Bachelor's Degree Program Structure
Students in the Climate and Environmental Change B.S. program take a wide variety
of courses in natural science, social science, and culture. All students in the major
take courses in introductory chemistry, physics, geology, and biology, as well as
several courses on climate change. All students take advanced writing, environmental
policy, and learn to use Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Student hone their
degree to meet their interests and goals within a concentration.
There are four areas of concentration: Ecological Processes, Environmental Earth Science, Physical Processes, or Sustainability. The concentration defines an additional 10 - 11 courses tailored to the subject area of the student’s choice. Students are expected to choose a concentration at the time they adopt the major.
Degree Concentrations
Climate Scholars program
Students enrolled in the Climate and Environmental Change BS program are encouraged to participate in the Climate Scholars Program.
The Climate Scholars Program at UAF’s Honors College offers the first opportunity of its kind in the nation for undergraduates to get involved and make a meaningful impact.
Climate Scholars have the opportunity to study on the front lines of climate change, make a local and global impact, and prepare for climate change related jobs, all while working closely with leading researchers in climate science.