Sauraj Poudel


Sauraj Poudel (he/him/his)

Graduate (M.S.) Student

Email: spoudel2@alaska.eduPhone

Time with ACEP

Aug. 2023-present


Sauraj Poudel is a graduate research assistant while pursuing his master’s degree in electrical engineering at UAF. His academic journey is marked by a passion for advancing the field of power systems, a crucial area within the realm of electrical engineering. He had his undergraduate degree in electrical engineering.

Poudel’s current focus is developing algorithms and methodologies for state estimation in steady state and dynamic systems. His work not only aims to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of estimation techniques but also explores their application in diverse fields such as power systems and renewable energy integration. He values teamwork and interdisciplinary collaboration, recognizing their importance in tackling complex engineering challenges.

Looking ahead, Poudel is committed to leveraging his expertise in state estimation, power system integration, power system modeling and machine modeling to drive innovation and sustainability in the energy sector. He aspires to contribute to the development of smart grid technologies and renewable energy solutions that can meet the global demand for reliable and efficient power systems.


  • Power Systems Integration
  • Kotzebue model validation