Pesticide Regulations
Alaska Pesticide Regulations are described in 18 AK Annotated Code Chapter 90 as amended through March 7, 2013. Alaska DEC’s pesticide regulations include all aspects of EPA pesticide regulations plus additional restrictions specific to Alaska laws and regulations.
Primary authority for pesticide manufacture, sale, use and distribution in the United States rests with US EPA . EPA’s authority for pesticide oversight is included in the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) as amended.
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration has significant input on pesticide and food issues.
Knowledge of Alaska DEC pesticide regulations is essential for anyone wishing to purchase and use pesticides in Alaska.
Certified pesticide applicators must be able to read and follow label instructions and regulations. As a certified pesticide applicator you alone are responsible for safe, legal pesticide application.