Solid Earth Geophysics

The Solid Earth Geophysics concentration of Earth System Science includes the disciplines of seismology, geodesy, volcanology, and infrasound, and it is grounded in physics, mathematics, computing, and data science. Methods and applications in Solid Earth Geophysics seek to characterize dynamic Earth processes and associated natural hazards relevant to Alaska and surrounding regions, including earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, and landslides. Continuously recording instruments used in Solid Earth Geophysics, such as seismometers and GPS, capture a wide range of environmental activities and phenomena relevant to Earth System Science, in addition to human-caused events such as nuclear explosions.

The ESS Solid Earth Geophysics concentration is centered in Geophysical Institute within the Seismology and Geodesy and Volcanology groups. Faculty and students interact with operational centers, including the Alaska Earthquake Center, the Wilson Alaska Technical Center, and the Alaska Volcano Observatory.

Before applying for admission into ESS Solid Earth Geophysics, students should review the materials with the Department of Geosciences.

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