Activities (1 credit)
      PE 218 -- Fundamentals of Soccer (1 credit)
      PE 219 -- Fundamentals of Aquatics (1 credit)
      PE 220 -- Fundamentals of Wrestling (1 credit)
      PE 221 -- Fundamentals of Gymnastics (1 credit)
      PE 222 -- Fundamentals of Track and Field (1 credit)
      P 224 -- Fundamentals of Resistive Training (1 credit)
      PE 225 -- Fundamentals of Cardiovascular Training (1 credit)
      PE 226 -- Fundamentals of Movement Mechanics (1 credit)
    4. Complete 4 credits from the following:*
      PE 300 -- Advanced Theory and Techniques for Teaching Gymnastics (1 credit)
      PE 302 -- Advanced Theory and Techniques for Teaching Basketball (1 credit)
      PE 303 -- Advanced Theory and Techniques for Teaching Ice Sports (1 credit)
      PE 304 -- Advanced Theory and Techniques for Teaching Snow Sports (1 credit)
      PE 305 -- Advanced Theory and Techniques for Teaching Volleyball (1 credit)
      PE 306 -- Techniques in Teaching Creative Dance (1 credit)
      PE 307 -- Techniques in Camping and Outdoor Recreation (1 credit)
      PE 308 -- Techniques in Track and Field (1 credit)
      PE 309 -- Aquatics Instructor (2 credits)
      PE 310 -- Techniques in Teaching Folk and Square Dance (1 credit)
    5. Complete 7 credits from the following:*
      PE 317W -- Motor Learning*** (3 credits)
      PE 321 -- Practicum in Physical Education (1 credit)
      PE 327W,O -- Physical Education for Children (2 credits)
      PE 401 -- Theory of Basketball (2 credits)
      PE 406W,O -- Instructional Methodology for Physical Activity (3 credits)
      PE 411 -- Sport and Physical Activity in Today's World (3 credits)
      PE 412 -- Principles and Problems in Athletic Coaching (3 credits)
      PE 425 -- Administration in Physical Education and Athletics (3 credits)
      PE 440 -- Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries (3 credits)
      PE 442O -- Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Activity (3 credits)
  4. Minimum credits required (130 credits)

* Student must earn a "C" grade or better in each course.

** Included 1 winter sport, 1 individual sport and 1 team sport.

*** If not used as a required PE course.

Exercise Science -- B.S. Degree

  1. Complete the general university requirements. (As part of the core curriculum requirements, complete: COMM 141X, BIOL 211X*, BIOL 212X* and MATH calculus course.)
  2. Complet the B.S. degree requirements. (As part of the B.S. degree requirements, complete: CHEM 103X and CHEM 104X, or CHEM 105X and CHEM 106X; and STAT 200.)
  3. Complete the following program (major) requirements:*
    PE 205 -- Introduction to the Human Movement Sciences (2 credits)
    PE 224 -- Fundamentals of Resistive Training (1 credit)
    PE 225 -- Fundamentals of Cardiovascular Training (1 credit)
    PE 226 -- Fundamentals of Movement Mechanics (1 credit)
    PE 232 -- Analysis of Human Movement (3 credits)
    PE 246 -- Advanced First Aid (3 credits)
    PE 316 -- Motor Development (3)
         or PE 317W -- Motor Learning (3) (3 credits)
    PE 321 -- Practicum in Physical Education (1 credit)
    PE/PSY 337W -- Psychology of Physical Activity (3 credits)
    PE 405 -- Concepts and Design of Physical Fitness Programs (2 credits)
    PE 406W,O -- Instructional Methodology for Physical Activity (3 credits)
    PE 411 -- Sport and Physical Activity in Today's World (3 credits)
    PE 421 -- Physiology of Exercise (4 credits)
    PE 432 -- Biomechanics of Human Performance (4 credits)
    PE 437 -- Adapted Programs of Physical Activity (3 credits)
    PE 442O -- Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Activity (3 credits)
    PE 475 -- Internship in Exercise Science (6 credits)
  4. Minimum credits required (120 credits)

* Student must earn a "C" grade or better in each course.


  1. Complete approved PE courses at the 200-level or above (18 credits)
  2. Minimum credits required (18 credits)