Women Communicating Arctic Science Gender in Transdisciplinary Research

Women Communicating Arctic Science Gender in Transdisciplinary Research

A new webinar series, Breaking the Ice Ceiling, will illuminate polar research by those who identify as women. The series will foster discussion on systemic change in polar sciences (Indigenous, natural and social sciences) to advance diversity, equity and inclusion.

Members of the series’ organizing coalition include The Arctic Institute, Women in Polar Sciences and Women of the Arctic.

Join the free webinar, titled “Women Communicating Arctic Science: Gender in Transdisciplinary Research,” on Thursday, May 6, from 8-9 a.m. You will hear from Alexandra Middleton, a researcher at Finland’s University of Oulu, about Arctic science communicated by women — the heart and sense dilemma. And you’ll hear from UAF Professor Amy Lauren Lovecraft about whether gender matters in transdisciplinary Arctic research.

Register and find out more here.