
This database contains a combination of circulars, books, research documents and other publications relevant to life in Alaska. You can search by publication number, topic, title, author, description and keywords. The Institute of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Extension also maintains databases of publications from the Georgeson Botanical Garden and the Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Stations. For more information or questions about these publications, drop us a line!

16 Easy Steps to Gardening in Alaska

16 Easy Steps to Gardening in Alaska

This step-by-step resource includes instructions for starting a garden in Alaska. The sixteen steps include planning, choosing a site, testing the soil, selecting crops, fertilizing, watering, controlling weeds, harvesting and more. There is also information on more than 30 vegetables.

Publication HGA-00134

A Harvest of Green Tomatoes

A Harvest of Green Tomatoes

How do you handle an abundance of green tomatoes at the end of the gardening season? This publication provides information on ripening, preserving and cooking with green tomatoes. There are a variety of recipes for using green tomatoes in everything from egg dishes to pies, cakes and relishes.

Publication FNH-00024

A Radon Overview

A Radon Overview

YouTube video. This video explains what radon is, how it gets into your home, if you are at risk for exposure, how to test for radon and what steps to take to mitigate radon if it is detected in your home. It shows how to manage radon in an existing home and what steps to take to prevent radon problems when building a new home. Radon can be a serious home health issue, especially in areas where there is uranium in the soil, but with proper testing and management, you can have a radon-free environment.

Publication RAD-00761

A Solar Design Manual for Alaska, Sixth Edition

A Solar Design Manual for Alaska, Sixth Edition

The focus of the latest edition of “A Solar Design Manual for Alaska” is an expanded section on solar photovoltaic (PV) technology, which has experienced a dramatic drop in pricing over the past decade. This main section of the manual includes a basic introduction on how solar PV works as well as a section on how to assess the solar resource and plan a system layout. It also describes basic solar PV components, solar PV modeling best practices, available resources, current standards and codes, net metering, solar economics and financing, grid-connected systems and off-grid systems. A chapter on solar thermal systems, based on material from the previous edition, has information on solar heating technologies, passive solar heating and active solar water heating, and two of the appendices have practical information on solar greenhouses and do-it-yourself solar PV systems. Included in the other two appendices are a glossary of terms and f-chart performance tables related to solar water heating. To purchase a hard copy please go to:

Publication EEM-01255

Add Variety to Home-Canned Fish

Add Variety to Home-Canned Fish

This booklet is designed for those who wish to reduce their salt intake or wish to add variety to their home-canned fish. Over two dozen variations are listed, and each suggestion has been field tested by Master Volunteers in food preservation.

Publication FNH-00224

Aging in Place in Alaska

Aging in Place in Alaska

YouTube video. Providing housing that allows Alaskans to "age in place" is a challenge for all of us. This 20-minute video shows how you can modify your home so that you or your loved ones can live independently for as long as possible. With an emphasis on entrances and bathrooms, it shows how to use universal design concepts such as using contrasting colors and textured, non-slip surfaces, lowering the rise for steps and ramps, providing handrails and grab bars, widening doors and more.

Publication HCM-00102

Agriculture Loans for Alaska Farmers

Agriculture Loans for Alaska Farmers

Available online only. Borrowing can determine the success or failure of a business. This bulletin contains information on sources of financing for agricultural producers in Alaska. It lists and describes the various lending programs available in Alaska, including their purpose, borrower eligibility requirements, loan types, loan terms and contact information.

Publication ABM-00240

Airlayer to Renew Indoor Plants

Airlayer to Renew Indoor Plants

This simple guide tells how to propagate plants by airlayering. Airlayering is a propagation technique that works well on most houseplants. It is used to generate roots on the stem or trunk; the plant is then cut below the new roots, resulting in two plants.

Publication HGA-00135

Alaska Blueberries

Alaska Blueberries

An Alaska favorite, blueberries are a rich source of antioxidants and a great addition to many recipes. Included in this publication are sections on nutrition and health, selection, cleaning and storage, juice extraction, preparation and recipes for fruit leather, jams and jellies. This guide is a complete and practical resource for any berry enthusiast.

Publication FNH-00111

Alaska Invasives ID Application

Alaska Invasives ID Application

Outside resource. Available for both Apple and Android Devices. If you are concerned about the presence of invasive weeds on your property or in your area, this free app is for you. The Alaska Weed Identification app helps you identify invasive weeds and send a report with a photo to a database that is available to pest management experts and public land managers. The app provides photographs, descriptions of weeds by type or region and management practices.

Publication HGA-10001

Alaska Kids' Healthy Harvest Cookbook

Alaska Kids' Healthy Harvest Cookbook

Teens and adults are more likely to eat a vegetable if they have a positive memory about eating it as a child. This cookbook has recipes that make vegetables fun to eat. You can use it to make a family dinner or to cook for a healthy harvest festival at school. There are recipes for salmon, venison, potatoes, kale, carrots and zucchini.

Publication FNH-00557

Alaska Mittens: A Collection of Patterns for All Ages

Alaska Mittens: A Collection of Patterns for All Ages

Paid publication. Outside resource. This booklet includes five different mitten patterns in children's and adult sizes. In addition to clear, concise and straightforward directions, there is information on choosing and preparing fabrics, trimming mittens, general construction techniques, and working with skins and recycled knits.

Publication CCM-00077

Alaska’s Changing Landscape and Well Water Arsenic Presence, Testing and Mitigation

Alaska’s Changing Landscape and Well Water Arsenic Presence, Testing and Mitigation

Arsenic is found in many areas around Alaska and can be a health hazard when it turns up in well water. This publication discusses the properties of the mineral, how to determine if there's arsenic in your water and you can reduce your exposure.

Publication HCM-04951

Allowable Loads for Round Timber Poles

Allowable Loads for Round Timber Poles

Available online only. Builders will appreciate this publication about calculating and understanding the allowable loads for round timbers based on wood type. It includes the allowable load, allowable shear, allowable bending and modulus of elasticity for four different types of Alaska woods: birch, cottonwood, Alaska hemlock and Alaska spruce.

Publication HCM-00752

Amber-marked Birch Leaf Miner

Amber-marked Birch Leaf Miner

Outside resource. This brochure describes the life history and life stages of the amber-marked birch leaf miner and presents homeowners with guidelines for minimizing damage to ornamental and native birch.

Publication R10-TP-114

American Red Raspberry

American Red Raspberry

Wild raspberries grow throughout most of Alaska and are valued for their intense, sweet-tart flavor. They can be eaten fresh, frozen or canned, made into sauces, jellies and jam and used in baked goods. The dried raspberry leaf is used for herbal tea, either alone or in combination with other herbs. This publication provides nutritional information for raspberries as well as instructions for cleaning and storing, freezing, drying, extracting juicing and preparing puree. In addition, there are recipes for jams and jellies, fruit leather, raspberry crisp and raspberry crumb cake.

Publication FNH-00116

An Alaska Gardener's Fall & Winter To-Do List

An Alaska Gardener's Fall & Winter To-Do List

You've harvested your produce and stored it for the winter—now what? This publication provides a list of things that need to be done to prepare your garden for the winter and offers tips on how to best accomplish those tasks. There is information on removing and composting crop residues, mulching, storing garden equipment, making frost covers, storing seeds and more. Once you've put your garden to bed, there is a checklist of winter activities with information and ideas for planning next season's garden.

Publication HGA-00429

Animal Manure as Fertilizer

Animal Manure as Fertilizer

This publication has tips for using and handling animal manure as well as tables showing the composition of manure and other waste materials and micronutrients in manure from horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry.

Publication LPM-00340

Assembling a Can Sealer

Assembling a Can Sealer

This publication is a step-by-step guidebook for the assembly and preparation of a can sealer. The identification of all sealer parts is clearly presented, and easy-to-understand instructions include photographs illustrating the procedure.

Publication FNH-00022

Attractive & Safe Food Preservation Exhibits

Attractive & Safe Food Preservation Exhibits

This publication has tips for creating attractive and safe canned food exhibits. There are sections on fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, pickles, relishes and more, with information on what judges look for and sample scorecards.

Publication FNH-00261

Backyard Birch Tapping & Syrup Basics

Backyard Birch Tapping & Syrup Basics

This publication has everything you need to know to start collecting and processing birch sap for syrup. There is information on when to collect sap and how to choose the right-size trees, insert taps (spiles), collect and store the sap, and process the sap into syrup. There are numerous photographs as well as information on nutrients in birch sap.

Publication FNH-00150

Bacterial Ring Rot in Alaska Potato Crops

Bacterial Ring Rot in Alaska Potato Crops

Bacterial ring rot is a very serious disease of potatoes that occurs throughout the United States, including Alaska. Because there is no known pesticide to control bacterial ring rot, the disease is managed through proper sanitation, the use of clean certified seed and constant vigilance. This publication describes the symptoms of bacterial ring rot and measures to take to make sure your potatoes remain disease-free. There are pictures to help with diagnosis and a list of disinfectants suitable for use in Alaska. This is a valuable resource for anyone growing potatoes in Alaska.

Publication PMC-00340

Barley Recipes

Barley Recipes

If you're looking for new ways to use whole barley and barley flour, this publication is for you. There are 12 research-based recipes for everything from barley brownies and pancakes to barley carrot cake to beef barley soup for the slow cooker. Recipes are easy to follow and offer variations. Although you can use any kind of barley for these recipes, you might want to try Alaska-grown barley, which is now available in select stores.

Publication FNH-00413

Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs

In recent years there has been a nationwide resurgence of bedbug infestations, and Alaska has not been immune to this trend. If you think you might have bedbugs, this publication will tell you how and where to look for them and what to do if you find out you have an infestation. There are also useful tips on how to avoid bringing bedbugs into your home as well as photos to help you identify them.

Publication PMC-00201

Beekeeping in Alaska

Beekeeping in Alaska

This publication is a comprehensive manual for those interested in keeping and raising bees in Alaska. It provides information on feeding practices, hive maintenance, timetables and important supplies. Also included are diagrams to help with hive construction and a list of additional references.

Publication ABM-00230



One in a series of fact sheets, this resource covers nutrition and health considerations, selection, storage, preparation and a number of recipes exclusively for beets. Useful as a quick reference or an educational tool, this guide is an intelligent way to get the most out of your food.

Publication FNH-00561A

Beneficial Arthropods of Alaska: Natural Enemies

Beneficial Arthropods of Alaska: Natural Enemies

Available online only. This guide provides information on identification and habits of dozens of insects, spiders and arthropods in Alaska environments. Color photos and graphics help with identification.

Publication PMC-10075

Best Management Practices: Controlling the Spread of Invasive Plants During Road Maintenance

Best Management Practices: Controlling the Spread of Invasive Plants During Road Maintenance

This publication outlines best management practices (BMPs) for people who perform routine maintenance activities on roads, trails, railways and utility corridors. BMPs include cleaning vehicles and equipment regularly, revegetating with native, local and/or noninvasive plant species, avoiding infested areas, using certified weed-free materials and more. There is information on various species of invasive plants in Alaska as well as instructions for using the Alaska Exotic Plant Information Clearinghouse to report invasive plants. While this booklet is useful for the general public, it is a must-have for road maintenance employees.

Publication PMC-00342

Birch Aphid

Birch Aphid

Available online only. Outside resource. This color pamphlet explains the life history of green aphids and the harms they can cause to tree health. Recommendations are given on how to manage low, moderate and high levels of birch aphid damage.

Publication PMC-10063

Birch Leaf Roller

Birch Leaf Roller

Outside resource. Birch leaf rollers are a recurrent problem throughout Southeast and Interior Alaska. The most common effects of leaf roller infestations are a temporary reduction in tree growth and occasional branch dieback. This brochure provides homeowners with a description of leaf roller life history as well as guidelines to help reduce damage caused by leaf rollers.

Publication R10-TP-8

Birding Tourism for Western Alaska

Birding Tourism for Western Alaska

Available online only. This publication provides information on birding tourism and what it can bring to your community. It includes information on how you can participate in bird-related tourism, important considerations to keep in mind and resources to help you get started.

Publication CRD-00016

Botulism: A Deadly Food Poisoning

Botulism: A Deadly Food Poisoning

This simple guide educates youths and adolescents about the dangers of botulism. With extensive illustrations, it provides information on botulism risks and symptoms as well as proper food storage and other methods of botulism prevention. Botulism can kill—know the risks in order to protect yourself and others.

Publication FNH-00268



One in a series of fact sheets, this resource covers nutrition and health considerations, selection, storage, preparation and a number of recipes exclusively for broccoli. Useful as a quick reference or an educational tool, this guide is an intelligent way to get the most out of your food.

Publication FNH-00561B

Broiler Production

Broiler Production

Of all the livestock produced in Alaska, broilers or fryers require the least amount of equipment and time for the meat produced. If you are interested in raising poultry for home use, this publication will get you started, with information on feeding, housing, equipment and more.

Publication LPM-00341

Building Challenges in Alaska

Building Challenges in Alaska

This publication looks at things to consider with working with foundations, floors, walls, ceilings, insulation, vapor barriers, ventiliation, windows, doors, storage spaces, electrical wiring, space heaters, chimneys, heating, septic tanks and more.

Publication HCM-00952

Bullwhip Kelp

Bullwhip Kelp

For coastal dwellers, kelp can provide a nutritious addition to the diet. Relatively high in protein and certain minerals, it is also low in fat and a good source of fiber. This publication explains how to harvest, clean and store bullwhip kelp. It also has suggestions on how to use kelp, including several recipes.

Publication FNH-00131



One in a series of fact sheets, this resource covers nutrition and health considerations, selection, storage, preparation and a number of recipes exclusively for cabbage. Useful as a quick reference or an educational tool, this guide is an intelligent way to get the most out of your food.

Publication FNH-00561C

Calculating Appliance Energy Costs in Alaska

Calculating Appliance Energy Costs in Alaska

By paying more attention to your household appliance usage, you can conserve energy and save money. This publication provides a simple formula for estimating the amount of energy used by each appliance in your home.

Publication EEM-00251

Canning Acidic Foods: Fruits

Canning Acidic Foods: Fruits

It shows you how to can acidic fruits, such as berries, strawberries and apples, using either a hot-pack or a raw-pack method. It includes recipes for syrup, as well as tables explaining which method works best for each fruit.

Publication FNH-00710

Canning Basics

Canning Basics

YouTube video. Provides a thorough overview of the basic canning and preserving process. The program reviews boiling water canner basics and pressure canner basics, including preparation, equipment, processes, cooling, storage and safety concerns associated with these methods. Makes a great resource for mastering home food preservation.

Publication FNH-01280

Canning Caribou, Deer & Moose

Canning Caribou, Deer & Moose

This guide details the preparation, preservation and use of canned moose and caribou. Information includes how to prepare the meat, jars and canner, jar processing, testing the seal, using canned meat and sample recipes.

Publication FNH-00226

Canning Fish in Cans

Canning Fish in Cans

This publication has everything you need to know about canning fish. Various sections describe what materials and ingredients to have ready, the proper step-by-step canning process and additional useful resources. Whether you are a novice or a pro, this useful guide will keep you get organized.

Publication FNH-00125

Canning Fish in Quart Jars

Canning Fish in Quart Jars

This detailed guide covers the necessary materials and practices for canning fish in quart jars. Sections include fish handling and preparation, equipment, packing, processing, safety and storage. Whether you are a novice or a pro, this guide will keep you organized.

Publication FNH-00126

Canning Low-Acid Foods: Legumes

Canning Low-Acid Foods: Legumes

Legumes, such as beans, lentils and peas, have been a food staple for thousands of years. This publication shows you how to use a pressure canner to preserve legumes using hot pack and raw pack methods.

Publication FNH-00720

Canning Low-Acid Foods: Meat and Poultry in Jars

Canning Low-Acid Foods: Meat and Poultry in Jars

This publication details the preparation and preservation of meat and poultry in jars. It includes information on meat preparation, using a pressure canner, using the meat after processing and sample recipes.

Publication FNH-00721

Canning Low-Acid Foods: Vegetables

Canning Low-Acid Foods: Vegetables

Canning vegetables is an ideal way of keeping summer flavors in your pantry. This publication explains how to choose and prepare vegetables for canning and provides instructions for using a pressure canner. It provides tips for getting the best flavor, as well as recipes.

Publication FNH-00722

Canning Meat and Fish in Cans

Canning Meat and Fish in Cans

YouTube video. This provides a thorough overview of the basic canning and preserving process for meat and fish in cans. The program reviews canning game meat in cans, canning fish in cans as well as the process of assembling a can sealer. Further described are the equipment, preparations, packing, canning, cooling and storage associated with the preservation methods as well as the preparation, materials, maintenance and process associated with the assembly of a can sealer. This makes a great resource for mastering home food preservation.

Publication FNH-01282

Canning Meat and Fish in Jars

Canning Meat and Fish in Jars

YouTube video. This provides a thorough overview of the basic canning and preserving process for meat and fish. There are instructions for canning game meat in cans and canning fish in cans and assembling a can sealer. There is also information on equipment, materials, packing, canning, cooling and storage. This makes a great resource for mastering home food preservation.

Publication FNH-01281

Canning Meat in Cans

Canning Meat in Cans

This detailed pamphlet covers all necessary materials and practices for canning meat. Sections describe what materials and ingredients to have ready, the proper step-by-step canning process and additional useful resources. Whether you are a novice or a pro, this guide will keep you get organized.

Publication FNH-00227

Canning Overview

Canning Overview

This publication offers an overview of the two research-based canning methods, boiling water and pressure, used to safely preserve a wide range of foods. It includes tips for preparing the food and basic steps for each canning method.

Publication FNH-00705

Canning Smoked Fish in Cans

Canning Smoked Fish in Cans

This publication provides step-by-step instructions for canning smoked fish. Information includes the ingredients and equipment you should have on hand and well as a list of related publications. Whether you are a novice or a pro, this guide will keep you organized.

Publication FNH-00129

Canning the Fish Catch

Canning the Fish Catch

This detailed guide covers the necessary materials and practices for canning fish. Sections describe fish handling and preparation, equipment, packing, processing, safety and storage. Whether you are a novice or a pro, this guide will keep you organized.

Publication FNH-00128

Canning Tomatoes & Tomato Products

Canning Tomatoes & Tomato Products

There's nothing like homegrown tomatoes in the pantry, and this publication will guide you through the process of safely canning your tomatoes for future use. There is general canning information as well as step-by-step instructions for processing tomatoes in either a water bath canner or a pressure canner. In addition, there are recipes for canning crushed tomatoes, stewed tomatoes, salsa and spaghetti sauce.

Publication FNH-00171

Canning Walrus in Pint Jars

Canning Walrus in Pint Jars

The publication provides guidance and detailed directions on canning walrus safely for long-term storage. Recipes for brines and marinades also are included.

Publication FNH-00124

Carbon Monoxide: A Silent Killer

Carbon Monoxide: A Silent Killer

This guide focuses on promoting awareness of carbon monoxide poisoning. It covers what carbon monoxide is, where it comes from and how to protect yourself. There is information on symptoms, proper CO detection and protection techniques.

Publication RAD-00756

Carpenter Ants in Alaska

Carpenter Ants in Alaska

Publication PMC-10061



One in a series of fact sheets, this resource covers nutrition and health considerations, selection, storage, preparation and a number of recipes exclusively for carrots. Useful as a quick reference or an educational tool, this guide is an intelligent way to get the most out of your food

Publication FNH-00561D

Caulks and Sealants Factsheet

Caulks and Sealants Factsheet

This publication provides information on caulks and sealants for both interior and exterior use. There are tips on where to caulk, caulking materials, sealants for vapor retarders, air barriers and moisture, and how to prepare the area to be sealed and apply the caulking.

Publication EEM-01252

Celebrate Arbor Day: A Guide for Schools

Celebrate Arbor Day: A Guide for Schools

This publication looks at the history of Arbor Day and provides suggestions for how to celebrate Arbor Day in schools. There is information about the history of Arbor day, tree facts and ideas for incorporating Arbor Day into school-wide activities and school subjects such as science, math, art, social studies, English and more. This publication is a useful resource for introducing Arbor Day to students in any grade, from kindergarten on, in any school system.

Publication FWM-10065



One in a series of fact sheets, this resource covers nutrition and health considerations, selection, storage, preparation and a number of recipes exclusively for chard. Useful as a quick reference or an educational tool, this guide is an intelligent way to get the most out of your food.

Publication FNH-00561M

Checklist for Acidified Foods Produced for Commercial Sale

Checklist for Acidified Foods Produced for Commercial Sale

Commercial production of acidified foods (low-acid foods to which acids or acid foods have been added) must comply with strict government regulations unless operating under the Alaska Cottage Foods Exemptions. This checklist is meant to help small-scale food processors make sure they are following those regulations.

Publication FNH-00602

Checklist for Starting a Small Food Processing Business

Checklist for Starting a Small Food Processing Business

Commercial production of acidified foods (low-acid foods to which acids or acid foods have been added) must comply with strict government regulations unless operating under the Alaska Cottage Foods Exemptions. This checklist is meant to help small-scale food processors make sure they are following those regulations.

Publication FNH-00601



The berries of the ornamental tree Prunus virginiana can be gathered in the fall and are a rich source of dietary fiber and vitamin K as well as a good source of manganese, potassium and vitamin B. This practical resource has information on nutrition, cleaning, storage, drying, juice extraction, freezing and canning as well as recipes for syrup, jelly, drinks, vinegar and butter.

Publication FNH-00113

Choosing Healthy Snacks for Children

Choosing Healthy Snacks for Children

Since snacks may provide a large portion of a child's daily calorie intake, it's important to make smart, healthful choices. This publication offers suggestions for healthy snacks that incorporate all of the basic food groups, including grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat and beans.

Publication FNH-00558



Cloudberries grow almost exclusively in circumpolar regions and they are highly prized in cultures and cuisines throughout Scandinavia, Russia, Canada and western Alaska. They are an excellent source of vitamin C and contain a number of antioxidant plant compounds. This publication provides information on harvesting, storing and preserving cloudberries as well as recipes for jam, jelly, fruit leather and syrup.

Publication FNH-00108



Cockroaches can contaminate food, cause disease and produce allergens that may cause asthma and other long-term health issues. This publication outlines how to control cockroaches with a coordinated, planned approach called integrated pest management (IPM), which involves monitoring the pest population and implementing control strategies such as prevention, sanitation, trapping, environmental modification and the use of chemicals.

Publication PMC-10071

Cold Storage

Cold Storage

YouTube video. This demonstrates how to preserve fruits and vegetables by freezing or by storing in root cellars. You'll learn about the different types of root cellars as well as techniques for storing various types of produce.

Publication FNH-01286

Collecting and Using Alaska's Wild Berries

Collecting and Using Alaska's Wild Berries

YouTube video. This will help you learn to identify the many species of edible Alaska wild berries and show you how to avoid poisonous species. You'll also learn to identify habitats where your favorite berries grow and, once you've picked them, how to clean, freeze and can them for storage.

Publication FNH-01283

Collecting Feed Samples for Testing

Collecting Feed Samples for Testing

This publication details feed tests and how to perform them. Instructions include techniques on sampling silage, hay, pellets or cubes, grain and pastures. Efficient feeding of all livestock requires a feed testing program, and this guide is a great start to achieving that efficiency.

Publication FGV-00243

Collecting, Preserving & Using Morel Mushrooms

Collecting, Preserving & Using Morel Mushrooms

This 4-page guide has information on storing, preserving and preparing morel mushrooms as well as tips on finding, identifying and harvesting morels. There are several recipes for cooking with morels as well as instructions for freezing, drying and reconstituting dried mushrooms. A reference list includes publications and websites with additional information on wild mushrooms.

Publication FNH-00020

Composting in Alaska

Composting in Alaska

This 12-page publication outlines everything you need to know to compost successfully in Alaska. Learn the difference between hot and cold composting, how to build and manage a compost pile, and how to use feedstocks and bulking agents. You'll also find a variety of compost recipes, including using spent grains, ideas for composting structures and a list of useful tools and frequently asked questions.

Publication HGA-01027

Composting with Worms

Composting with Worms

This publication tells how to create compost at home with little more than a container, earthworms and household waste. There is detailed information on properly preparing and maintaining a worm box, what sort of waste to add or avoid adding, monitoring moisture levels, feeding, harvesting the castings and more. A section on troubleshooting deals with overfeeding, insect pests and air circulation.

Publication HGA-01020

Considering Remote Energy for Your Cabin or Camp

Considering Remote Energy for Your Cabin or Camp

Before you invest in an energy technology for your off-grid cabin or camp, it is important to consider a number of factors. This publication provides helpful tips on how to develop a plan to make your remote site more comfortable and efficient by considering your current fuel sources, your appliances (how much energy they use and how you could make them more energy efficient) and your available natural resources.

Publication EEM-00100

Contaminants in Alaska’s Water Resources

Contaminants in Alaska’s Water Resources

This publication explains how contaminants can move into groundwater, which is used in 80 percent of Alaska's public water systems, and provides a list of things to do to protect water resources from contaminants. There is also information about radon, arsenic and nitrate, all naturally occurring contaminants, and a list of helpful resources.

Publication GWQ-00552

Control Strategies for Late Blight in the Alaska Potato Crop

Control Strategies for Late Blight in the Alaska Potato Crop

Available online only. Late blight is a devastating disease of both potatoes and tomatoes. This publication provides tips on prevention, control and management of late blight.

Publication PMC-00339

Controlling the Greenhouse Environment

Controlling the Greenhouse Environment

The greenhouse is an opportunity for Alaskan gardeners and commercial producers to combine optimal temperature, light and humidity conditions with proper watering, fertilization and management to produce top-quality plants. This publication provides information on topics such as heater selection, temperature and humidity control systems, and lighting. Tables and diagrams offer addtional details and information.

Publication HGA-00336

Converting Dial Steam Pressure Gauge Pressure Canners to Weighted Gauge Canners

Converting Dial Steam Pressure Gauge Pressure Canners to Weighted Gauge Canners

Pressure canners are necessary to safely process low acid foods. However, it is important to check dial steam gauges tested annually. If that's not possible, this publication has instructions on switching a dial gauge to a weighted gauge.

Publication FNH-00603

Cooking Dried Beans, Peas and Lentils

Cooking Dried Beans, Peas and Lentils

This 20-page booklet has almost everything you need to know about preparing dried beans, peas and lentils. Along with nutritional information, there is information on cooking times and techniques and a wide variety of recipes for all different types of legumes.

Publication FNH-00360



One in a series of fact sheets, this resource covers nutrition and health considerations, selection, storage, preparation and a number of recipes exclusively for corn. Useful as a quick reference or an educational tool, this guide is an intelligent way to get the most out of your food.

Publication FNH-00561E



While crabapple trees in Alaska may be best known for their beautiful, fragrant blossoms in the spring, they also produce flavorful, pleasantly tart fruit. This publication provides nutritional information for crabapples and gives instructions for harvesting, cleaning and storing fresh crabapples, extracting juice and freezing whole crabapples. There are also recipes for making syrup, fruit leather, jelly, crabapple butter, spiced crabapples and muffins.

Publication FNH-00109



Crowberries have been an important part of Native Alaskan diets for centuries and are gaining in popularity as people realize their high nutritional value. An excellent source of fiber and antioxidants, crowberries are found in most parts of Alaska. This publication tells when to pick crowberries for maximum sweetness and how to clean and store fresh berries, extract juice and freeze them for long-term storage. In addition to general instructions for canning, there are recipes for syrup, jelly and several types of pie.

Publication FNH-00117



Currants are a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin C and fiber and can be used in a variety of ways, including jams and jellies, syrup and fruit leather. This publication describes the various types of currants found in Alaska and provides information on range, habitat and edibility. There is also information on how to clean and store fresh currants and directions for freezing and drying berries and preparing puree and juice.

Publication FNH-00115

Dealing with Grief from the Loss of Your Pet

Dealing with Grief from the Loss of Your Pet

Dealing with the loss of a pet can be difficult for the whole family. This publication will help you transition through the process of grieving for your animal.

Publication LPM-00149

Don't Plant a Problem: Invasive Garden Species

Don't Plant a Problem: Invasive Garden Species

This thorough booklet provides a list of plants that Alaska gardeners should avoid, including plant species designated as invasive. It provides color photos and extensive descriptions of these plants as well as a list of options that Alaska gardeners have when it comes to controlling invasive plant species.

Publication FGV-00146

Drip Irrigation for Alaska Gardens

Drip Irrigation for Alaska Gardens

Trickle, or drip, irrigation is a method of slowly applying small amounts of water to the root zone of plants. This guide details the advantages and disadvantages of such a system, as well as the components that go into creating one. Also included are sections on choosing a water source, fertilizer injection, plastic mulch and potential challenges.

Publication FGV-00648

Dry Cabins

Dry Cabins

Dry cabins are a popular living arrangement in Alaska. This publication details some of the designs and considerations that go into living in a dry cabin, including water, ventilation and bathroom options.

Publication HCM-00103

Drying Foods

Drying Foods

YouTube video. This provides a step-by-step guide to drying your own foods. Included are comprehensive instructions for drying fruits, vegetables and herbs and making fruit leather.

Publication FNH-01285

Drying Fruits & Vegetables

Drying Fruits & Vegetables

Drying food is one of the simplest methods of preserving fruits and vegetables. This publication discusses various methods used to dry food, which foods are best suited to drying, how to prepare them, test if they’re done and best ways of storing dried foods.

Publication FNH-00745

Edible Flowers for the Garden & Table

Edible Flowers for the Garden & Table

This publication provides tips on determining which flowers are edible and how to care for and use them. There is also specific information on common edible flowers in Alaska along with selected recipes.

Publication HGA-00137

Emergency Preparedness for Alaskans: Wildfires

Emergency Preparedness for Alaskans: Wildfires

In Alaska, the number and severity of wildfires has increased over the past 50 years and this trend is likely to continue. This publication tells how to protect your home and family, with tips on creating a defensible space around your home, using fire-resistant materials for roofing and siding, maintaining an outdoor water source, making an evacuation plan and putting together an emergency supply kit. There is also a list of useful resources for additional information.

Publication SAL-00202

Emergency Preparedness for Alaskans: Wind Events

Emergency Preparedness for Alaskans: Wind Events

Climate is becoming more unpredictable and extreme wind events are occurring more frequently in Alaska. This publication explains the dangers that high winds pose and lists steps to take to reduce property losses and protect yourself in the event of high wind conditions. There are also additional resources listed for more information about storms, wind events and other emergencies.

Publication SAL-00200

Emergency Supply Checklists for Alaskans

Emergency Supply Checklists for Alaskans

This publication lists the supplies you will need to add to your safety and comfort during and after any natural disaster.

Publication SAL-00007

Emergency Water Supply

Emergency Water Supply

One of the most important elements in an emergency or disaster, including a prolonged electrical outage, is water. This publication details how much water should be set aside for people and pets in an emergency, various storage options and possible sources of clean water. If clean water is unavailable, learn different ways to disinfect water and protect your health.

Publication SAL-00006

Engraver Beetle in Alaskan Forests

Engraver Beetle in Alaskan Forests

Available online only. Outside resource. This pamphlet contains a thorough description of the engraver beetle as it pertains to Alaska environments. With information of the characteristics of a beetle attack, the insect's life history and guidelines for reducing engraver beetle attacks, this guide is a useful resource for understanding Alaska pests and reducing future damages.

Publication PMC-01060

Eriophyid Mites

Eriophyid Mites

Available online only. Outside resource. This pamphlet contains a thorough description of the eriophyid mite as it pertains to Alaska environments. With information on the characteristics of an infestation, the insect's life history and guidelines for reducing damage from eriophyid mites, this guide is a useful resource for understanding Alaska pests and reducing future damages.

Publication PMC-01066

Establishing and Maintaining a Lawn in Southcentral and Interior Alaska

Establishing and Maintaining a Lawn in Southcentral and Interior Alaska

Establishing and maintaining a healthy lawn is one of the least expensive things you can do to improve the value of your home. A healthy lawn that is correctly managed can also be environmentally beneficial. This publication has everything you need to know to create a beautiful new lawn or maintain your existing lawn. There is information that will help you choose the grass variety that's right for your location and properly prepare your site for planting. You'll also find helpful tips on watering, mowing, fertilizing, weed control, aeration, thatch removal and disease prevention.

Publication HGA-00045

Establishing and Maintaining a Lawn in Southeast Alaska

Establishing and Maintaining a Lawn in Southeast Alaska

Lawns are not only attractive, they can also help with dust and mud management, act as a noise buffer, keep water from collecting next to a house and more. This publication has everything you need to know, whether you are planting a new lawn or simply taking care of an existing lawn.You'll find information on preparing the site, adding topsoil, choosing grass seed and fertilizers, watering, aerating, mulching, fertilizing and more.

Publication HGA-00046

Factors Affecting Cold Hardiness Development

Factors Affecting Cold Hardiness Development

This publication summarizes research on winter survival in Alaska of perennial plants from more southern locations. It includes a brief outline of environmental conditions and associated stresses that affect plants, the importance of latitude of origin, plant mechanisms for surviving winter stresses and how management can influence survival.

Publication FGV-00143

Factors to Consider in Selecting a Soil Testing Laboratory

Factors to Consider in Selecting a Soil Testing Laboratory

This factsheet provides guidelines for selecting which tests to use and finding soil testing laboratories that perform those tests. Laboratory contact information is included.

Publication FGV-00045

Field Crop Fertilizer Recommendations for Alaska Vegetables

Field Crop Fertilizer Recommendations for Alaska Vegetables

This guide covers effective fertilizing practices for many vegetables commonly grown in Alaska. The recommendations in this publication are general in nature and should apply regardless of the cultural practices used in vegetable production. Included is data and tables for dozens of crops, making informed fertilizing decisions easy.

Publication FGV-00643

Field Crop Fertilizer Recommendations For Alaska: Fertilizer Nutrient Sources And Lime

Field Crop Fertilizer Recommendations For Alaska: Fertilizer Nutrient Sources And Lime

Available online only. The information in this guide includes facts about fertilizer, how to use lime and a table listing the primary and secondary nutrient sources of various fertilizers. This publication is a necessary tool for making decisions when it comes to fertilizing field crops.

Publication FGV-00348

Field Crop Fertilizer Recommendations for Alaska: Potatoes

Field Crop Fertilizer Recommendations for Alaska: Potatoes

The fertilizer recommendations in this guide are based on optimal management of factors that the potato grower can control, such as variety, seed quality, size and moisture. There are sections on soil acidity, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, secondary micronutrients and plant and tissue sampling. The recommendations in this guide should result in maximum tuber production permitted by environmental conditions in Alaska.

Publication FGV-00246A



Have you ever wondered if fireweed is edible? It is, and this publication has information on how to preserve and use the shoots, buds and blossoms of this beautiful perennial plant. You'll learn how to clean, store and dry fireweed, as well as how to extract juice. You'll also find recipes for fireweed vinegar, honey, jelly and scones.

Publication FNH-00106

Firewise Alaska

Firewise Alaska

Available Online Only. Outside resource. The “Firewise Alaska” publication developed by the Alaska Wildland Fire Coordinating Group. The free reference guide includes information on how to protect your home and property from wildland fire. It includes recommendations on landscaping, tools to have on hand, emergency water supplies, creating emergency access and more. This publication is made available by Extension’s RREA Program.

Publication FWM-00120

Flavored Vinegars

Flavored Vinegars

Flavored vinegars can add variety to your family's meals, and all you need to make them are vinegar, herbs, juices, fruit, spices and sugar. This publication describes the basic process, necessary equipment, storage information and different types of vinegar to use. There are also recipes for herbal vinegar, raspberry vinegar, blueberry vinegar and more.

Publication FNH-00010

Foundation Retrofit and Rehabilitation

Foundation Retrofit and Rehabilitation

This bulletin gives an overview of the various methods that can be used to improve older building foundations and retrofit building foundations. It also gives information about common damage to foundations and basement walls. Clear diagrams make the information accessible and easy to use.

Publication HCM-01555



This guide is invaluable for anyone interested in freezing as a food preservation technique. Detailed sections include freezing basics, equipment, containers, blanching, thawing, sweeteners and syrups and refreezing. Included are several helpful tables on storage times, syrups and foods that do not freeze well.

Publication FNH-00740

Fruit Leather

Fruit Leather

Fruit leather is a nutritious snack, high in fiber and carbohydrates and low in fat. This guide tells how to make your own fruit leather from a variety of fruits and berries, including Alaska wild berries. There are instructions for making the puree and drying it in either a food dehydrator or the oven as well as storage tips and recipes.

Publication FNH-00228

Fruit Spreads: Butter, Honey, Sauce, Syrup

Fruit Spreads: Butter, Honey, Sauce, Syrup

Fruit spreads, such as butter, sauces and syrup made with fruit, add flavor and color to meals and snacks. This publication will show you the steps to make and process spreads based on the type of fruit and cooking method.

Publication FNH-00732

Gall Aphids and Woolly Aphids on Spruce and Hemlock

Gall Aphids and Woolly Aphids on Spruce and Hemlock

Available online only. Outside resource. This pamphlet contains thorough descriptions of the gall and wooly aphids as they pertain to Alaska environments. With information on the characteristics of an infestation, the insect's life history and guidelines for reducing damage from gall and wooly aphids, this guide is a useful resource for understanding Alaska pests and reducing future damages.

Publication PMC-10062

Gardening in Southeastern Alaska

Gardening in Southeastern Alaska

This guide highlights many of the most reliable gardening techniques used in Southeastern Alaska. It includes tips on individual vegetables, preparing the gardening site, growing conditions, bed construction, pests and weeds.

Publication HGA-00237

Generator selection, sizing and operation

Generator selection, sizing and operation

Many Alaskans rely on generators to power their homes. This publication discusses how to choose the correct generator for your needs and how to operate it safely.

Publication SAL-00400

Glossary of Forestry Terms

Glossary of Forestry Terms

Available online only. This publication provides a comprehensive list of forestry terminology to help the general public understand terms often found in forest management plans, aiding their understanding of forestry practices and management.

Publication FWM-00121

Goats in Alaska

Goats in Alaska

Although relatively easy to care for, goats do have certain needs. To successfully raise goats, you will need to consider breeds, economics, facilities and equipment, nutrition, and health concerns. This is a great publication to help you get started.

Publication LPM-00747



Gooseberries thrive in Alaska's cool climate and are easy to grow. This publication has information on plant care, cleaning, storage, drying, freezing and juice extraction as well as recipes for jelly, jam, relish and pie. This guide is a complete and practical resource for any berry enthusiast.

Publication FNH-00121

Green Potatoes: Causes and Concerns

Green Potatoes: Causes and Concerns

This publication describes the causes and hazards of potato greening, with suggestions for reducing the factors that lead to potato greening. This is useful information for the grower and consumer alike.

Publication FGV-00337

Greenhouses for Home Gardeners in Alaska

Greenhouses for Home Gardeners in Alaska

This publication gives a basic overview of greenhouse structures and related equipment. Included are the numerous pros and cons of various greenhouse designs, styles, sites, materials, utilities, benches, watering systems, ventilation systems, heating strategies and more. Whether you're planning on building a new greenhouse or optimizing an existing one, this guide is an invaluable resource for any greenhouse grower.

Publication HGA-00337

Grow and Tell

Grow and Tell

Outside resource. Available in for both Apple and Android devices. Do you want to know which vegetables grow best in your area? Now you can find out with the Grow&Tell app. With this app, gardeners and farmers can rate varieties in terms of taste, yield and how easy they are to grow and also record other information about the variety. All of this data is then shared and available to other gardeners who use the app. You can even download your crop information from the Grow&Tell website as an easy way to keep a personal garden journal.

Publication HGA-10002

Growing and Overwintering Fuchsia, Geranium, Dahlia and Tuberous Begonia

Growing and Overwintering Fuchsia, Geranium, Dahlia and Tuberous Begonia

Special care and an indoor site are required to overwinter fuchsia, geraniums, dahlias and tuberous begonias in Alaska. This publication has the necessary information on overwintering these plants, including proper techniques and temperatures.

Publication HGA-00333

Growing Beets in the Alaska Garden

Growing Beets in the Alaska Garden

This publication includes useful information about soil cultivation and preparation, seeding, transplanting, thinning and storage and lists recommended varieties of beets for different regions of Alaska. Also included are cooking and preparation tips and recipes.

Publication HGA-00041

Growing Carrots in Alaska

Growing Carrots in Alaska

This publication is designed for Alaska gardeners looking to get the most out of their carrot crops. It includes information on carrot types, soil conditions, planting, fertilizer, irrigation, weed control, cultivation, insects, harvesting and more.

Publication HGA-00025

Growing Cover Crops in Alaska

Growing Cover Crops in Alaska

Cover crops feed the soil and protect the ground surface in between cash crop production seasons, or in bare spaces. Learn about the plants that can be grown as cover crops, their advantages and disadvantages.

Publication FGV-00250

Growing Cucumbers in Greenhouses

Growing Cucumbers in Greenhouses

This publication has everything you need to know about growing cucumbers in greenhouses. There is information on varieties, seeding, planting, fertilizing, pruning, pollination, disease control and harvesting. This guide will help you grow healthy, successful cucumber crops every year.

Publication HGA-00434

Growing Everbearing Strawberries as Annuals in Alaska

Growing Everbearing Strawberries as Annuals in Alaska

This publication outlines a technique for growing everbearing strawberries in Interior Alaska using clear polyethylene mulch and row covers. It provides detailed instructions, helpful tables and photographs to help you achieve the highest yield possible for your garden.

Publication HGA-00235

Growing Garlic in Alaska

Growing Garlic in Alaska

Why grow garlic? There are lots of reasons. You can grow more flavorful kinds than you find in the store, it is a staple ingredient in most world cuisines and it's good for you. This publication has everything you need to know to successfully grow garlic in Alaska, with information on seed starting, planting time, soil requirements, pests and diseases, harvesting, curing and more. There is also information on garlic varieties and recipes and instructions for cooking with garlic.

Publication HGA-00047

Growing Giant Alaska Cabbages

Growing Giant Alaska Cabbages

Giant cabbages are a staple of Alaska mystique and agriculture history. This publication details how to grow one at home, including choosing the right variety, planting, watering and fertilizing tips, as well as how to make sure you can get your giant cabbage from the garden to a fair display.

Publication HGA-00049

Growing Great Brassicas in Alaska

Growing Great Brassicas in Alaska

Many home and commercial gardeners in Alaska appreciate brassicas for their excellent nutritional value and because they grow well in the cool, long days of our short summer season. Brassicas include cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, rutabagas, kohlrabi, kale and more. This publication has information on cultivation, diseases and pests, and unusual varieties as well as recipes and a list of recommended varieties for Alaska.

Publication HGA-00048

Growing Potatoes in the Alaska Garden

Growing Potatoes in the Alaska Garden

Potatoes are a great crop for Alaska gardens because they are easy to grow and have a high yield per square foot. This publication includes tips on planting, growing, harvesting and storing potatoes as well as suggestions for cooking and preparing them.

Publication HGA-00027

Growing Rhubarb in the Alaska Garden

Growing Rhubarb in the Alaska Garden

Rhubarb is one of the most popular cultivated plants in Alaska, and this publication has everything you need to know about growing rhubarb successfully. Whether you are putting in a rhubarb patch for the first time or hoping to increase productivity of your existing crop, you'll find useful information on propagation, soil enhancement, proper planting techniques, care and harvesting. There is even a section on preparing and cooking rhubarb.

Publication HGA-00042

Growing Tree Fruits in Alaska

Growing Tree Fruits in Alaska

Fruit trees can be grown in Alaska, but would-be growers need to consider a number of factors to be successful. This publication has information on climatic zones, selecting a site, and planting and protecting fruit trees. In addition, there is a comprehensive list of recommended varieties of apple, cherry, plum, apricot and pear trees.

Publication HGA-00038



One in a series of fact sheets, this resource covers nutrition and health considerations, selection, storage, preparation and a number of recipes exclusively for herbs. Useful as a quick reference or an educational tool, this guide is an intelligent way to get the most out of your food.

Publication FNH-00561L

Highbush Cranberries

Highbush Cranberries

Hghbush cranberries grow in most areas of Alaska. They are high in vitamin A and are a rich source of antioxidants. This publication has information on cleaning and storing the berries, juice extraction and canning. There are recipes for jam, jelly, juice, butter and sauce. This guide is a complete and practical resource for any berry enthusiast.

Publication FNH-00112

Home Canning Smoked Fish and Home Smoking Fish for Canning

Home Canning Smoked Fish and Home Smoking Fish for Canning

For longer-term storage, smoked fish must be frozen or canned. This publication has instructions on how to properly smoke and can smoked fish. There are sections on the smoking process, fish preparation, canning equipment and the proper canning procedure.

Publication FNH-00223

Home Electricity Audit

Home Electricity Audit

If you are interested in saving money on your electric bills, this publication is for you. You'll learn which appliances use the most electricity and how you can modify the ways you use them to lower your electric costs. There is information on lighting, water heaters, washers and dryers, space heaters, refrigerators and "phantom power," the power that is used by electronic devices even when they are off. You'll find simple tips such as switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs, putting a timer on your water heater, installing low-flow shower heads and using power strips to turn off several appliances at once, as well as advice on replacing old appliances with new, energy-efficient ones. There is even a checklist to help you with your home audit.

Publication EEM-00254

Home Freezing of Fish

Home Freezing of Fish

Freezing fish is effective only if the product is handled in such a way that its quality is kept near its peak freshness. This publication details the most effective techniques for home freezing fish to preserve quality, with information on proper cleaning, selection, preparation, labeling and thawing.

Publication FNH-00222

Home Freezing of Vegetables

Home Freezing of Vegetables

Freezing is one of the easiest, most convenient and least time-consuming methods of food preservation. This thorough guide has step-by-step instruction for blanching and freezing your own vegetables and lists the necessary equipment and supplies. It includes a blanching chart and photographs.

Publication FNH-00264

Home Laying Flock

Home Laying Flock

This guide is designed for those who choose to produce their own eggs at home using laying flocks. Tips on chick selection, raising, feeding, housing, equipment and other considerations will help reduce egg production costs. From planning to harvesting, this publication will help you reduce your egg production costs.

Publication LPM-00343

Hoop Houses in Alaska: Twenty Questions and Answers to Get You Started

Hoop Houses in Alaska: Twenty Questions and Answers to Get You Started

This publication addresses the most common questions people have when considering whether to build a hoop house. There is information on the sizes and shapes of hoop houses, the cost of building and/or shipping a hoop house, ease of construction, sunlight and heat requirements, advice on what kind of production to expect, and much more.

Publication HGA-00028

Houseplant Pests and Control

Houseplant Pests and Control

This publication is an in-depth guide to diagnosing common problems of indoor plants. There are detailed descriptions of insects pests, molds, mildews, bacterial infections and more along with color photos and tables to help identify pests and diagnose problems. Sections on integrated pest management and pesticides will help you get rid of pests safely.

Publication PMC-10073

How to Cook Alaska Fish

How to Cook Alaska Fish

This Alaska fish cookbook details cooking methods and provides a variety of recipes. There is information on nutrition, purchasing, storage, thawing and cooking methods. Learn how to bake, broil, fry, grill, poach and steam your fish while adding proven Alaska recipes to your collection.

Publication FNH-00127

How To Cut Down a Tree: Safe and Effective Tree Felling, Limbing and Bucking

How To Cut Down a Tree: Safe and Effective Tree Felling, Limbing and Bucking

If you use a chainsaw to cut firewood or manage your woodlot, this publication is for you. It thoroughly outlines everything you need to know to safely and effectively cut timber. There are sections on personal protective equipment, tools and tips for maintaining your chainsaw, selecting a tree and making the cut. Numerous photographs show the parts of a chainsaw, useful equipment, the proper way to fell, limb and buck a tree, and more.

Publication FWM-00200

How to Grow Your Own Holiday Turkey

How to Grow Your Own Holiday Turkey

In Alaska, several varieties of turkey yield excellent meat for home consumption when they are properly fed and managed.This publication has information on selecting a variety, housing, equipment, feeding, watering and more. Also included are simple designs for roosts and feeders.

Publication LPM-00441

How to Make a Trapper Cap - Out of Stock

How to Make a Trapper Cap - Out of Stock

Paid publication. Outside resource. These step-by-step instructions illustrate the right way to make an Alaska Trapper cap. Included are cap and lining patterns for two different styles of cap, as well as suggested fabrics and amounts, and detailed cutting and sewing instructions.

Publication CCM-00073

Identifying Sick Livestock with Dr. Lisa Lunn

Identifying Sick Livestock with Dr. Lisa Lunn

YouTube video. Join University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service veterinarian Dr. Lisa Lunn as she discusses how to identify sick livestock.

Publication LPM-00901

Insects and Diseases of Alaskan Forests

Insects and Diseases of Alaskan Forests

Available online only. Outside resource. This booklet provides information on most of the diseases and pests commonly found in Alaska environments. There are comprehensive sections detailing each disease/insect. You will be hard pressed to find a better resource for general pest and disease identification and prevention.

Publication PMC-10066

Insulating an Existing House

Insulating an Existing House

This practical guide is intended to help the average homeowner improve energy and heating efficiency in an existing home. It includes an extensive checklist to help you decide how best to go about improving the efficiency of your home. Tips are comprehensive and practical and cover all aspects of the home, including the house envelope and interior and mechanical systems.

Publication EEM-04452

Insulation Value of Log Versus Frame Wall

Insulation Value of Log Versus Frame Wall

This publication provides information on insulation for the astute homebuilder or buyer. It has numerous calculations of wall insulation properties in regard to log and frame walls. There is also information on how windows, stud spacing and log thickness relate to home heating efficiency.

Publication EEM-00852

Invasive Plant Issues: Control of Bird Vetch

Invasive Plant Issues: Control of Bird Vetch

First introduced to Alaska as a forage crop, bird vetch is now considered an invasive species that grows aggressively and spreads rapidly. Bird vetch is a frustration to home gardeners and a concern in natural areas, grain fields, vegetable gardens and home orchards. This publication has information on the impacts of this invasive species and tips for identification. More importantly, it outlines several effective methods for controlling bird vetch throughout its life cycle

Publication PMC-00341

Invasive Plant Issues: Control of Invasive Chokecherry Trees

Invasive Plant Issues: Control of Invasive Chokecherry Trees

Available online only.

Publication PMC-00345

Invasive Plant Issues: Control of Orange Hawkweed

Invasive Plant Issues: Control of Orange Hawkweed

Control of orange hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum) by Gino Graziano. Available online only. Orange hawkweed is found in meadows, along roadsides and forest edges, and in lawns and pastures. It is a problem because it will completely displace other plants in these areas. This publication outlines an integrated pest management (IPM) plan for controlling orange hawkweed and provides information on identification and impacts of this invasive plant.

Publication PMC-00343

Invasive Thistles in Alaska

Invasive Thistles in Alaska

Available online only. Outside resource. Canada thistle is listed as a noxious weed in at least 35 states and much of Canada and is on Alaska's prohibited noxious weed list. Bull thistle has now invaded all 50 states. This brochure has information on the life history and impacts of these invasive thistles and offers guidelines for control options.

Publication R10-TP-132

Jams and Jellies

Jams and Jellies

Learn how to make colorful, tasty fruit spreads such as jellies, jams, conserves and preserves with this step-by-step guide. Includes recipes for strawberry preserves, salmonberry jelly, blueberry jam and more.

Publication FNH-00730

Jams and Jellies

Jams and Jellies

YouTube video. This demonstrates how to make your own jams and jellies from fruits and berries. You'll find out what equipment you need as well as necessary and optional ingredients, including sweeteners, liquids and pectin. You'll also learn how to safely process your jams and jellies in a boiling water bath and how to cool and store your finished product.

Publication FNH-01290

Japanese Knotweed

Japanese Knotweed

Available online only. Outside resource. Japanese knotweed clogs waterways and lowers the quality of habitat for wildlife, fish and insects on which fish depend. This brochure has information on the life history and impacts of knotweeds and offers guidelines for control options.

Publication R10-TP-133

Judging Halter Horses: From the Top Down

Judging Halter Horses: From the Top Down

This publication is a must-have for conscientious halter horse judges, with information on what to look for, how to evaluate and place a class, and how to present your reasoning. Photos and diagrams help show what to look for and how to do a thorough examination of the horse, both at rest and in motion.

Publication LPM-00842

Keeping Your House Operating During a Cold Alaska Winter

Keeping Your House Operating During a Cold Alaska Winter

This useful pamphlet covers the maintenance of home utilities during cold winter temperatures. There is information on heating systems and cook stoves, propane and other gas-fired appliances, wood and coal stoves, electric heat, water pipes, drain pipes and heat tapes. There are also tips on how to perform repairs in emergency, cold-weather situations.

Publication EEM-04955

Know Your Rights When a Debt Collector Calls

Know Your Rights When a Debt Collector Calls

Available online only. Outside resource. Did you know that debt collectors aren't allowed to harass or threaten you? Find out what your rights are when it comes to debt and learn what to do if faced with a debt collector. This publication tells you what questions to ask to find out if a debt is legitimate and what to do before paying.

Publication FRM-00496



One in a series of fact sheets, this resource covers nutrition and health considerations, selection, storage, preparation and a number of recipes exclusively for kohlrabi. Useful as a quick reference or an educational tool, this guide is an intelligent way to get the most out of your food.

Publication FNH-00561O

Large Aspen Tortrix

Large Aspen Tortrix

Available online only. Outside resource. This pamphlet contains a thorough description of the large aspen tortrix as it pertains to Alaska environments. With information of the characteristics of a caterpillar attack, the insect's life history and guidelines for tortrix attacks, this guide is a useful resource for understanding Alaska pests and reducing future damages.

Publication PMC-01061

Late Blight in Alaska

Late Blight in Alaska

Late blight is a very destructive disease that can kill plants in the field and cause tubers to rot in storage. The publication looks at the characteristics of the disease as well as symptoms, ideal conditions, sources and recommendations for prevention. Late blight is unpredictable, but this resource will help you be prepared should an outbreak occur.

Publication PMC-00338

Lawn Maintenance and Pesticides

Lawn Maintenance and Pesticides

This brochure is designed to help you create a beautiful lawn while keeping you, your family and the environment safe from overexposure to chemicals. The guide contains useful tips for choosing and using chemical products and information on simple lawn maintenance practices.

Publication HGA-00236



One in a series of fact sheets, this resource covers nutrition and health considerations, selection, storage, preparation and a number of recipes exclusively for lettuce. Useful as a quick reference or an educational tool, this guide is an intelligent way to get the most out of your food.

Publication FNH-00561F

Livestock Body Condition Scoring with Dr. Lisa Lunn

Livestock Body Condition Scoring with Dr. Lisa Lunn

YouTube video. Join University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service veterinarian Dr. Lisa Lunn as she discusses livestock body condition scoring.

Publication LPM-00902

Lowbush Cranberries or Lingonberries

Lowbush Cranberries or Lingonberries

Lingonberries, or lowbush cranberries, are easily preserved, taste great and can be substituted for commercial cranberries. This publication includes information on nutrition and health, selection, cleaning and storage, juice extraction, preparation and recipes for juice, sauces, fruit leather, jam and jelly. This guide is a complete and practical resource for any berry enthusiast.

Publication FNH-00110

Mailing Alaska Fish

Mailing Alaska Fish

Many Alaskans enjoy sharing the fish they catch with friends and relatives. This publication describes how to package and mail fish to keep it fresh and make sure it is safe to eat. Included are a gift card and recipe to include with your fish.

Publication FNH-00230

Make It Local: Multiple-batch Sizes for Home, School, Parties & Catering Events

Make It Local: Multiple-batch Sizes for Home, School, Parties & Catering Events

Available online only. These multiple-size recipes were developed to use Alaska grown and harvested foods. Each recipe makes from four to 100 servings and can be used for home, school, party or catering menus. Recipes range from baked goods and breakfast items to vegetables, salads and main dishes made from Alaska salmon, reindeer and more. Nutritional information is provided for most recipes. The pdf is interactive. You can click on a recipe in the TOC and it will take you to it.

Publication FNH-00414

Make Your Own Mix

Make Your Own Mix

This guidebook includes a comprehensive collection of homemade food mixes, with dozens of recipes for breads, cakes, desserts, seasonings, sauces and more. This publication is the ultimate guide for ready-made mixes straight off your shelf.

Publication FNH-00060

Making Fresh Mozzarella

Making Fresh Mozzarella

Making fresh mozzarella is a great way for novice cheesemakers to gain experience in acidifying and culturing milk. This publication explains how to heat the milk to develop the curd, how to separate the whey and how to convert the curd into a ball of mozzarella, ready to use on pizza or any dish. There are even instructions for using the microwave to stretch the curd.

Publication FNH-00063

Making Jerky

Making Jerky

Jerky can be made from almost any lean meat, including beef, pork or game. This useful publication describes how to prepare meat for drying in either a home dehydrator or an oven and provides recipes for marinated jerky and dry-cured jerky.

Publication FNH-00262

Making Yogurt at Home

Making Yogurt at Home

Yogurt is a rich source of protein and calcium, and studies show that it may boost immunity and reduce the risk of yeast infections and colon cancer. This publication provides all the information you need to make your own yogurt. There are sections on equipment, ingredients and food safety, as well as a recipe and clear instructions on how to proceed. There is even a trouble-shooting section to address any possible problems.

Publication FNH-00062

Managing Alaska Soils

Managing Alaska Soils

This publication is for the gardener who wants to gain a more thorough understanding of soil basics, including soil profiles, texture, structure, lime requirements, and plant nutrients. It replaces Extension publications Soil Fundamentals by C.L. Johnson, former UAF Extension Assistant, and Soil Fertility Basics and Soil Sampling and Analysis by J.L. Walworth, former UAF Soil Scientist.

Publication FGV-00043

Managing Irrigation for High-Value Crops

Managing Irrigation for High-Value Crops

This publication gives an overview of irrigation systems and important principles of irrigation scheduling and discusses the available tools for monitoring soil water content, which is central to effective irrigation management.

Publication FGV-00649

Managing Small Pastures for Horses in Alaska

Managing Small Pastures for Horses in Alaska

Available online only. This publication provides an understanding of what is required to develop and maintain a horse pasture. Topics include pasture planning, carrying capacity, fencing, pasture improvement and renovation, soils, recommended forage varieties, grazing management and weed control.

Publication LPM-00746

Medicating Livestock with Dr. Lisa Lunn

Medicating Livestock with Dr. Lisa Lunn

YouTube video. Join University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service veterinarian Dr. Lisa Lunn as she discusses proper procedures for medicating livestock.

Publication LPM-00900

Microwave Test for Forage Moisture

Microwave Test for Forage Moisture

This publication details a simple technique for testing hay to judge when it should be baled, with step-by-step instructions and easy-to-understand formulas.

Publication FGV-00248

Moss Control in Lawns

Moss Control in Lawns

This publication tells how to remove moss and liverworts from lawns and how to maintain your lawn so that moss will not grow. There is information on proper fertilization, acidity, drainage, shade and compaction.

Publication HGA-00133

Mycorrhizae in the Alaska Landscape

Mycorrhizae in the Alaska Landscape

Available online only. This publication explains how mycorrhizae, an important relationship between plant roots and certain types of fungi, can improve the plant's growth and provide protection from certain root diseases.

Publication HGA-00026



Nagoonberries are hard to find in large quantities, so they are highly prized. Berries have a beautiful color and superior taste, and make an excellent jelly. This publication provides information on cleaning, storing and preserving this elusive berry, as well as recipes for syrup, fruit leather, jelly and sorbet.

Publication FNH-00118

Orange Hawkweed

Orange Hawkweed

Available online only. Outside resource. Orange hawkweed is recognized as an ecologically invasive plant and noxious weed in the United States and has the potential to seriously degrade ecosystems in Alaska. This brochure has information on the life history and impacts of orange hawkweed and offers guidelines for control options.

Publication R10-TP-129

Outhouses in Alaska

Outhouses in Alaska

Whether you want to build an outhouse for your summer cabin or because you live in a waterless house or don't have a septic system, it is important to follow Department of Environmental Conservation guidelines. This publication will help you make the right choices when building your "pit privy," with information on site location, construction materials, pit excavation, ventilation, lighting and more.

Publication HCM-00300

Paint, Paste, Play Dough, Puppets and Paper Mache

Paint, Paste, Play Dough, Puppets and Paper Mache

This publication details various creative activities parents can do with their children. Provided are numerous recipes for paint, dough, pastes and maché to help you plan beneficial activities to help your child develop.

Publication PCD-00082

Pantry Pests

Pantry Pests

Pests in the kitchen or food storage areas can be a nuisance. Once inside the home they can easily thrive and spread to other areas. This publication provides tips for keeping your pantry insect-free, with information on proper food storage techniques, pest varieties and other anti-pest measures.

Publication HGA-00062

Perennial Sowthistle

Perennial Sowthistle

Available online only. Outside resource. This color pamphlet offers a description and life history of this invasive yellow plant along with information on the habitat and impacts of sowthistle and guidelines for controlling sowthistle.

Publication PMC-10069

Permafrost: A Building Problem in Alaska

Permafrost: A Building Problem in Alaska

This detailed publication provides information on permafrost in Alaska. Not only does it explore what permafrost is, it also discusses the possible ramifications it has on engineering, foundations and all aspects of construction. This is a must-have for those building in areas of permafrost.

Publication HCM-00754

Permeability of Common Building Material to Water Vapor

Permeability of Common Building Material to Water Vapor

This publication provides extensive information on water vapor and the home, including helpful facts, data collection tips, calculation tables and extensive statistics on most building materials. It serves as a useful guide for home construction and renovation, with the Alaskan builder and climate specifically in mind.

Publication EEM-00259

PFAS Contaminants in Alaska’s Water: A Healthy Homes Concern

PFAS Contaminants in Alaska’s Water: A Healthy Homes Concern

For decades, a group of chemicals commonly known as PFAS have been used in everything from food containers, fire retardant, cosmetics and cleaning products. This publication discusses how PFAS accumulates in the environment, even in Alaska, possible risks of exposure and steps to take to remain safe.

Publication HCM-04952

Pickles and Relishes

Pickles and Relishes

Pickling is among the oldest known methods of preserving food, dating back thousands of years. This publication shows the different ways to pickle and ferment a wide assortment of fruits and vegetables, including equipment and utensils needed and some zesty recipes.

Publication FNH-00735



YouTube video. This provides a thorough overview of basic canning and preserving processes for pickling foods. The program reviews the necessary steps for making sauerkraut, pickling vegetables and infusing vinegars. There is also information on equipment, storage methods, causes of spoilage and making herb, fruit and fruit juice vinegars. This makes a great resource for mastering home food preservation.

Publication FNH-01284

Pickling Fish and Other Aquatic Foods for Home Use

Pickling Fish and Other Aquatic Foods for Home Use

Available Online Only. Outside resource. By following some simple rules, you can ensure that your favorite pickled fish is safe as well as delicious. This publication outlines the basic steps in pickling aquatic food products, offers some helpful hints on preparation and provides a basic recipe that works well on most fish with high oil content."

Publication PNW-00183

Plant a Tree: An Alaska Guide to Tree Care

Plant a Tree: An Alaska Guide to Tree Care

This guide will help you plant the right tree in the right place in the right way. It provides information on choosing a good quality tree, selecting the site and planting your new tree correctly. There are tips on spacing, fertilizing, watering, staking, pruning and more. Also included are websites with additional information on planting trees.

Publication HGA-00437

Plant Tissue Testing

Plant Tissue Testing

This guide covers the proper procedures for assessing a plant's nutritional status through plant tissue testing. It contains plant specifics, element breakdowns, information on what parts of plants to test and more. This pamphlet is a handy tool for getting the most out of plants and soils.

Publication FGV-00244

Planting Grass on Gravel Runways in Alaska

Planting Grass on Gravel Runways in Alaska

Most runways in Alaska are unpaved gravel strips, which can cause damage to planes during take-off and landing. This publication describes how to successfully plant grass on existing gravel airstrips. There is information on what kind of grass to use, how to prepare the surface for planting, when to plant and how to determine your fertilizer needs. There are even tips on watering, mowing and weed control. This publication is a must-have for Alaska pilots.

Publication HGA-00340

Plastic Mulch and Row Covering for Vegetable Production in Alaska

Plastic Mulch and Row Covering for Vegetable Production in Alaska

YouTube video. By using plastic mulch and row covers, you can control weeds, conserve water and fertilizer, and increase your yield by four to five times.With this video, you'll learn about the benefits of a plastic mulch system, how it works, installation and more. 1992 (20 minutes)

Publication HGA-01268

Plastic Mulch, Row Covers and Low Tunnels for Vegetable Production in Alaska

Plastic Mulch, Row Covers and Low Tunnels for Vegetable Production in Alaska

This publication details the practice of using plastic mulch and row covers to extend the growing season for both commercial and small-scale vegetable gardens. Included are photos and information on plastic and degradable mulches, low tunnels, floating row covers, drip irrigation, fertilization and planting methods.

Publication FGV-00647

Pollination & Fruit Development in Tomatoes

Pollination & Fruit Development in Tomatoes

Development of high-quality tomatoes requires successful pollination. This publication outlines the optimal environmental conditions for pollination, such as temperature, light and humidity, techniques for adequate pollen transfer, and common problems, such as fruit cracking, sunscald and blossom end rot.

Publication HGA-00435



One in a series of fact sheets, this resource covers nutrition and health considerations, selection, storage, preparation and a number of recipes exclusively for potatoes. Useful as a quick reference or an educational tool, this guide is an intelligent way to get the most out of your food.

Publication FNH-00561G

Preserving Food at Home

Preserving Food at Home

This publication provides guidance on what food preservation method might work best, based on the type of food, equipment, supplies and skills needed. The benefits of each option are discussed and canning methods to avoid are identified.

Publication FNH-00700

Procedures for the Wet Paper Towel Germination Test

Procedures for the Wet Paper Towel Germination Test

Profitable crop production requires seeding rates that provide a sufficient plant population to generate the desired yields. To ensure that this happens, you must know the viability and purity of your seed lot. A home germination test method will provide a reliable estimate in lieu of an official test. The steps listed in this publication, if followed, will determine the viability and purity of seeds.

Publication FGV-00249

Processing Game Meat

Processing Game Meat

YouTube video. This offers information on the slaughter and processing of reindeer and lessons that are applicable to moose, caribou and other large game. Sections cover the slaughter and skinning of reindeer, processing and wrapping reindeer meat and removing the leggings for handicrafts. This is aimed at hunters and home processors.

Publication FNH-01289

Protect Water Resources: Understand Pesticide Movement

Protect Water Resources: Understand Pesticide Movement

This guide is designed to help pesticide users better understand how chemical properties, soil characteristics, site conditions and management practices are likely to affect pesticide movement. The publication includes numerous tips, facts and diagrams to clearly illustrate the effects of pesticides on water sources.

Publication GWQ-00547

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

One in a series of fact sheets, this resource covers nutrition and health considerations, selection, storage, preparation and a number of recipes exclusively for pumpkin seeds. Useful as a quick reference or an educational tool, this guide is an intelligent way to get the most out of your food.

Publication FNH-00561N

Rabbit: Alaska's Game is Good Food

Rabbit: Alaska's Game is Good Food

Available Online Only. If you hunt rabbits to supplement your winter meat supply, you will find this to be an especially useful publication. There is information on dressing and skinning rabbits along with recipes for cooking rabbit.

Publication FNH-00324

Raised-Bed Gardening in Alaska

Raised-Bed Gardening in Alaska

Raised bed gardening can help overcome the problems of cold soils, excessive or inadequate rainfall or poor soil conditions. This publication tells how to construct a raised bed and how to orient it so that plants can take the fullest advantage of available sunlight. There is also information on covering the bed and tilling the soil.

Publication HGA-00132

Raising Rabbits in Alaska

Raising Rabbits in Alaska

This publication describes considerations involved in raising rabbits successfully in Alaska. Topics include breed information, basic health issues, housing, nutrition and reproduction.

Publication LPM-00745

Raising Vegetables in Mini Gardens

Raising Vegetables in Mini Gardens

Vegetables are usually grown on farms, gardens or in greenhouses, but you can raise vegetables on a sunny deck, windowsill or balcony. This guide tells you how to get started, with advice on containers, soil, light, fertilizer and more. A vegetable growing guide has additional information on planting time, planting depth and spacing.

Publication HGA-00136

Recommended Variety List for Interior Alaska

Recommended Variety List for Interior Alaska

This publication has useful information on all of the fruit and vegetable varieties that are most successful in Alaska growing conditions. Included is a six-page table with the variety, source, maturity times and yield of dozens of fruit and vegetable varieties. This guide is an extremely helpful tool when growing fruits and vegetables in the garden, the greenhouse or the yard.

Publication HGA-00030

Recommended Variety List for Southcentral Alaska

Recommended Variety List for Southcentral Alaska

This easy-to-use guide will help gardeners choose vegetable varieties that will be successful in an Alaska garden. The data included in the publication is based on extensive research and observation. Concise, easy-to-read information will help anyone to become garden knowledgeable and successful.

Publication HGA-00031

Red Huckleberries

Red Huckleberries

This publication has information on storing, preserving and using red huckleberries, with instructions for cleaning, freezing and drying berries, extracting juice and making puree. There are recipes for everything from jams and jellies to muffins, pie and cobbler.

Publication FNH-00107

Remaking Soft Jams and Jellies

Remaking Soft Jams and Jellies

Sometimes jelly doesn't gel properly, for a variety of reasons. This publication takes you through the steps to reprocess the soft jellies, with directions on ingredients, cooking and processing methods.

Publication FNH-00731

Rhubarb Recipes

Rhubarb Recipes

This publication is a comprehensive guide for using rhubarb in food preparation. With sections on nutrition, preparation, storage and recipes, this handbook is a must-have for anyone with an abundance of rhubarb. There are also recipes for sauces, desserts, pies, salads, relishes, beverages, jams, jellies and more.

Publication FNH-00064

Root Maggots in Alaska Home Gardens

Root Maggots in Alaska Home Gardens

This publication details the most serious annually recurring insect pest problem of vegetable production in Alaska: root maggots. There are sections on root maggot biology, control, rotation, sanitation, protection and pesticides. From planning to implementation, this guide will help you develop a thorough insect control strategy for your garden.

Publication PMC-00330

Roses and Fireweed

Roses and Fireweed

YouTube video. Fireweed is a great source of vitamins A and C and the shoots or sprouts are edible. This video provides instructions on how and when to harvest fireweed sprouts and blossoms and how to use them in recipes. Also included is information on harvesting and using rose blossoms in jellies, lemonades and other recipes and rosehips in rosehip puree, fruit leather and candies.

Publication FNH-01291

Roses: Growing and Overwintering Tender Varieties

Roses: Growing and Overwintering Tender Varieties

Tender varieties of roses do not reliably overwinter in Alaska, yet they're very popular. This guide has everything you need to know to cultivate tender varieties year after year, including information on summer care, when to cut, preparing for winter, pruning, fertilizing and more.

Publication HGA-00138

Safe Egg Handling for Small Egg-Laying Flocks and Operations

Safe Egg Handling for Small Egg-Laying Flocks and Operations

This publication will help small producers (individuals with fewer than 3,000 laying hens) promote egg safety from the hen to the final consumer. Producers will learn about coop and nest management and how to properly clean and handle eggs. There is also information on sorting, grading, storing, packaging and labeling eggs, as well as a list of online resources. This publication is must for anyone interested in producing eggs for sale.

Publication LPM-00344

Salmon Roe Caviar

Salmon Roe Caviar

Alaska salmon provide more than steaks for the grill or fillets for the smoker. The roe from any of Alaska's five species of salmon can be used for salmon roe caviar, a nutritionally valuable, seasonal delicacy. This publication has information on preserving salmon roe as well as step-by-step instructions for making caviar. There is also detailed nutritional information and suggestions for serving salmon roe caviar. Next time you go fishing, make the most of your catch and try this delicious treat.

Publication FNH-00130



Salmonberries are found in moist, coastal regions of Southeast, Southcentral and Southwest Alaska. The salmon-yellow or red berries are high in antioxidants and are a good source of pro-vitamin A and vitamin C. This publication provides information on harvesting, storing and preserving salmonberries as well as recipes for jam, jelly, fruit leather and syrup.

Publication FNH-00119

Salsa Recipes for Canning

Salsa Recipes for Canning

Available Online Only. Outside resource. Most salsa recipes are a mixture of low-acid foods, such as onions and peppers, with acid food, such as tomatoes, and are appropriate for boiling water canning only if the level of acidity is adequate to prevent the production of the botulism toxin. This publication contains recipes that have been tested under laboratory conditions to ensure that they contain enough acid to be processed safely in a boiling water canner.

Publication PNW-00395



Sauerkraut is a naturally fermented cabbage. Natural fermentation is one of the oldest ways of preserving food. This detailed publication tells how to make your own sauerkraut, with information on equipment, storing, canning, freezing, spoilage problems and more. There are also recipes for bierocks, salads and even cake!

Publication FNH-00170

Sausage and Jerky

Sausage and Jerky

YouTube video. This provides the information you need to get started making sausage and jerky. The program provides step-by-step instructions for making and storing your preserved meats.

Publication FNH-01287

Seed Starting

Seed Starting

YouTube video. Extension Agent Mara Bascujlaky discusses seed starting, including what container to use, what material to start seeds in, when to start them and hardening seedlings off.

Publication HGA-00040

Seed Starting and Transplanting

Seed Starting and Transplanting

This guide provides information for the Alaska gardener on how to start transplants from seed and how to take care of and plant them after germination. It is a useful resource for all gardeners, from transplanting novices to seasoned growers.

Publication HGA-00032

Selected Invasive Plants of Alaska

Selected Invasive Plants of Alaska

Available online only. Outside resource. This pocket guide has information on more than 25 species of invasive plants found in Alaska, including life histories and information on the damaging effects of infestations. Color photos aid in indentification.

Publication R10-TP-130

Selecting, Brooding & Rearing Small Numbers of Chicks

Selecting, Brooding & Rearing Small Numbers of Chicks

This publication has everything you need to know about raising small numbers of chickens for both egg production and meat. There is information on choosing a breed, brooding, feeding, housing and equipment, and more.

Publication LPM-00840



These small, purple berries have a unique flavor and are high in iron and copper. They can be eaten fresh or dried and are good in baked goods, soups and stews. This publication provides information on cleaning, freezing, drying and extracting the juice of this versatile berry. There are also recipes for ketchup, jelly, muffins and more.

Publication FNH-00122

Serving Turkey Safely

Serving Turkey Safely

This simple hand-out has easy-to-use charts on how long to thaw turkey and how long to cook turkey. In addition, there are tips on how much to buy, cooking stuffing, refrigerating leftovers and more. Don't let turkey become a source of foodborne illness for your family!

Publication FNH-00469



Slugs damage garden crops and are pests to many commercial crops. This publication details the characteristics of garden slugs and how to control them. Strategies described include physical removal, the use of barriers, baiting and pesticides.

Publication PMC-10070

Small-Scale Irrigation Options

Small-Scale Irrigation Options

In Alaska, most crops will increase productivity if watered appropriately, which often means supplementing rainfall with irrigation. This publication describes watering systems ranging from a simple garden hose with attachments to mechanized irrigation equipment. It will also help you decide which system is best for you based on cost and the amount of labor needed to maintain the system. You'll learn about sprinkler types and flow meters, as well as drip, hand line, traveling gun and solid set irrigation systems. Photos and diagrams are included.

Publication FGV-00646

Smoking Fish at Home

Smoking Fish at Home

A safe, home-smoked product requires a good understanding of the procedures and precautions needed to prevent food poisoning. This publication explains why certain procedures must be followed and precautions taken to prepare safe, high-quality smoked fish.

Publication FNH-00325

So Easy to Preserve

So Easy to Preserve

Paid publication. This publication for the University of Georgia covers all aspects of food preservation, including canning, pickling, making jellies and jams, freezing and drying. Each chapter includes a list of most frequently asked questions and a table of problems, causes and ways to prevent the problem from happening again. This is an exhaustive guidebook for all of your home-preserving needs.

Publication MGA-00989

So You Have Mice - Now What?

So You Have Mice - Now What?

This publication will help identify, control and prevent rodent problems in your home. There is information on maintaining buildings so that mice will not enter as well as advice on removing mice from you home once they have found a way in.

Publication PMC-00200

Soil and Fertilizer Management for Healthy Gardens

Soil and Fertilizer Management for Healthy Gardens

This publication discusses soil's physical properties, including pH, as well as possible amendments to improve soil quality information on how to calculate proper fertilizer rates.

Publication HGA-00338

Soil Sampling

Soil Sampling

This publication gives step-by-step instructions for sampling soil on your property. It gives the why, where and how of sampling along with information on how to have a sample analyzed.

Publication FGV-00044



There's nothing more Alaskan than sourdough. This publication tells how to create and store a sourdough starter and how to use sourdough in baking. There are recipes for pancakes, waffles, muffins, cakes, breads, biscuits, crackers and more, as well as sourdough "yarns" and instructions on how to use sourdough for tanning hides.

Publication FNH-00061

Space Heater Safety: Using Kerosene and Propane

Space Heater Safety: Using Kerosene and Propane

Available online only. Alaska has high rates of carbon monoxide-related deaths compared to the rest of the nation, partly because of the increased use of alternative heat sources during power outages. This publication describes the different types of portable heaters, focusing in particular on unvented propane and kerosene heaters, and gives instructions for how and when to safely use them.

Publication EEM-00253

Spotted Knapweed

Spotted Knapweed

Available online only. Outside resource. Spotted knapweed is one of the most invasive weeds in North America and has been found in Alaska. Infestations lower the number and diversity of native plants and can cause large-scale, long-term damage to ecosystems. This brochure has information on the life history and impacts of knapweed and offers guidelines for control options.

Publication R10-TP-125

Spruce and Larch Bud Moths

Spruce and Larch Bud Moths

Available online only. Outside resource. This brochure describes spruce and larch bud moths as they pertain to Alaska environments and provides information on the history of attacks in Alaska and insect life history. It is a helpful resource for understanding Alaska pests and reducing future damages.

Publication R10-TP-97

Spruce Beetles

Spruce Beetles

This guide is a quick reference for commonly asked questions regarding the spruce beetle, with information on protecting healthy spruce trees and determining what your options are if your tree is under attack.

Publication PMC-10067

Spruce Budworm

Spruce Budworm

Available online only. Outside resource. This pamphlet contains a thorough description of the spruce budworm as it pertains to Alaska environments. With information on the characteristics of an infestation, the insect's life history and guidelines for reducing damage from spruce budworms, this guide is a useful resource for understanding Alaska pests and reducing future damages.

Publication PMC-01064

Spruce Needle Cast

Spruce Needle Cast

Available online only. Outside resource. This publication thoroughly describes spruce needle cast as it pertains to Alaska environments. The pamphlet contains sections on identifying spruce needle cast, the life history and impact of the fungus, and information on how to manage the disease. With color photos and guidelines for reducing damage, this is a valuable resource for protecting your trees.

Publication PMC-01065

Spruce Needle Rust

Spruce Needle Rust

Available online only. Outside resource. This publication thoroughly describes spruce needle rust as it pertains to Alaska environments. The pamphlet contains sections on identifying spruce needle rust, the life history and impact of the fungus, and information on how to manage the disease. With useful tips and color photos, this is a valuable resource for protecting your trees.

Publication PMC-01062

Storing Vegetables and Fruits at Home

Storing Vegetables and Fruits at Home

Outside resource. Available Online Only. Washington State University Extension publication offers the essentials for storing vegetables and fruits in pits, cellars, or basements without refrigeration. Tells how to provide the right temperature, humidity, and ventilation.

Publication EB-01326

Sugar Snap Peas

Sugar Snap Peas

One in a series of fact sheets, this resource covers nutrition and health considerations, selection, storage, preparation and a number of recipes exclusively for sugar snap peas. Useful as a quick reference or an educational tool, this guide is an intelligent way to get the most out of your food.

Publication FNH-00561J

Suggestions for Installing Domestic Water Storage Tanks

Suggestions for Installing Domestic Water Storage Tanks

This publication provides guidelines for water tank installations that are especially helpful to the Alaska contractor and home-owner/builder. It includes general statistics, types of tanks, other miscellaneous guidelines and, most importantly, tank installations. This guide provides useful information for choosing the right tank and using it properly.

Publication HCM-04950

Summer Squash

Summer Squash

One in a series of fact sheets, this resource covers nutrition and health considerations, selection, storage, preparation and a number of recipes exclusively for summer squash. Useful as a quick reference or an educational tool, this guide is an intelligent way to get the most out of your food.

Publication FNH-00561I

Tantalizing Turnips

Tantalizing Turnips

This guide has information on nutrition, storage, freezing, canning and drying turnips as well as three pages of recipes. If you have a surplus of turnips, this publication is for you.

Publication FNH-00463

The Cloth Parka

The Cloth Parka

This is a step-by-step guide on how to construct a durable cloth parka. It includes tips on choosing the right materials, dressing for arctic weather, fitting, trimming and assembling the parka. It includes a pattern and suggestions for children's parkas.

Publication CCM-00072

The Compost Heap: Basic Composting in Alaska

The Compost Heap: Basic Composting in Alaska

Composting is a great way to add nutrients to a garden while recycling table scraps and yard waste. Alaska's short, relatively cool summers can make proper composting a challenge, but one can take steps to hasten the process and ensure a healthy soil mixture is added to the garden. This publication covers the most efficient ways to achieve effective composting in Alaska.

Publication HGA-01022

The Spruce Beetle in Alaska Forests

The Spruce Beetle in Alaska Forests

This pamphlet contains a thorough description of the spruce beetle as it pertains to Alaska environments. With information on the characteristics of an infestation, the insect's life history and guidelines for reducing damage from spruce beetles, this guide is a useful resource for understanding Alaska pests and reducing future damages.

Publication PMC-10060

Time for a Kale-abration!

Time for a Kale-abration!

This booklet has easy-to-understand information about kale as well as recipes that are designed to introduce children to kale in a fun and healthy way. Recipes include Banana, Strawberry and Kale Smoothies, Kale Chips, Savory Kale Bread Pudding, Balsamic Braised Kale and Chocolate Kale Cupcakes.

Publication FNH-00540

Tips to Live Independently at Home as You Age: Entrance Stairs, Ramps, Doors and Lighting

Tips to Live Independently at Home as You Age: Entrance Stairs, Ramps, Doors and Lighting

There are many advantages to staying in your home as you age, both personal and financial, but many people wonder if they will be able to function independently at home as they get older. Although there are many changes that can be made throughout your home, this publication looks at some of the modifications that will make getting in and out of your home easier as you age.

Publication HCM-00100

Tobacco Rattle Virus in Peonies: A Reference Guide for Cut Flower and Rootstock Producers

Tobacco Rattle Virus in Peonies: A Reference Guide for Cut Flower and Rootstock Producers

Available online only. Outside resource. Invasive chokecherry trees can have long-term negative consequences on Alaska's boreal ecosystems. This publication discusses ways to identify Prunus padus and virginiana and methods to control them without harming other plants or animals.

Publication PMC-00344



One in a series of fact sheets, this resource covers nutrition and health considerations, selection, storage, preparation and a number of recipes exclusively for tomatoes. Useful as a quick reference or an educational tool, this guide is an intelligent way to get the most out of your food.

Publication FNH-00561H

Tourism Basics for Rural Alaska

Tourism Basics for Rural Alaska

Available online only. This publication is designed to help rural Alaskans decide if tourism is right for their community. It discusses the basic pros and cons of the tourist industry and the steps to take if you decide you want to become involved.

Publication CRD-00014

Transplanting Trees Successfully

Transplanting Trees Successfully

Whether you are just beginning to landscape your property, adding to the number of trees already there or moving a tree from one location to another, it is important to do it correctly. This publication tells you everything you need to know about transplanting trees, with information on selecting a site, choosing a tree, preparing the tree and site for transplant, digging up and planting the tree, and caring for it before, during and after transplanting.

Publication HGA-00335

Tree Health and Fertilization

Tree Health and Fertilization

This publication explains how to monitor your trees' health by measuring either plant moisture stress or plant tissue and soil nutrient levels. Included are tips for making sure your trees stay healthy for years to come.

Publication FWM-00119

Tree Maintenance and Pesticides

Tree Maintenance and Pesticides

This brochure outlines the integrated pest management (IPM) approach to keeping your trees healthy. Information on chemicals, application techniques and safety will help keep you, your family and your neighbors safe from unintentional exposure to pesticides.

Publication HGA-00436

Understanding Genetically Modified Organisms

Understanding Genetically Modified Organisms

The creation and use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is not something everyone agrees on. Because the consequences of genetic engineering can be good, bad or unknown, each new creation must examined on its own merits. This publication provides an overview of genetic engineering with examples of actual cases and their outcomes. An appendix provides basic information about genes, how they change (mutate) and what the possible consequences of change might be.

Publication FGV-00500

Understanding Mapping Coordinate Systems

Understanding Mapping Coordinate Systems

Available online only. This publication will help users of geographic information systems (GIS) or global positioning systems (GPS) understand how the four most common coordinate systems work, how to recognize them and how to convert coordinates between the formats.

Publication MAK-00041

Understanding, Testing for and Mitigating Radon

Understanding, Testing for and Mitigating Radon

Radon, a colorless, odorless gas, is found anywhere there is decaying uranium with an escape route to the atmosphere. Radon can enter a home through imperfections in the floors and walls when there is contact with the soil. Breathed into the lungs, radon can cause cell damage that may lead to lung cancer. Fortunately, testing for the presence of radon is easy and inexpensive. This publication describes the different types of test kits and explains what to do if radon is detected in your home.

Publication RAD-00760

Using Alaska's Wild Berries & Other Wild Edibles

Using Alaska's Wild Berries & Other Wild Edibles

Paid publication. This publication has everything you need to know about using Alaska's wild berries. There is information on 18 different kinds of wild berries and other wild edibles, from blueberries to cloudberries and spruce tips. There are also tips for picking and preparing berries for storage, methods of preserving berries by freezing, drying or canning, and lots of recipes.

Publication FNH-00120

Using and Caring for Your Pressure Canner

Using and Caring for Your Pressure Canner

Available online only. Outside resource. This publication has tips for using and maintaining your home pressure canner. There are sections on canner types, safety features, general care, using and storing your pressure canner, dial gauge testing and more.

Publication PNW-00421

Using Sustainable Energy to Extend the Growing Season

Using Sustainable Energy to Extend the Growing Season

Increased awareness of natural disasters and security issues, concerns about food safety, and the desire to eat healthy, local foods has created an interest in growing more food in gardens and in greenhouses, hoop houses and other season extenders. This publication offers ideas and suggestions for extending the "shoulder" growing season in these structures in order to start plants earlier in the spring and allow them to grow longer in the fall. Included is a brief list of ways to curb energy costs during shoulder seasons and suggestions for future research and educational efforts.

Publication EEM-01260

Vegetable Storage in Root Cellars

Vegetable Storage in Root Cellars

In Alaska, cold winter temperatures and cold soils all year long make root cellars a good method for storing vegetables. Along with a simple blueprint and instructions for building a root cellar, this publication has information on maintaining the proper temperature, humidity and ventilation in your root cellar. There is even a handy chart with storage times and tempertures for some vegetables grown in Alaska.

Publication HGA-00331

Visual Inspection of Can Seams in Home Food Preservation

Visual Inspection of Can Seams in Home Food Preservation

This publication is a must-have for anyone using cans to preserve food. It contains an overview of types of cans and other equipment needed and includes detailed instructions and illustrations to help with visual inspection of cans, lids and lid-sealing materials.

Publication FNH-00023

Watermelon Berries

Watermelon Berries

Although watermelon berries are common in Alaska along the coast in Southeast, in the central Yukon River area and in damp, wooded areas of the Interior, many Alaskans may be unfamiliar with this juicy, flavorful fruit. This publication tells how to identify the plants and provides information on cleaning and storing fresh berries, extracting juice, and freezing and drying berries for long-term storage. There are also recipes for making syrup and jelly and general instructions for canning.

Publication FNH-00123

What If Your Freezer Fails: Preserving Food in an Emergency

What If Your Freezer Fails: Preserving Food in an Emergency

Many Alaskans rely on freezers to store their food. But if the power goes out for an extended time or the freezer breaks down, this publication details how you can determine if the food is still safe, and how to preserve it by canning, pickling, drying and other methods.

Publication FNH-00080

What to Do Before, During and After a Natural Disaster in Alaska

What to Do Before, During and After a Natural Disaster in Alaska

Potential natural disasters in Alaska include earthquakes, flooding and storm surges, wildfires and high wind events. This publication has suggestions on how to prepare your home for one of these events and what to do during and after a natural disaster. It includes a checklist of basic items to keep on hand for emergencies as well as additional items to consider if you are older or have a disability.

Publication SAL-00009

Wild Roses

Wild Roses

Not only are wild roses beautiful, they also provide harvest opportunities throughout the spring, summer and fall. This publication has information on preserving and using both the rose petals and the rose hips, along with recipes and canning instructions.

Publication FNH-00114

Wild Strawberries

Wild Strawberries

This publication provides information on how to preserve and use wild strawberries. There is information on storage and preservation, including cleaning, freezing and drying strawberries, as well as instructions for extracting juice and making puree. There are also recipes and a section on using a boiling water canner.

Publication FNH-00105

Window Shopping

Window Shopping

This publication has tips and advice about what to look for when shopping for windows. Information on window frames, spacers, glass, air space and ventilation options will give you the basic knowledge necessary for asking the right questions and choosing the best windows for your needs.

Publication HCM-04459

Winter Chickens: The Down and Dirty of Keeping Laying Hens Through an Alaska Winter

Winter Chickens: The Down and Dirty of Keeping Laying Hens Through an Alaska Winter

YouTube video. If you're contemplating keeping a laying flock through the winter in rural Alaska, check out this video by Community Development Agent Mara Bacsujlaky, who has raised chickens in the Interior for many years. You'll get "the down and dirty of keeping laying hens through an Alaska winter," with information on housing, feed, bedding and costs, as well as tips on building a coop and a list of supplies, equipment and helpful publications. Mara will help you weigh the costs and benefits of maintaining a flock through the winter so that you can make an informed decision before you get started

Publication LPM-00339

Winter Squash

Winter Squash

One in a series of fact sheets, this resource covers nutrition and health considerations, selection, storage, preparation and a number of recipes exclusively for winter squash. Useful as a quick reference or an educational tool, this guide is an intelligent way to get the most out of your food.

Publication FNH-00561K

Wood Boring Insects in Alaska

Wood Boring Insects in Alaska

Available online only. Outside resource. This pamphlet contains thorough descriptions of wood boring insect varieties as they pertain to Alaska environments. With information on detecting woodborers, the insect's life history and guidelines for controlling damage from woodboring beetles, this guide is a useful resource for understanding Alaska pests and reducing future damages.

Publication PMC-10064

Zucchini from A to Z

Zucchini from A to Z

Zucchini is a favorite of many home gardeners, often producing a surplus and sending gardeners looking for interesting ways to use and preserve it. This publication contains detailed information on preserving zucchini as well as dozens of different zucchini recipes for everything from soups and main dishes to breads, pickles and desserts.

Publication FNH-00260