The National Security Innovation Network X-Force Fellowship Program is Open for Applications for 2022

December 13, 2021

Eielson Air Force
Photo courtesy of Eielson Air Force Base

Deadline: Friday, Dec. 17, 2021

The X-Force Fellowship Program is open to U.S. citizens at the undergraduate and graduate level. Successful fellowship applicants possess a diverse set of skills ranging from mobile and web app development, data analysis and visualization, hardware prototyping, social media strategy, and technology scouting. Fellows get the opportunity to work on a mission-focused real-world project, participate in a professional development opportunity, work directly with military and national security leaders, and gain perspective as to how their skills and experience can have an outsized impact on national security.

This is a great opportunity to join a team of two or three fellows and work on a need and challenge from within the Department of Defense to build a solution that has direct impact. Read about the journey of UAF fellow Lindy Guernsey and the team she worked with last summer at X-Force Brings Students and U.S. Air Force Together.

Please pass this info along to your colleagues, friends, fellow students, and those in your programs who may be interested in this opportunity.