UAF Planning, Analysis and Institutional Research finds the following links useful in gathering institutional data. Perhaps you will, too.
IR Resources
- American Institutes for Research
- Association of Institutional Research
- PNAIRP- Pacific Northwest Association for Institutional Research and Planning
- IPEDS-Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
- NCES- National Center for Education Statistics
- NCHEMS-National Center for Higher Education Management Systems
- WICHE-Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
- IHEP-Institute for Higher Education Policy
- Council for Opportunity in Education
- The Chronicle of Higher Education
- VSA- Voluntary System of Accountability
- Institute For College Access and Success
- Complete College America
- Ellucian
Peer IR Resources
- Idaho State University- Pocatello
- Montana State University- Bozeman
- New Mexico State University
- North Dakota State University- Fargo
- Oregon State University
- University of Idaho
- University of Maine
- University of Montana- Missoula
- University of Nevada- Reno
- University of Wyoming
- Utah State University
Federal/National Resources
- NCES - The National Center for Education Statistics
- IPEDS - NCES Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
- FERPA - Federal Educational Rights and Policy Act
- NCHEMS - National Center for Higher Education Management Systems
- US Census Bureau
- US News and World Report - Best Graduate Schools and other reports
- CIA World Factbook - Information about every country in the world
- College Board Data
- Carnegie Foundation
University Resources
- Student and Enrollment Strategy - Graduation Survey Reports
- UA Board of Regents Policy and Regulation
- UA Data Strategy and Institutional Research
- UAA Office of Institutional Research
- UAF University Relations
- UAF Office of Management and Budget
- UAFPD Crime Statistics
- UAS Institutional Effectiveness
- University of the Arctic
State of Alaska Resources
- Department of Education and Early Development
- Department of Revenue
- Department of Labor - Research and Analysis
- Alaska Community Database Online
- State of Alaska
- Office of the Governor
- Alaska State Legislature