Spark new ideas and broader impact opportunities through Center ICE’s Seed Funding and I-Corps programs

October 11, 2023

A group of three around a table
An orange pelican case
  • Interested in making a difference and broadening the impact of your work?
  • Want to expand your research beyond the lab and classroom?
  • Do you have an innovative idea – looking for support to build and grow?
  • Interested in learning more about an industry that is related to your research? 

We’re looking for researchers whose interests and projects overlap with our invitation request for proposal themes and focuses. Center ICE is supporting up to five awards of $15,000 each for research projects focused on impact. 

All awardees also participate in the I-Corps Program and receive $4,500 in travel funding to support your stakeholder discovery.

Accepting applications for spring-summer proposals 

Call open: Tuesday, Oct. 24 - Monday, Nov. 27