Our Mission

To be a responsive and collaborative rural college that inspires and develops each student to contribute to the cultural and civic needs of their community. 


Woman with long dark hair smiles at the camera. She is wearing a blue UAF jacket and blue beaded earrings.
Director's Welcome

Hello, and welcome to Chukchi Campus at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. I am so excited to be back home and working with students. I am originally from Kotzebue with family from Noatak and Shishmaref. Before leaving for college, I knew I wanted to return home after completing my education.

As I was growing up here in Kotzebue, I attended many meetings listening to public comments and statements from the elders. The one clear message was; that we need to grow and educate our own. Now, I want to help grow our own leaders within our communities. 

Chukchi Campus is willing to help students with certificates, occupational endorsements, associates, or bachelor's programs. We work with other rural campuses and the UAF Main campus to provide students with learning opportunities. 

I want to create opportunities for the community to get a higher education. I want to work with our organizations to benefit our students. We look forward to seeing you and helping you achieve your future goals.

Who We Are

Chukchi Campus is a two-year public institution, with Alaska Native Serving Institution status. We offer a combination of distance delivery modalities such as audio, video and web-based instruction as well as face-to-face classes, intensives and lab practicums. Our courses and programs are located on campus or at local partner organizations' facilities. We also provide opportunities for students to complete their bachelor’s degrees through distance-delivered courses and programs from the larger University of Alaska system, all while staying in the region.

Located in the hub village of Kotzebue in the Northwest Arctic Borough, Chukchi Campus primarily serves Kotzebue as well as the eleven village communities and the Red Dog Mine site within a service area of more than 36,000 square miles of spectacular mountain and tundra wilderness. None of the villages in the service area are connected to each other or to any other road system. The 2018 U.S. Census estimates our service area population at approximately 9,000, 82% of which are Alaska Native. Combining a traditional subsistence lifestyle with formal education and training is becoming extremely important for the success of the residents in this region. 


Chukchi Campus Advisory Council

The Chukchi Advisory Council was established by the University of Alaska Board of Regents in recognition of citizen involvement in the planning and implementation of higher education programs and services in the Northwest Arctic region. The Council is composed of 13 members  who are residents of the region. The Council provides guidance and advice to the Campus Director regarding the higher education needs and effectiveness of programs established to meet the needs of the Northwest Arctic Region. The Council is composed of leaders or representatives from:

  • Kotzebue Electric Association
  • Maniilaq Association
  • Northwest Arctic Borough School District
  • Alaska Technical Center
  • Elder Representative
  • Maniilaq Association 
  • Northwest Arctic Borough
  • National Park Service
  • City of Kotzebue
  • Native Village of Kotzebue
  • Aqqaluk Trust
  • Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corporation
  • Vacant, Northwest Inupiat Housing Authority
  • Vacant, Chukchi Student Representative

UAF Annual Security Report

UAF Annual Security Report is now available. We encourage all staff, faculty, students and prospective students to review the report and be familiar with the information included in the report.

Please contact the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability if you have any questions about the report or the information included.

Access more information on UAF Clery Act and Campus Safety.