Hagestead, Gary -- 1994 -- Director of Administrative Services (1997), ARSC. University of Alaska Fairbanks '93, B.A.; '94, M.B.A.
Haldorson, Lewis J. -- 1980 -- Director, Fisheries Division (1998) and Professor of Fisheries (1996), SFOS/JC. University of Minnesota '63, B.A.; University of California, Santa Barbara '73, M.A.; '78, Ph.D.
Hallsten, DeAnne -- 1981 -- Professor of Career Counseling (1995), TVC/CRA. Occidental College '60, B.A.; University of Oklahoma '75, M.A.
Hanks, Catherine L. -- 1992 -- Research Assistant Professor of Geology (1994), GI. Rice University '78, B.S.; University of Washington '81, M.S.; University of Alaska Fairbanks '91, Ph.D.
Hannigan, Michael -- 1987 -- Associate Professor of Social Work (1994), NWC/CRA. University of Connecticut '73, B.A.; West Virginia University '77, A.C.S.W., L.C.S.W.
Hannon, Robert P. -- 1983 -- Producer/Reporter, KUAC-FM (1992), CLA. California State University, Hayward '81, B.A.
Hansen, Roger A. -- 1994 -- State Seismologist and Research Professor of Geophysics (1994), GI, CSEM. University of California, Berkeley '75, B.S.; '77, M.S.; '81, Ph.D.
Hanson, Kathy -- 1987 -- Regional Adult Basic Education Director (1988), KUC/CRA. Drury College '72, B.A.
Happ, George -- 1995 -- Research Professor (1998), IAB. Principia College '58, B.S.; Cornell University '64, Ph.D.
Harbaugh, John P. -- 1988 -- Professor of Music (1998), CLA. University of Northern Iowa '75, B.A.; North Texas State University '77, M.M.E.
Harding, Patricia -- 1998 -- Interim Director and Assistant Professor of Social Work (1998), CC/CRA. Muhlenberg College '61, B.A.; University of Hawaii '63, M.S.W.; Univerity of Pennsylvania '96, D.S.W.
Harding, Richard W. -- 1995 -- Operations Manager, Alaska SAR Facility (1995), GI. North Carolina State University '71, B.S.E.E.; Naval Postgraduate School '81, M.S.A.E.
Hardy, Cynthia L. -- 1993 -- Assistant Professor of Developmental Studies -- English (1993), TVC/CRA; and Assistant Professor of Women's Studies (1998), CLA. Penn State '71, B.A.; University of Alaska Fairbanks '86, M.F.A.; University of Southern Mississippi '94, Ph.D.
Harmon, Kevin "Kip" -- 1988 -- Associate Athletic Director (1993), ATHREC. Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville '83, B.S.; Newport University '93, M.Ed.
Harrington, Heather -- 1991 -- Adjunct Instructor of Civil Engineering (1991), CSEM. Ft. Steilacoon Community College '81, A.A.S.; University of Alaska Fairbanks '84, B.S.C.E.; '86, M.S.C.E.
Harrington, Jerry -- 1997 -- Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Sciences (1997), GI. University of Iowa '91, B.S.; Colorado State University '94, M.S.; '97, Ph.D.
Harrington, Phillip -- 1992 -- Budget Analyst (1998), VCAS. University of Alaska Fairbanks '91, B.B.A.
Hartman, Chris M. -- 1997 -- Assistant Professor of Computer Science (1997), CSEM. University of Alaska Fairbanks '91, B.S.; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign '97, Ph.D.
Haubenstock, Norma -- 1982 -- Research Technician (1982), INE. Humboldt State University '80, B.S.
Hawkins, Joseph G. -- 1987 -- Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (1994) and Head, Department of Electrical Engineering (1996), CSEM; Director, Alaska Space Grant Program (1991). University of Alaska '82, B.S.; Stanford University '84, M.S.; '88, Ph.D.
Hazel, Kelly L. -- 1992 -- Assistant Professor of Psychology (1994), CLA. University of Michigan-Flint '82, B.S.; Michigan State University '87, M.A.; Michigan State University '94, Ph.D.
Heath, Marge -- 1985 -- Career Counselor (1996), STUSVC. University of Alaska Fairbanks '85, B.S.; '95, M.Ed.
Hebard, John A. -- 1996 -- Purchasing Agent (1996), VCAS. University of Alaska '87, B.A.; C.P.M.
HŽbert, Michele -- 1990 -- Associate Professor of Extension (1998) and Land Resources Agent, Fairbanks Tanana District (1993), ACE. Louisiana State University '76, B.S.; University of Alaska Fairbanks '84, M.S.
Heflinger, David L. -- 1988 -- Electrical Engineer, Utilities Division (1988), FS. Massachusetts Institute of Technology '70, B.S.E.E.; P.E.
Hegdal, Ian A. -- 1986 -- Network Manager, Division of Computing and Communications (1997), LIB. University of Alaska Fairbanks '78, B.S.E.E.
Helm, Dot -- 1980 -- Research Professor of Ecology (1997), AFES (Palmer Research Center). University of Delaware '69, B.S.; University of Michigan '70, M.S.; Colorado State University '77, M.S.; '81, Ph.D.
Henrichs, Susan M. -- 1982 -- Professor of Marine Science (1994) and Head, Graduate Program in Marine Sciences and Limnology (1992), SFOS/IMS. University of Washington '75, B.S.; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution -- Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joint Program '80, Ph.D.
Hepburn, Cal -- 1997 -- Instructor of Military Science (1997), CLA.
Herlugson, Mary Lou -- 1983 -- Research Associate, Animal Science (1983). New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology '74, B.S.
Herrmann, Mark L. -- 1990 -- Professor of Economics (1998) and Director, Economics Graduate Program (1995), SOM. University of California, Davis '82, B.S.; '85, M.S.; Washington State University '90, Ph.D.
Heyne, Eric -- 1986 -- Head, English Department (1997) and Associate Professor of English (1993), CLA. University of Washington '78, B.A.; Ohio State University '82, M.A.; '84, Ph.D.
Highsmith, Raymond C. -- 1983 -- Professor of Marine Science and Director, West Coast and Polar Regions Undersea Research Center (1992), SFOS/IMS. University of Iowa '72, B.A.; University of Washington '79, Ph.D.
Hill, Kathy -- 1979 -- Accounting Technician (1993), INE/ARSC. University of Alaska Fairbanks '78, A.A.
Hills, Susan -- 1994 -- Research Assistant Professor of Marine Science (1997), SFOS/IMS. University of Washington '73, B.S.; '82, M.S.; University of Maine, Orono '92, Ph.D.
Himelbloom, Brian H. -- 1987 -- Associate Professor of Seafood Science (Microbiology) (1994), SFOS/FITC. Northern Illinois University '78, B.S.; Louisiana State University '80, M.S.; North Carolina State University '85, Ph.D.
Hinzman, Larry -- 1990 -- Research Associate Professor of Water Resources (1996), INE. South Dakota State University '79, B.S.; Purdue University '81, M.S.; University of Alaska Fairbanks '90, Ph.D.
Hoch, Betty J. -- 1973 -- Director, Financial Services (1984), VCAS.
Hoch, Edward L. -- 1991 -- Design Engineer (1991), GI. University of Alaska Fairbanks '88, B.S.; '91, M.S.
Hoffman, Beverly -- 1992 -- Student Activities Coordinator (1992), KUC/CRA.
Hoffman, Penny -- 1995 -- Affiliate Assistant Professor of Psychology (1995), CLA. Pennsylvania State University '83, B.S.; Mansfield University of Pennsylvania '85, M.A.; Florida State University '95, Ph.D.
Holloway, Patricia S. -- 1984 -- Associate Professor of Horticulture (1989), SALRM. Millersville University '73, B.A.; Washington State University '76, M.S.; University of Minnesota '82, Ph.D.
Holzmueller, Michael -- 1979 -- Deputy Fire Chief (1981), VCAS; and Coordinator, Fire Science Program (1989), TVC/CRA. Tanana Valley Community College '80, A.A.S.; University of Alaska Fairbanks '77, B.S.
Hopkins, John R. -- 1979 -- Associate Professor of Music (1993), CLA. Beth College '69, B.A.; University of Iowa '76, M.A.; '82 D.M.A.
Hopkins, Luke -- 1974 -- Superintendent of Maintenance, Maintenance Division (1974), FS.
Hornbuckle, Tamara M. -- 1983 -- Financial Aid Adviser (1991), STUSVC. University of Alaska Fairbanks '86, A.A.; B.B.A.
Horner-Miller, Barbara -- 1997 -- Director of User Services (1997), ARSC. Oklahoma State University '67, B.S.
Howald, J. Carter -- 1974 -- UAF Architect, Planning Division (1995), FS. Texas Technical '66, B.A.; A.I.A.
Hsieh, Carol J. -- 1985 -- UAF Banner Administrator (1995), VCAS. Mills College '80, B.A.
Huang, Scott L. -- 1981 -- Professor of Geological Engineering (1991), SME. Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan, '74, B.S.; University of Kentucky, '78, M.S.; University of Missouri, Rolla, '81, Ph.D.
Huber, Donn -- 1998 -- Contract Manager (1998), Design and Construction Division (1998), FS. University of Alaska Fairbanks '52, B.S.C.E.
Huddy, Kevin L. -- 1995 -- Professor of Military Science (1995), CLA. Oklahoma Panhandle State University '75, B.S.; University of Toledo '84, M.E.E.
Hueth, Philip I. -- 1972 -- Superintendent of Utilities, Utilities Division (1994), FS.
Hughes, Nicholas F. -- 1981 -- Assistant Professor of Fisheries (1998), SFOS. Oxford University '84, B.A.; '90, M.A.; University of Alaska Fairbanks '91, Ph.D.
Hulsey, J. Leroy -- 1987 -- Associate Professor of Civil Engineering (1987), CSEM. Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy '65, B.S.; University of Missouri-Rolla '66, M.S.; '76, Ph.D.
Hunter, James -- 1991 -- Analyst/Programmer (1991), LIB.
Husby, Fredric M. -- 1975 -- Interim Dean, College of Natural Resource Development and Management (1997); Interim Director, School of Agriculture and Land Resources Management (1995) and Professor of Animal Science (1991), SALRM. Washington State University '66, B.S.; '69, M.S.; '73, Ph.D.