Center ICE introduces five new innovation and entrepreneurship fellows

February 6, 2023

The Center ICE team offers graduate fellowships to graduate students and postdocs working on innovative projects with the potential to create impact in communities. The team is proud and excited to introduce this semester’s newest fellows and is currently seeking applications for the 2024 summer and fall cohorts. Please help spread the word!

Kotzebue arial view
Arial view of Kotzebue, UAF photo

Danielle is working on a novel toolbox for the detection and surveillance of genes associated with antimicrobial resistance. The AMR toolbox may be used for the rapid testing of environmental microbial communities, including those in wastewater systems or drinking water sources in remote Alaskan communities where it is particularly challenging to test water.

Polly Bryant in class
Polly Bryant in class, UAF photo by JR Ancheta

Jakki is developing a solution to the transitional challenges faced by high school students as they navigate the shift from the structured environment of public school to the multifaceted realities of the real world by addressing a critical gap in the educational landscape.

Performer at Festival of Native Arts
Performer at Festival of Native Arts, Photo by University relations

Anne is working on empowering Native American women and girls in Alaska through targeted initiatives in health communication.

woman lights a ceremonial bowl
A traditional ceremony, UAF photo by Leif Van Cise

Kristen is developing ways to offer environmental DNA services to Indigenous communities. Using the “CARE'' Principles that highlight the core values and expectations of Indigenous people when engaging with the scientific community, the project will empower local leaders to manage their natural resources.

Woman looks through microscope
A traditional ceremony, UAF photo by Leif Van Cise

Amelia is creating a digital library of rare specimens of ancient mammal species that can help solve veterinary challenges, be used for research, or used in making documentaries and movies, among other things.


Vy, Noah and Michael, who have already been working with us since last semester, are all continuing in the program and making progress toward a cure for strokes, chemical testing support for rhodiola farmers, and clean rare minerals mining. Stay tuned for more information about their work and achievements!

By supporting these projects, Center ICE is helping grow the next generation of innovators who will solve tomorrow’s most complex problems. Learn more and apply to become a fellow by clicking here!