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TUNDRA Early Career Userday Award!
January 21, 2020Toolik Field Station is committed to providing students and early career researchers with opportunities to conduct their own research projects in the hopes of bettering supporting today's emerging scholars. To learn more about the application process or to help fund this award visit the TUNDRA webpage.Learn more -
Toolik is now on the Purple Air network!
January 3, 2020Visit PurpleAir to see the current air quality (PM 2.5 particles) at the station, and in other places in the World!Read article -
January 1, 2020We are taking reservations for 2020!Read article
Project of the Month
Permafrost collapse, or thermokarst, is one of the most dramatic signs of climate change in the Arctic. However, it is incredibly difficult to model this nonlinear process. A group of researchers from the Permafrost Carbon Network have recently published an estimate of how much thermokarst might influence the carbon balance of the permafrost Zone.