Coping with COVID-19

In light of the social-distancing requirements associated with COVID-19, we have gathered some helpful resources to aid in stress reduction, provide ideas for occupying newly found spare time, and planning activities for children who are not able to attend school at this time. These tips and resources can be useful in any circumstance!

Tips for managing stress related to COVID-19:
  • Remember that feelings of anger, stress, anxiety, and fear are natural responses to moments of crisis.  Aim to become aware of what you are feeling and how you are reacting. Awareness of your emotions and behaviors will allow you to decide what it is that you need in order to cope with your feelings. Do not be hard on yourself, remain aware of your feelings and practice self-compassion.
  • Extend compassion to others. Kindness and understanding go a long way in keeping our communities supported during times of crisis. Remember: COVID-19 does not distinguish race, nationality, or ethnicity. We are all in this together. 
  • Allow yourself time to take a break and relax. Rely on your favorite hobbies and activities to take you out of crisis-mode. Listen to music, meditate, paint or draw, read books both new and well-loved, exercise...engage in activities that have worked well for you in previous times of stress.
  • Establish or maintain routines. Keeping up with regular sleeping and eating routines is important to mental wellness. Engage with friends via FaceTime or Google Hangouts to maintain your social routines. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption or drug use, as substances can hinder your immune system's strength.
  • Limit exposure to COVID-19 news coverage and social media coverage. Allow yourself to step away from the 24-hour news cycle and choose one or two reliable news outlets that you check periodically (for example, the CDCCoronavirus website). Too much COVID-19 related information can be overwhelming and stressful.
  • Remember to connect! Call family and friends, write emails, text photos, make videos...use this time to get creative, if you want! Find moments to reach out to individuals who help you feel and safe and secure. 

Stress Reduction & Mental Wellness


Activities & Resources for Families with Children

Other Resources

If you experience a mental health related emergency, please call 911. 

If you would like to speak with a trained professional about managing stress levels related to COVID-19 please reach out to the following resources:

UAF Community Mental Health Clinic: call (907) 474-1999 to access telehealth counseling services.

UAF Student Health and Counseling Center: call (907) 474-7044.

SAMHSA's 24/7 Disaster Distress Hotline: call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUS to 66746.

Alaska's 24/7 Careline: 1-877-266-4357