Patent and trademark support

February 6, 2024

David Park headshot
David Park is an intellectual property lawyer for OIPC. Photo courtesy of David Park

Need help navigating the complex legal environment of intellectual property? Visit Alaska's only Patent and Trademark Resource Center, housed in the Keith B. Mather Library in the Akasofu Building on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus.

Talk to a specialist! David Park, program manager of UAF’s Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization (OIPC), also serves as the PTRC representative.

PTRC provides support with protecting the following: 

  • Trademarks - symbols or words identifying a brand
  • Copyrights - works of authorship 
  • Trade Secrets - processes or techniques that are proprietary in the absence of a patent 
  • Patents - processes, compositions, and devices 

PTRC is recognized by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office — the federal patent office — to receive and house copies of U.S. patent and trademark materials. Although the PTRC does not provide legal advice, it can help the Alaskan public search for existing patents or trademarks and can also provide resources to help register new trademarks or to file patent applications with the USTPO.

VISIT: (Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Alaska Patent and Trademark Resource.”)