Table with a arrangement of jars and fruit on it
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UAF Cooperative Extension provides over 350 publications on everything from Alaska blueberries to canning walrus. Search our database and find answers to your everyday questions.

Group of people standing around a garden bed
Find a Class or Event

Our agents host hands-on workshops in communities all over Alaska on topics like food preservation, energy efficiency and nutrition and health. Join us in person or online.

Man using a tool to extract seeds
Find an Expert

Our experts provide research-based, practical information. We show people how to plant gardens, raise chickens and cook sourdough pancakes. Connect with one of our experts for help answering your everyday questions.

Group of people standing by a turkey
4-H and Youth Development

Cooperative Extension is home to Alaska's 4-H and Youth development programs. Youth in communities across Alaska develop skills for life and leadership in our state.


  • A woman in holds a bouquet of large, mature Brussels sprouts in a late-summer field

    Learn seed-starting techniques for long-season vegetables

    March 04, 2025

    Alaska's short growing season means many vegetables need a head start indoors to give them enough time to mature. Learn how to start seeds for these long-season crops in a free statewide webinar led by Glenna Gannon, assistant professor of sustainable food systems for the University of Alaska Fairbanks Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station.

  • A garlic plant forms a circle

    Sitka dinner series focuses on healthy eating

    February 26, 2025

    The University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service in Sitka is hosting three dinner classes focused on healthy eating during March, which is Nutrition Month.

  • A bounty of healthy flowers and vegetables grow in a Sitka greenhouse

    Gardeners, growers and local food focus of potluck in Sitka

    February 25, 2025

    Growers, entrepreneurs and local food enthusiasts are invited to gather, connect and share their experiences of growing food in Sitka over a potluck dinner.

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Working to enrich the lives of all Alaskans.