When is the Right Time to Disclose My Innovation?

December 13, 2021

Innovation graphic

This is a question our Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization (OIPC) gets asked quite often. The answer? It’s never too early to engage our office.

If you have a question about whether you should or should not disclose your innovation, we're available to meet with you (in-person or virtually) to discuss your research and the process. This can lead to a decision either that it's time to disclose or that you should continue developing your concept further, or both, as multiple disclosures can be made around the same or an improved innovation.

All the OIPC licensing staff have a scientific background and enjoy learning about cutting-edge research. Our office is happy to work with you to learn more about your technology whenever you are ready to disclose. However, it's important to consider officially disclosing your technology as the first step to applying for a patent prior to any form of publication or other public release. Any such public disclosures prior to submitting a patent application may cause the immediate loss of certain patent rights. It's also important to note that any disclosure to our office does not prevent the publication or presentation of your research but in fact should be considered as a path toward additional publication and recognition.

Never underestimate the value and potential of your research. Please contact us to discuss your ideas and protect your innovation (e.g., systems, methods, improvements, software, know-how, data, protocols, tangible research materials, or non-software copyrightable works) if:

  • Your research has resulted in a new discovery
  • You plan to publish or present your discovery
  • Your federally funded or industry-sponsored research may have resulted in intellectual property
  • You want to send research tools or materials to another institution
  • A company has contacted you and wants to learn more about your research
  • You want to start a company based on your technology

The earlier you can discuss your technology with us, the better, and OIPC would love to chat to determine the best time in which to start the disclosure, intellectual property procurement, or commercialization process. You can reach out to David Park at OIPC/Center ICE to discuss any potential disclosure or you can always use our online portal to submit a disclosure form.