
Insulin-like growth factor1 and growth seasonality in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) -- comparisons with temperate and tropical cervids

Arctic and temperate species of deer have a seasonal pattern of growth.

Published: 1993

Author(s): J. M. Suttie, R. G. White, T. R. Manley, B. H. Breier, P. D. Gluckman, P. F. Fennessy, and K. Woodford

Publication: Rangifer 13:91-97

Endocrine changes and luteal morphology during pregnancy in muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus)

Progesterone, oestradiol and oestrone were measured in plasma from four captive muskoxen during three consecutive pregnancies,

Published: 1993

Author(s): J. E. Rowell, R. A. Pierson, and P. F. Flood

Publication: J. Reproduction and Fertility 99:7-13

Behavioral effects of jet aircraft on caribou in Alaska

Evaluation of the behavioral responses of free-ranging caribou to low-level, sub-sonic jet aircraft overflights.

Published: 1993

Author(s): S. M. Murphy, R. G. White, B. A. Kugler, J. A. Kitchens, M. D. Smith, and D. S. Barber

Publication: In Noise and Man '93. (pp. 475-486). Proc. 6th Intl. Cong. Noise as a Public Health Problem. Nice, France. July 5-9.

Predicting energy expenditure of caribou using activity counts: Potential use in disturbance studies.

Estimation of daily activity of animals using mercury tilt switches in traditional radio-collars and satellite collars.

Published: 1993

Author(s): J. A. Kitchens, R. G. White, and S. M. Murphy

Publication: Rangifer 13:117-119

Calving success of female caribou in relation to body weight

Published: 1993

Author(s): R. D. Cameron, W. T. Smith, S. G. Fancy, K. L. Gerhart, and R.G. White

Publication: Canadian Journal of Zoology 71:480-486

Nutrition in relation to season, lactation and growth of north temperate deer

Published: 1992

Author(s): R. G. White

Publication: In The Biology of Deer. (R.D. Brown, ed.). (pp. 407-417). Springer-Verlag, New York.

Pulsatile growth hormone secretion during the breeding season in male reindeer and its association with hypophagia and weight loss

Published: 1992

Author(s): J. M. Suttie, R. G. White, and R. P. Littlejohn

Publication: Gen. Comp. Endocrin. 85:36-42

Introduction to a workshop: Bioenenergetics and estimation of carrying capacity. In The Biology of Deer.

Published: 1992

Author(s): K. L. Risenhoover and R. G. White

Publication: (R.D. Brown, ed.). Springer-Verlag, New York.

Introduction to workshop theme: caribou body composition and breeding biology.

Published: 1991

Author(s): R. G. White

Proceedings of the 4th North American Caribou Workshop, St. John's, Newfoundland.

Published: 1989

Author(s): C. E. Butler and S. P. Mahoney

Publication: Newfoundland and Labrador Wildlife Division: 166-168.

Validation and sensitivity analysis of the Porcupine caribou herd model.

Published: 1991

Author(s): R. G. White

Publication: 4th North American Caribou Workshop (pp. 334-355)

Photoperiod associated changes in insulin-like growth factor 1 in reindeer.

Published: 1991

Author(s): J. M. Suttie, R. G. White, B. H. Breier, and P. D. Gluckman

Publication: Endocrinology 129:679-682.

Shipping reindeer from Brucella suis biovar IV-infected herds; problems and solutions.

Published: 1991

Author(s): J. G. S. Stahmann

Wildlife Production: Conservation and sustainable development.

Published: 1991

Author(s): L. A. Renecker and R. J. Hudson

Publication: Fairbanks: Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, UAF, Fairbanks: 403-406.

Influence of foraging ecology on alimentary size and function of Svalbard reindeer.

Published: 1991

Author(s): H. Staaland and R.G. White

Publication: Can. J. Zool. 69:1326-1334.

Overwinter survival of orphan caribou, Rangifer tarandus, calves.

Published: 1991

Author(s): D. E. Russell, S. G. Fancy, K. R. Whitten, and R. G. White

Publication: Can. Field Naturalist 105:103-105.

Potential effects of global warming on calving caribou

Published: 1991

Author(s): W. E. Eastland and R.G. White

Publication: In Proc. Int'l. Conf. on the Role of Polar Regions in Global Change (pp460-463).

Seasonal and between year variation in body condition in caribou of the Porcupine herd

Body composition is an important factor in the survival and reproduction of barren-ground caribou. For the Porcupine Caribou Herd (PCH), body condition may be used to monitor herd health and to assess potential effects of industrial development.

Published: 1991

Author(s): A. C. Allaye-Chan and R. G. White

Publication: Proceedings of the 4th North American Caribou Workshop. Newfoundland Labrador Wildlife Division, St. Johns (pp. 103-114)

The Muskox

Published: 1990

Author(s): J. E. Rowell

Publication: In International Studbook For Muskox, Ovibos moschatus. First edition. Ed. B. Holst, Copenhagen Zoo, Denmark

Comparison of energy metabolism in relation to daily activity and milk consumption by caribou and muskox calves

Published: 1990

Author(s): K. L. Parker, R. G. White, M. P. Gillingham, and D. F. Holleman

Publication: Can. J. Zool. 68:106-114

Distortion correction in open circuit respiration systems

Open circuit respiratory systems are used for routine determination of energy expenditure of animals.

Published: 1990

Author(s): K. J. Kokjer, J. P. Floyd, and R. G. White

Publication: J. Wildl. Mgmt. 54:291-297

Variation in quality of caribou and reindeer forage plants associated with season, plant part, and phenology

Published: 1990

Author(s): D. R. Klein

Publication: Rangifer, Special Issue No. 3:123-130

Variation in quality of caribou and reindeer forage plants associated with season, plant part, and phenology

Published: 1990

Author(s): D. R. Klein

Publication: Rangifer, Special Issue No. 3:123-130

Seasonal concentrations of 137cesium in rumen content, skeletal muscles, and feces of caribou from the Porcupine herd.

The Porcupine caribou herd was monitored for cesium-137 during 1987 to address human health concerns over potential meat contamination by radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident, and to determine lichen intake rates based on body burdens of radiocesium.

Published: 1990

Author(s): A. C. Allaye-Chan, R. G. White, D. F. Holleman, and D. E. Russell

Publication: In Proceedings of the 5th International Reindeer/Caribou Symposium. Rangifer, Speical Issue No. 3:17-24

Qiviut production from muskoxen

Published: 1989

Author(s): R. G. White, B. A. Tiplady, and P. Groves

Publication: In Wildlife Production Systems: economic utilization of wild ungulates Chapter 21, pp 387-400.

Seasonal body weight, body condition, and lactational trends in muskoxen

Published: 1989

Author(s): R. G. White, D. F. Holleman, and B. A. Tiplady

Publication: Can. J. Zool. 67:1125-1133

An experimental satellite collar for muskoxen

Published: 1989

Author(s): P. E. Reynolds

Publication: Can. J. Zool. 67:1122-1124

Determination of digesta fill and passage rate from nonabsorbed particulate phase markers using the single dosing method

Published: 1989

Author(s): D. F. Holleman and R. G. White

Publication: Can. J. Zool. 67:488-494

Terrestrial mammals in cold

Published: 1989

Author(s): D. D. Feist and R. G. White

Publication: In Advances in Comparative and Environmental Physiology, V. 24 (L. Wang, ed.). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Ch. 9, pp 327-360.

Analytical procedures for estimating milk intake and yield in steady state and non-steady state systems

Published: 1988

Author(s): D. F. Holleman, R. G. White, and P. Lambert

Publication: J. Dairy Sci. 71:1189-1197

Herbivores in cold climates

Published: 1987

Author(s): R. G. White, D. F. Holleman, M. E. Hubbert, and H. Staaland

Publication: In The Nutrition of Herbivores (J.B. Hacker and J.H. Tennouth, eds.). Academic Press, Sydney, Olando, pp. 465-486.

Factors determining leg length in Rangifer tarandus

Published: 1987

Author(s): D. R. Klein, M. Meldgaard, and S. G. Fancy

Publication: J. Mamm. 68:642-655

Energy expenditures for locomotion by barren-ground caribou

Published: 1987

Author(s): S. G. Fancy and R. G. White

Publication: Can. J. Zool. 65:122-128

Nutrition and energetics of indigenous northern ungulates

Published: 1986

Author(s): R. G. White and S. G. Fancy

Publication: In Grazing Research at Northern Latitudes (O. Gundmundsson, ed). NATO ASI Series A: Life Sciences Vol. 108:259-270. Plenum Press, New York."

Mineral absorption in relation to nutritional ecology of reindeer.

Published: 1986

Author(s): H. Staaland, K. Hove, and R. G. White

Publication: In Proc. 4th Intl. Reindeer and Caribou Symp. (A. Gunn, F.L. Miller and S. Skjenneberg, eds.). Rangifer. Special Issue No. 1:279-288.

A simple telemetry system for monitoring chewing activity of reindeer

Published: 1986

Author(s): K. J. Kokjer and R. G. White

Publication: J. Wildl. Manage. 50:737-740.

Predicting energy expenditures for activities of caribou from heart rates

Published: 1986

Author(s): S. G. Fancy and R. G. White

Publication: In Proc. 4th Intl. Reindeer and Caribou Symp (A. Gunn, F.L. Miller and S. Skjenneberg, eds.). Rangifer. Special Issue No. 1:123-130.

Estimation of CO2 production by caribou and reindeer using doubly labeled water.

Published: 1986

Author(s): S. G. Fancy, J. M. Blanchard, D. R. Holleman, K. J. Kokjer, and R. G. White

Publication: Am. J. Physiol. 251:R143-R149.

Growth and development.

This chapter discusses ungulates, much of the basic biology of growth which discussion applies to all members of the animal kingdom.

Published: 1985

Author(s): M. A. Price and R. G. White

Publication: In Bioenergetics of Wild Herbivores (R.J. Hudson and R.G. White, eds..). CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida Chapter 9. pp. 183-213.

Oxygen consumption for locomotion by caribou calves.

Published: 1985

Author(s): B. R. Luick and R. G. White

Publication: J. Wildl. Manage. 50:148-152.

Computer simulation of energy budgets.

This chapter describes the energy budget concept with a simple computer simulation of a representative large herbivore, the wapiti.

Published: 1985

Author(s): R. J. Hudson and R. G. White

Publication: In Bioenergetics of Wild Herbivores (R.J. Hudson and R.G. White, eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida Chapter 12. pp. 261-290.

The incremental cost of activity.

This chapter highlights locomotion, the most costly activity, dealing with its physiology, allometric scaling, adaptive mechanisms, and contribution to the daily energy budget.

Published: 1985

Author(s): S. G. Fancy and R. G. White

Publication: In Bioenergetics of Wild Herbivores (R.J. Hudson and R.G. White, eds..). CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida Chapter 7. pp. 143-159.

Energy expenditure of caribou cratering in snow.

Published: 1985

Author(s): S. G. Fancy and R. G. White

Publication: J. Wildl. Manage. 49:987-993.

Secretion and absorption of nutrients in the alimentary tract of reindeer fed lichens or concentrates during the winter.

Published: 1984

Author(s): R. G. White, E. Jacobsen, and H. Staaland

Publication: Can. J. Zool. 62:2364-3376

Control of rumen turnover in northern ruminants.

Published: 1984

Author(s): R. G. White, D. F. Holleman, C. C. Schwartz, W. L. Regelin, and A. W. Franzmann

Publication: Can. J. Anim. Sci. 64:349-350.

Plasticity and constraints in the lactational strategy of reindeer and caribou.

Published: 1984

Author(s): R. G. White and J. R. Luick

Publication: In Physiological Strategies in Lactation (Ed. M. Peaker, R.G. Vernon, C.H. Knight). Symp. Zool. Soc. London No. 51, Academic Press pp. 215-232.

The effect of mineral supplements on nutrient concentrations and pool sizes in the alimentary tract of reindeer fed lichens or concentrates during winter.

Published: 1984

Author(s): H. Staaland, E. Jacobsen, and R. G. White

Publication: Can. J. Zool. 62:1232-1241

Food conversion efficiency and growth rates of hand-reared muskox calves.

Published: 1984

Author(s): K. Frisby, R. G. White, and B. Sammons

Publication: In Proc. First Intl. Muskox Symp. (D.R. Klein, R.G. White and S. Keller, eds.). Biol. Papers of the Univ. of Alaska, Spec. Report No. 4:196-202.

Food passage rates in captive muskoxen as measured with non-absorbed radiolabeled markers.

Published: 1984

Author(s): D. F. Holleman, R. G. White, K. Frisby, M. Jourdan, P. Henrichsen, and P. G. Tallas

Publication: In Proc. First Intl. Muskox Symp. (D.R. Klein, R.G. White and S. Keller, eds.). Biol. Papers of the Univ. of Alaska, Spec. Report No. 4:188-192

Modes of thermal protection in newborn muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus).

Published: 1984

Author(s): A. S. Blix, H. J. Grav, K. A. Markussen, and R. G. White

Publication: Acta Physiol. Scand. 122:443-453.

Foraging patterns and their multiplier effects on productivity of northern ungulates.

Published: 1983

Author(s): R. G. White

Publication: Oikos 40:377-384.

Physical breakdown of food during eating and rumination in reindeer.

Published: 1983

Author(s): J. Trudell-Moore and R. G. White

Publication: Proc. Third Intl. Reindeer/Caribou symposium. Acta Zool. Fenn. 175:47-49.

Indirect calorimetric measurements of the caribou calf.

Published: 1983

Author(s): B. R. Luick and R. G. White

Publication: Proc. Third Intl. Reindeer/Caribou Symp. Acta Zool. Fenn. 175:89-90

Biosynthesis of milk lactose by lactating reindeer.

Published: 1983

Author(s): J. R. Luick, B. Sammons, J. Blanchard, P. G. Tallas, B. R. Luick, and R. G. White

Publication: Proc. Third Intl. Reindeer/Caribou Symp. Acta Zool. Fenn. 175:73-74

The application of isotopic water methods for measuring total body water, body composition and body water turnover.

Published: 1982

Author(s): D. F. Holleman, R. G. White, and J. R. Luick

Publication: In Use of tritiated water in studies of production and adaptation in ruminants. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna pp. 9-32.

Ungulates on arctic ranges.

Published: 1982

Author(s): R. G. White, F. L. Bunnell, E. Gaare, T. Skogland, and B. Hubert

Publication: In Tundra Ecosystems: A Comparative Analysis. IBP Vol. 25, 813 pp. (L.C. Bliss, O.W. Heal and J.J. Moore, eds.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge pp. 397-483.

Herbivory: a strategy of tundra consumers.

Published: 1981

Author(s): G. O. Batzli, R. G. White, and F. L. Bunnell

Publication: In Tundra Ecosystems: A Comparative Analysis. IBP Vol. 25, 813 pp. (L.C. Bliss, O.W. Heal and J.J. Moore, eds.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.

Comparison of some factors affecting the in vitro digestibility estimate of reindeer forages.

Published: 1980

Author(s): J. Trudell, R. G. White, E. Jacobsen, H. Staaland, E. Ekern, and K. Kildemo

Publication: In Proc. 2nd Intl. Reindeer and Caribou Symp. (E. Reimers, E. Gaare and S. Skjenneberg, eds.). Directoratet for vilt og ferskvannsfisk, Trondheim, Norway. 799 pp.

Comparison of some factors affecting the in vitro digestibility estimate of reindeer forages.

Published: 1980

Author(s): D. R. Klein, B. Sveinbjornsson, L. Viereck, and R. G. White

Publication: In Proc. 2nd Intl. Reindeer and Caribou Symp. (E. Reimers, E. Gaare and S. Skjenneberg, eds.). Directoratet for vilt og ferskvannsfisk, Trondheim, Norway. 799 pp pp. 262-273 pp. 35-37.

Implications of carbon dioxide induced climate change on animal ecology and socioecological consequences in northern ecosystems.

Published: 1980

Author(s): D. R. Klein, B. Sveinbjornsson, L. Viereck, and R. G. White

Publication: In Research Needed to Determine the Present Carbon Balance of Northern Ecosystems and the Potential Effect of Carbon Dioxide Induced Climate Change (Edited and coordinated by P. C. Miller). Workshop report submitted to American Assoc. for the Advancement Sci., 30 June 1980, 44 pp.

The digestive physiology of wild ruminants.

Published: 1980

Author(s): R. N. B. Kay, W. V. Engelhardt, and R. G. White

Publication: In Digestive Physiology and Metabolism in Ruminants. (Y. Ruckebusch and P. Thivend). MTP Press Ltd., International Medical Publishers, Lancaster, England. pp. 854 pp. 743-761.

Estrous synchronization in captive muskoxen.

Published: 2007

Author(s): J. E. Rowell, M. C. Sousa, and M. P. Shipka

Publication: Can. J. Anim. Sci. 87:535-538.

Relationship of dam?s body weight, milk components, and milk energy density to reindeer calf growth rate.

Published: 2007

Author(s): M. P. Shipka, J. E. Rowell, and A. E. Young

Publication: Proceedings of the Western Section of the American Society of Animal Science 58:126-128.

Steroid hormone secretion during the estrous cycle and pregnancy in farmed Alaskan reindeer.

Published: 2007

Author(s): M. P. Shipka, J. E. Rowell, and M. C. Sousa

Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 85:944-951.

Reindeer Reproductive Management.

Published: 2007

Author(s): Blake, J. E., Rowell, J. E., and Shipka, M. P.

Publication: In: Current Therapy In Theriogenology. 2nd Edition. (Eds) R.S. Youngquist. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA Chapter 131 pp 970- 974

Rate of decrease of the specific surface area of dry snow: Isothermal and temperature gradient conditions.

We have performed laboratory experiments under isothermal and temperature gradient conditions during which the SSA of snow samples was monitored for several months. We have also monitored the SSA of snowfalls subjected to large temperature gradients at a field site in the central Alaskan taiga.

Published: 2007

Author(s): A. S. Taillandier, F. Domine, W. R. Simpson, M. Sturm, and T. A. Douglas

Publication: J. Geophys. Res., 112, F03003, doi:10.1029/2006JF000514.

Evolution of the Snow Area Index of the Subarctic Snowpack in Central Alaska over a Whole Season. Consequences for the Air to Snow Transfer of Pollutants.

Published: 2006

Author(s): A. S. Taillandier, F. Domine, W. R. Simpson, M. Sturm, T. A. Douglas, and K. Severin

Publication: Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 40, no. 24.

Body protein stores and isotopic indicators of N balance in female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) during winter.

Published: 2006

Author(s): P. S. Barboza and K. L. Parker

Publication: Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 79(3), 628-644.

Ruminal fermentation and fill change with season in an arctic grazer: response to hyperphagia and hypophagia in muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus).

Published: 2006

Author(s): P. S. Barboza, T. C. Peltier, and R. J. Forster

Publication: Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 79(3), 497-513.

Central Arctic Caribou and Petroleum Development: Distributional, Nutritional, and Reproductive Implications.

Published: 2005

Author(s): R. D. Cameron, W. T. Smith, R. G. White, and B. Griffith

Publication: Arctic (Arctic Institute of North America) 58, no. 1:1-9.

Growth in Arctic Ungulates: Postnatal Development and Organ Maturation in Rangifer tarandus and Ovibos moschatus.

Published: 2005

Author(s): K. K. Knott, P. S. Barboza, and R. T. Bowyer

Publication: Journal of Mammalogy 86(1):121-130.

Monitoring nutrition of a large grazer: muskoxen on the Arctic Wildlife Refuge.

The number of young muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) on Alaska's Arctic Refuge declined from 1986. We hypothesized that poor calf production was related to poor maternal nutrition.

Published: 2004

Author(s): P. S. Barboza and P. E. Reynolds

Publication: International Congress Series 1275: 327-333.

Nutritional development of feeding strategies in arctic ruminants: digestive morphometry of reindeer, Rangifer tarandus, and muskoxen, Ovibos moschatus.

Published: 2004

Author(s): K. K. Knott, P. S. Barboza, R. T. Bowyer, and J. E. Blake

Publication: Zoology 107: 315-333.

Ruminal degradation increases with seasonal hyperphagia in muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus): a preliminary report.

Published: 2004

Author(s): P. S. Barboza, T. C. Peltier, and R. J. Forster

Publication: Sciences, Vol. 1 Suppl. 1: 711-714

Modeling sustainability of Arctic Communities: An interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers and local knowledge holders.

Published: 2004

Author(s): J. A. Kruse, R. G. White, H. E. Epstein, B. Archie, M. D. Berman, S. R. Braund, F. Stuart Chapin III, J. Charlie Sr., C. J. Daniel, J. Eamer, N. Flanders, B. Griffith, S. Haley, L. Huskey, S. James, B. Joseph, D. Klein, G. P. Kofinas, S. M. Martin, S. M. Murphy, W. Nebesky, C. Nicholson, D. E. Russell, J. Tetlichi, A. Tussing, M. D. Walker, and O. R. Young

Publication: Ecosystems 7(8):815-828.

Polygynous mating impairs body condition and homeostasis in male reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus).

Published: 2004

Author(s): P. S. Barboza, D. W. Hartbauer, W. E. Hauer, and J. E. Blake

Publication: J Comp Physiol B 174:309-317.

Reproductive management of reindeer in Alaska.

Published: 2004

Author(s): J. E. Rowell, M. C. Sousa, A. M. Hirth, and M. P. Shipka

Publication: Proceedings of the 1st World Deer Veterinary Congress. 21:96-97

Copper status of muskoxen: A comparison of wild and captive populations.

Published: 2004

Author(s): P. S. Barboza, E. P. Rombach, J. E. Blake, and J. A. Nagy

Publication: Journal of Wildlife Diseases 39.

Genetic structure and phylogeography of the takin (Budorcas taxicolor) as inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences.

Published: 2003

Author(s): M. Li, F. Wei, P. Groves, Z. Feng, and J. Hu

Publication: Canadian Journal of Zoology 81:462-468.

Towards a protocol for community monitoring of caribou body condition.

Published: 2003

Author(s): G. Kofinas, P. Lyver, D. Russell, R. G. White, A. Nelson, and N. Flanders

Publication: Rangifer 14:43-52.

Growth in an Arctic grazer: effects of sex and dietary nitrogen on yearling muskoxen.

Published: 2003

Author(s): T. C. Peltier and P. S. Barboza

Publication: Journal of Mammalogy 84(3):915-925.

Growth in an Arctic grazer: effects of sex and dietary nitrogen on yearling muskoxen.

Published: 2003

Author(s): T. C. Peltier and P. S. Barboza

Publication: Journal of Mammalogy 84(3):915-925.

Seasonal hyperphagia does not reduce digestive efficiency in an Arctic grazer.

Published: 2003

Author(s): T. C. Peltier, P. S. Barboza, and J. E. Blake

Publication: Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 76(4):471-481.

Costs of gestation in an Arctic ruminant: copper reserves in muskoxen.

Published: 2003

Author(s): E. P. Rombach, P. S. Barboza, and J. E. Blake

Publication: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 134: 157-168.

Utilization of copper during lactation and neonatal development in muskoxen.

Published: 2003

Author(s): E. P. Rombach, P. S. Barboza, and J. E. Blake

Publication: Can. J. Zool. 80: 1460-1469.

Serum insulin, glucose and lactate concentrations during 18-h fast in female reindeer.

Published: 2002

Author(s): R. Stimmelmayr, K. L. Drew, and R. G. White

Publication: Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B 133: 201-208.

Modern reindeer dairy farming - the influence of different milking regimes on udder health, milk yield and composition.

Published: 2002

Author(s): O. Holand, P. Aikio, H. Gjostein, M. Nieminen, K. Hove, and R. G. White

Publication: Small Rum. Res. 44: 65-73. Encycl. Dairy Science. 637-643.

Mercury in hair of large Alaskan herbivores: routes of exposure.

Published: 2002

Author(s): L. K. Duffy, C. Kaiser, C. Ackley, and K. S. Richter

Publication: Alces 37(2):293-301.

Seasonality of sexual segregation in dimorphic deer: extending the gastrocentric model.

Published: 2002

Author(s): Barboza, P. S. and Bowyer, R. T.

Publication: Alces 37(2):275-292.

Effects of Recent Climate Warming on Caribou Habitat and Calf Survival. In Impacts of climate change on wildlife.

Published: 2001

Author(s): Griffith, B., Douglas, D. C., Russell, D. E., White, R. G., McCabe, T. R., and Whitten, K. R.

Publication: Eds Green, R E, Harley, M, Spalding, M & Zockler, C. pp 17-19.

Reindeer bull introduction affects the onset of the breeding season.

Published: 2002

Author(s): Shipka, M. P., Rowell, J. E., and Ford, S. P.

Publication: Anim. Reprod. Sci. 72: 27-35.

Characterization of estrous behavior in farmed muskox cows.

Published: 2002

Author(s): Shipka, M. P., Sousa, M. C., and Rowell, J. E.

Publication: roceedings of the Western Section of the American Society of Animal Science 53: 387-389.

Regional variation in mineral contents of plants and its significance for migration by Arctic reindeer and caribou.

Published: 2001

Author(s): Staaland, H. and White, R. G.

Publication: Alces. 37: 497-509.

Regional variation in mineral contents of plants and its significance for migration by Arctic reindeer and caribou.

Published: 2001

Author(s): Staaland, H. and White, R. G.

Publication: Alces. 37: 497-509.

Scent marking by male caribou: an experimental test of rubbing behavior.

Published: 2001

Author(s): Adams, C. A., Bowyer, R. T., Rowell, J. E., Hauer, W. E., and Jenks, J. A.

Publication: Rangifer 21:21-28.

Fiber characteristics of qiviut and guard hair from wild muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus).

Providing the first commercial description of qiviut technical properties

Published: 2001

Author(s): Rowell, J. E., Lupton, C. J., Robertson, M. A., Pfeiffer, F. A., Nagy, J. A., and White, R. G.

Publication: J.Anim.Sci. 79:1670-1674.

Ceruloplasmin as an indicator of copper reserves in wild ruminants at high latitudes.

Published: 2001

Author(s): Barboza, P. S. and Blake, J. E.

Publication: J.Wildl.Dis. 37:324-331

Antler growth in male and female reindeer and its relationship to seasonal blood levels of alkaline phosphatase.

The aim of this study, was to elucidate the relationship of alkaline phosphatase (AP) (an enzyme involved in bone building) and the intensity of antler growth in male and non-pregnant and pregnant female reindeer.

Published: 2000

Author(s): Bubenik, G. A., White, R. G., and Bartos, L.

Publication: Folia Zool. 49:161-166. (archive doesn't appear to go back further than 2002)

Sexual segregation in dimorphic deer: a new gastrocentric hypothesis.

Published: 2000

Author(s): Barboza, P. S. and Bowyer, R. T.

Publication: J. Mammal. 81:473-489.

Reproductive Strategies in Arctic Ungulates. In Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants IV.

Published: 1999

Author(s): Rowell, J. E., Sousa, M., Blake, J.E., and White, R.G.

Publication: Reprod. Fertil. Suppl. 54.

Population structure and herd dynamics in captive muskoxen at the Large Animal Research Station, 1988-1994.

Published: 1998

Author(s): White, R. G., Rowell, J. E., Blake, J. E., and Hauer, W. E.

Publication: Rangifer, 18:145.

Detection of early pregnancy in caribou: evidence for embryonic mortality.

Published: 1998

Author(s): Russell, D. E., Gerhart, K. L., White, R. G., and van de Wetering, D.

Publication: J.Wildl.Manage. 62(3):1066-1075.

Responses of caribou to overflights by low-altitude jet aircraft.

Published: 1998

Author(s): Maier, J. A. K., Murphy, S. M., White, R. G., and Smith, M. D.

Publication: J. Wildl. Manage. 62:752-776.

Seasonal levels of metabolic hormones and substrates in male and female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus).

Published: 1998

Author(s): Bubenik, G. A., Schams, D., White, R. G., Rowell, J. E., Blake, J. E., and Bartos, L.

Publication: Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 120C:307-315.

Characteristics of first-antler growth in reindeer and their association with seasonal fluctuations in steroid and insulin-like growth factor 1 levels.

Published: 1998

Author(s): Blake, J. E., Rowell, J. E., and Suttie, J. M.

Publication: Can. J. Zool. 76(11):2096-2102.

The role of nutrition, body condition and lactation on calving success in muskoxen.

Published: 1997

Author(s): White, R. G., Rowell, J. E., and Hauer, W. E.

Publication: J. Zool., Lond. 243:13-20.

Nursing behavior as a predictor of alternate-year reproduction in muskoxen.

Published: 1997

Author(s): Schulman, A. B. and White, R. G.

Publication: Rangifer. 17(1):31-35.

Progesterone during the breeding season and pregnancy in female muskoxen on different dietary regimens.

Published: 1997

Author(s): Rowell, J. E., White, R. G. and Hauer W. E. 1997.

Publication: Rangifer. 17(3):125-129.

Effects of weather and parasitic insects on behavior and group dynamics of caribou of the Delta Herd, Alaska.

Published: 1997

Author(s): Marschel, F. M. and Klein, D. R.

Publication: Can. J. Zool. 75:1659-1670.

Timing and synchrony of activity in caribou.

Published: 1997

Author(s): Maier, J. A. K. and White, R. G.

Publication: J. Anim. Ecol. in review.

Seasonal changes in metabolic rates in muskoxen following twenty-four hours of starvation.

Published: 1997

Author(s): Lawler, J. P. and White, R .G.

Publication: Rangifer. 17(3):135-138.

Intraspecific variation of mitochondrial DNA of muskoxen based on control region sequences.

Published: 1997

Author(s): Groves, P.

Publication: Can. J. Zool., 75:568-575


Published: 1997

Author(s): Groves, P.

Publication: Alaska Geogr. 23(4):56-94.

Pregnancy rate as an indicator of nutritional staus in Rangifer: implications of lactational infertility.

Published: 1997

Author(s): Gerhart, K. L., White, R. G., Cameron, R. D., Russell, D. E., and van de Wetering, D.

Publication: Rangifer. 17(1):21-24.

Pregnancy rate as an indicator of nutritional staus in Rangifer: implications of lactational infertility.

Published: 1997

Author(s): Gerhart, K. L., White, R. G., Cameron, R. D., Russell, D. E., and van de Wetering, D.

Publication: Rangifer. 17(1):21-24.

Pregnancy of adult caribou (Rangifer tarandus): evidence for lactational infertility.

Published: 1997

Author(s): Gerhart, K. L., Russell, D. E., van de Wetering, D., White, R. G., and Cameron, R. D.

Publication: J. Zool., Lond. 242:17-30.

Seasonal levels of reproductive hormones and their relationship to the antler cycle of male and female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus).

Published: 1997

Author(s): Bubenik, G. A., Schams, D., White, R. G., Rowell, J. E., Blake, J. E., and Bartos, L.

Publication: Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 116B:269-277.

Canadian muskoxen in Central Europe - A zoo veterinary review.

Published: 1996

Author(s): Seidel, K. B. and Rowell, J. E.

Publication: Rangifer, 16:79-85.

Oil and the Porcupine caribou herd - Can we quantify the impact?

Published: 1996

Author(s): Russell, D. E., van de Wetering, D., White, R. G., and Gerhart, K. L.

Publication: Rangifer, Special issue No. 9:255-257.

Modeling and reproductive costs in caribou exposed to low flying military jet aircraft.

Published: 1996

Author(s): B. R. Luick, J. A. Kitchens, R. G. White, and S. M. Murphy

Publication: Rangifer, Special issue No. 9:209-211.

Effects of ambient temperature on activity monitors of radio collars.

Published: 1996

Author(s): J. A. Kitchens-Maier, H. A. Maier, and R. G. White

Publication: J. Wildl. Manage. 60:393-398.

Caprinae phylogenetics based on cytochrome b sequences.

Published: 1996

Author(s): P. Groves and G. F. Shields

Publication: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 5:467-476.

Body composition and nutrient reserves of arctic caribou.

Published: 1996

Author(s): K. L. Gerhart, R. G. White, R. D. Cameron, and D. E. Russell

Publication: Canadian Journal of Zoology 74:136-146.

Growth and body composition of arctic caribou.

Published: 1996

Author(s): K. L. Gerhart, R. G. White, R. D. Cameron, and D. E. Russell

Publication: Rangifer, Special issue No. 9:393-394.

Estimating fat content of caribou from body condition scores.

Published: 1996

Author(s): K. L. Gerhart, R. G. White, R. D. Cameron, and D. E. Russell

Publication: J. Wildl. Manage. 60:713-718.

ineral concentrations in the alimentary tract of northern rodents and lagomorphs.

Published: 1995

Author(s): H. Staaland, R. G. White, and H. Kortner

Publication: Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 112A, 619-627.

Body mass and composition indices for female barren-ground caribou.

Published: 1995

Author(s): Chan-McLeod, A. C. Allaye, R. G. White, and D. E. Russell

Publication: J. Wildl. Manage. 59(2):278-291.

Fetal growth in muskoxen determined by transabdominal ultrasonography.

Published: 1994

Author(s): J. W. Pharr, J. E. Rowell, and P. F. Flood

Publication: Canadian J. Vet. Research 58:167-172.

Effects of protein and energy intake, body condition, and season on nutrient partitioning and milk production in caribou and reindeer.

Published: 1994

Author(s): Chan-McLeod, A. C. Allaye, R. G. White, and D. F. Holleman

Publication: Can. J.Zool. 72:938-947.

Energy expenditure of ruminants on pasture

Published: 1993

Author(s): R. G. White

Publication: In Proc. VII World Conf. on Anim. Prod., Edmonton, Canada. (pp 475-498).

Effects of protein and energy intake, body condition, and season on nutrient partitioning and milk production in caribou and reindeer.

Published: 1995

Author(s): Chan-McLeod, A. C. Allaye, R. G. White, and D. F. Holleman

Publication: Can. J.Zool. 72:938-947.

Comparative pattern of winter habitat use by muskoxen and caribou in northern Alaska

Published: 1992

Author(s): M. E. Biddlecomb

Publication: UAF Archives

Range Types and Their Utilization by Muskox on Nunivak Island, Alaska

Published: 1967

Author(s): G. N. Bos

Publication: UAF Archives

Potential muskox habitat in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska: a GIS analysis

Published: 2000

Author(s): F. S. Danks

Publication: UAF Archives

Genetic Variation in Muskoxen Ovibos Moschatus

Published: 1986

Author(s): C. L. Fleischman

Publication: UAF Archives

The takin and muskox: a molecular and ecological evaluation of relationship

Published: 1995

Author(s): P. Groves

Publication: UAF Archives

Habitat Relationships and Activity Patterns of a Reintroduced Muskox Population

Published: 1981

Author(s): K. T. Jingfors

Publication: UAF Archives

Heat increment and methane production by muskoxen fed browse

Many browse species contain anti-herbivory compounds that deter consumers by their toxicity or digestive inhibitory effects.

Published: 2002

Author(s): J. P. Lawler

Publication: UAF Archives

Yersiniosis As a Mortality Factor of Muskoxen on Banks Island, NWT, Canada

Published: 1996

Author(s): B. D. McLean

Publication: UAF Archives

Characterization of Muskox Habitat in Northeastern Alaska

Published: 1988

Author(s): C. M. O'Brien

Publication: UAF Archives

Parasitic helminths of muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) from Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada

Published: 1998

Author(s): J. T. Ott

Publication: UAF Archives

Effects of season, sex, and dietary nitrogen on muskoxen

Growth and survival of muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) are dependent on forage that varies in quality and quantity.

Published: 2003

Author(s): T. C. Peltier

Publication: UAF Archives

Ecology of a Reestablished Population of Muskoxen in Northeastern Alaska.

Published: 1998

Author(s): P. C. E. Reynolds

Publication: UAF Archives

Maximizing qiviut growth in muskoxen

Masters project

Published: 2000

Author(s): M. A. Robertson

Publication: UAF Archives

Grant: Alaska Science and Technology Foundation, $91,000

Muskox Habitat and Use Patterns in Northeastern Alaska

Published: 1981

Author(s): M. A. Robus

Publication: UAF Archives

Trace mineral reserves for reproduction and development in muskoxen

Published: 2001

Author(s): E. P. Rombach

Publication: UAF Archives

The effect of a low copper diet on muskox calf immune function and health

Weight loss and ill thrift are common problems encountered in muskox calves raised in captivity. Varied diagnostic results suggest that there is immunosuppression possibly related to trace mineral intake.

Published: 2003

Author(s): R. M. Swor

Publication: UAF Archives

Spatial scales of muskox resource selection in late winter

Published: 1992

Author(s): K. J. Wilson

Publication: UAF Archives

Physiological and ecological determinants of nutrient partitioning in caribou and reindeer

The effects of season, migration, and reproduction on the adipose and protein dynamics of barren-ground caribou were determined from field collections of adult females from the Porcupine Herd.

Published: 1991

Author(s): Chan-McLeod, A. C. Allaye

Publication: UAF Archives

Habitat use by parturient and nonparturient caribou of the Mentasta Caribou Herd

Published: 1998

Author(s): N. L. Barten

Publication: UAF Archives

Habitat use by parturient and nonparturient caribou of the Mentasta Caribou Herd

Published: 1998

Author(s): N. L. Barten

Publication: UAF Archives

Nutritional and ecological determinants of growth and reproduction in caribou

Published: 1995

Author(s): K. L. Gerhart

Publication: UAF Archives

Nutritional and ecological determinants of growth and reproduction in caribou

Published: 1995

Author(s): K. L. Gerhart

Publication: UAF Archives

Ecological and physiological aspects of caribou activity and responses to aircraft overflights

Published: 1996

Author(s): J. A. K. Maier

Publication: UAF Archives

Physiological and ecological determinants of nutrient partitioning in caribou and reindeer

The effects of season, migration, and reproduction on the adipose and protein dynamics of barren-ground caribou were determined from field collections of adult females from the Porcupine Herd.

Published: 1991

Author(s): Chan-McLeod, A. C. Allaye

Publication: UAF Archives

Detection and control of brucellosis in reindeer vaccinated with Brucella suis biovar 3

The objective of this research was to provide a vaccine for the control of brucellosis in reindeer, that allows serologic discrimination between vaccinated and infected animals.

Published: 1993

Author(s): J. S. Bevins

Publication: UAF Archives

The Turnover of 75-Selenium-Selenomethionine As an Indicator of the Status of Protein Metabolism in Reindeer (Rangifer Tarandus)

The turnover of a single injection of 75Se- selenomethionine (75SeM), a radio-labeled seleno-analog of the amino acid methionine was used to estimate protein turnover, the irreversible loss of protein nitrogen, in reindeer.

Published: 1983

Author(s): J. M. Blanchard

Publication: UAF Archives

Water Metabolism by Reindeer (Rangifer Tarandus).

The effects of climatic and nutritional variation on body fluid compartmentalization and turnover were investigated in female reindeer. An initial field study characterized these changes on a seasonal basis under natural grazing conditions.

Published: 1972

Author(s): R. D. Cameron

Publication: UAF Archives

Some Preliminary Observations on the Acoustic Behavior of Semi-Domestic Reindeer, Rangifer Tarandus Tarandus, With Emphasis on I

This study provides a general description of the overt acoustically related behavior of reindeer during the calving season by means of a series of observations under naturalistic conditions.

Published: 1972

Author(s): C. A. Erickson

Publication: UAF Archives

Factors Affecting Grazing Patterns of Reindeer on Summer Tundra Ranges.

Factors influencing forage intake and selection by reindeer were studied using esophageal and rumen fistulated animals tethered on arctic tundra.

Published: 1982

Author(s): J. T. Moore

Publication: UAF Archives

Brucella Suis Type 4 in Foxes and Their Role As Reservoirs/Vectors Among Reindeer.

Published: 1989

Author(s): J. K. Morton

Publication: UAF Archives

Clinical pathology of intensively managed reindeer

Published: 1998

Author(s): S. E. Oderkirk

Publication: UAF Archives

Reindeer Range Appraisal in Alaska

Aerial photographs or an aerial-visual method can be used to ascertain the boundaries and percent composition of the various vegetation types on reindeer ranges.

Published: 1968

Author(s): R. E. Pegau

Publication: UAF Archives

Effects of Antler Removal on Rutting Behavior of Reindeer (Rangifer Tarandus )

Published: 1981

Author(s): D. L. Prowse

Publication: UAF Archives

Daily meal patterns, voluntary food intake and fattening of reindeer during winter and responses to insulin

Determined the effect of insulin injections on daily feeding behavior and voluntary food intake in reindeer fed a concentrate ration during winter.

Published: 2001

Author(s): R. Stimmelmayr

Publication: UAF Archives

Plasticity and constraints in the lactational strategy of reindeer and caribou.

Reindeer and caribou, the migratory chionophilic ungulates of the Holarctic, must nurse their offspring during a very short summer.

Published: 1984

Author(s): Robert G. White and Jack R. Luick

Publication: In Physiological Strategies in Lactation (Ed. M. Peaker, R.G. Vernon, C.H. Knight). Symp. Zool. Soc. London No. 51, Academic Press pp. 215-232.

Farming Muskoxen for Qiviut in Alaska: A Feasibility Study

Muskoxen have been farmed since the 1960s for their fiber, called qivuit, a luxurios and highly calued underwool that is their primary insulation during the Arctic winter.

Published: 2017

Author(s): L. Starr, J. Greenberg, and J. E. Rowell

Publication: Arctic Institute of North America, Vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 77-85

Qiviut cortisol reflects hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis activity in muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus)

Evaluated whether muskox qiviut (dense wooly undercoat) cortisol accurately reflects changes in HPA axis activity.

Published: 2021

Author(s): J. Di Francesco, G.F. Mastromonaco, S.L. Checkley, J. Blake, J.E. Rowell, and S. Kutz

Publication: General and Comparative Endocrinology, Volume 306

Qiviut: Quality Standards and Commercial Processing

Exploring options for milling into yarn.

Published: 1997

Author(s): J.E. Rowel

Grant: UA Foundation - Natural Resources Fund, $11,317

Comparative body composition strategies of breeding and nonbreeding female caribou

The effects of season and reproductive status on body fat and body protein masses of free-ranging female barren-ground caribou.

Published: 1999

Author(s): R. G. White, A. Chan-McLeod, and D. E. Russell

Publication: Canadian Journal of Zoology 77:1901-1907