- Access to many participating north2north institutions in the Arctic
- Options between short term exchange, one semester, or a full year abroad
- Potential participation into one of UArctic's Thematic Networks
- Access to scholarships as financial support for your trip
We realize that studying abroad might seem overwhelming, but we are here to help with the planning, part of the logistics, and your host institutions will welcome you and help set up your courses and lodging.
This is an opportunity to travel, learn, experience, and immerse yourself in a new culture, while developing your academic career!
Here are some qualities employers will notice when reviewing your resume:
- An open mind and resourcefullness
- Innovative knowledge and skills
- Ability to be challenged by the unknown
- Capacity to perform out of your comfort zone
- A desire to expand your horizons and learn more

Anne Triest
Study Away Academic Advisor
Study Away Program
510 Gruening
Anne provides advising for UAF's exchange and study abroad program.
Contact her if you have questions or want to participate in an exchange or study abroad program to/from UAF.
Full Testimonials

Matthew Balazs
Went to Alta, Norway Spring 2008
From University of Alaska Fairbanks
There were a series of courses offered to study the Norwegian/northern perspective on sustainability and resource management; community and regional economic development; and northern governance systems. I also took a geography of Norway course, and an outdoors leadership course while I was there. The course in Svalbard focused on studying the Quaternary geology of the western portions of the archipelago. Specifically, we looked at the stratigraphy of the sediments in order to understand historic relative sea level changes in the region.

David Broome
Went to Tromsø, Norway Spring 2013
From University of Alaska Fairbanks
The motivations for my north2north experience were many! Although, I can say with absolute definity that it was a passion for the American West, and an interest in the circumpolar North, that brought me from Colorado to study at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. I have come to recognize that there was always a significant undertone of romanticism in what made these places so alluring; indeed, there is something that excites the old American heart at the call of the "last frontier".

Tara Hutchison
Went to Svalbard, Norway Spring and Fall 2008
From University of Alaska Fairbanks
My experience with north2north exchange began in the midst of the “dark season” in Svalbard. I showed up for the Spring 2008 semester at the University Centre in Svalbard in January, not realizing I wouldn’t see the sun return until early March. Coming from my home University of Alaska Fairbanks, I thought it would be somewhat similar climate wise, but wanted to adventure away from my home and travel outside my comfort zone culturally.
Anna Liljedahl
Came to University of Alaska Fairbanks Aug 2004 to 2005
From Umea University, Sweden
This experience has deepen my MSc studies and knowledge in cold region hydrology while also experiencing and learning a new culture and language. My primary accomplishment was to write my MSc thesis while studying abroad. An unexpected accomplishment was that my contributions were appreciated to the point that I was welcomed back to start a PhD at UAF and that my MSc research was published in a good peer-reviewed journal. A totally unexpected accomplishment was that I found my new home and husband of 15 and 10 years, respectively.
Lex Trenien
Went to Komi Autonomous Republic, Russia Fall 2012
From University of Alaska Fairbanks
“How do your people dance?” they asked me. I was in a provincial village outside of the city of Udmurtia in Central Russia, in the middle of a village dance attended by pretty much the whole town. There were about 60 people, and a pretty high school age girl was asking me. It was my senior year of college, and I was there as part of the north2north exchange program, which facilitated exchanges between a couple dozen northern universities, among them my home institution of the University of Alaska Fairbanks.