2003-2004 UAF Catalog

Degrees and Programs


College of Liberal Arts
Department of Journalism
(907) 474-7761

Degree: B.A.

Minimum Requirements for Degree: 123-124 credits

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The journalism curriculum offers a balance of professional and theory courses for majors and non-majors. Majors take a variety of skills and theory courses while acquiring a strong liberal arts background. Non-majors, including those minoring in journalism, may choose from a wide selection of courses.

Besides gaining a solid academic background in the classroom, students get practical experience by working with media on and off campus. On campus, these include public television and public radio stations, a student-owned FM station and the campus newspaper. Off campus, students have opportunities to intern with a variety of radio and television stations, newspapers and other media-related businesses and organizations, both in and out of Alaska.

The department has several laboratory facilities including a news writing/digital photography lab, a multimedia lab, a digital audio production lab, a digital video editing lab, two photography labs and a photography studio. The department is fully accredited by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.


Undergraduate Program


Journalism -- B.A. Degree

Concentrations: Broadcast Journalism, News-Editorial, Photojournalism, Publishing-Multimedia

  1. Complete the general university requirements.
  2. Complete the B.A. degree requirements. As part of the B.A. degree requirements, complete ENGL 317* or pass JRN grammar test, and HIST 132*.
  3. Complete the following program (major) requirements:*
    JRN 101 -- Introduction to Mass Communications (3 credits)
    JRN 301W -- News Reporting and Writing (3 credits)
    JRN 400 -- Professional Media Internship (3 credits)
    JRN 413 -- Mass Media Law and Regulation (3 credits)
    JRN 421 -- Journalism in Perspective (3 credits)
  4. Complete credits outside of journalism. ** (90 credits)
  5. Complete 1 of the following concentrations:*

    Broadcast Journalism

    1. Complete the following:
      JRN 215 -- Radio Production (3 credits)
      JRN 451O -- Television Production (4 credits)
      JRN 452W -- Radio and Television News Writing (3 credits)
      JRN 453 -- Television News Reporting (3 credits)
    2. Complete 2 courses from the list of approved journalism electives.
    3. Minimum credits required (124 credits)


    1. Complete the following:
      JRN 323 -- Publication Editing (3 credits)
      JRN 401 -- Beat Reporting (3 credits)
      JRN 444W -- Investigative Reporting (3 credits)
    2. Complete 3 courses from the list of approved journalism electives.
    3. Minimum credits required (123 credits)


    1. Complete the following:
      JRN 203 -- Basic Photography (3 credits)
      JRN 402 -- Advanced Photography (3 credits)
      JRN 404 -- Photojournalism I (3 credits)
      JRN 406 -- Photojournalism II (3 credits)
    2. Complete 2 courses from the list of approved journalism electives.
    3. Minimum credits required (123 credits)


    1. Complete the following:
      JRN 323 -- Publication Editing (3 credits)
      JRN 324 -- Typography and Publication Design (3 credits)
      JRN 484 -- Multimedia Theory and Practice (3 credits)
    2. Complete 3 courses from the list of approved journalism electives.****
    3. Minimum credits required (123 credits)

Approved journalism electives:*

JRN 102 -- Introduction to Broadcasting (3 credits)
JRN 203 -- Basic Photography (3 credits)
JRN 215 -- Radio Production (3 credits)
JRN 240 -- International Communications (3 credits)
JRN 300 -- Internship (3 credits)
JRN 311W -- Magazine Article Writing (3 credits)
JRN 323 -- Publication Editing (3 credits)
JRN 324 -- Typography and Publication Design (3 credits)
JRN/BA 326 -- Principles of Advertising (3 credits)
JRN 340 -- Mass Media and Society (3 credits)
JRN 350 -- Adobe Photoshop (3 credits)
JRN/ART 371 -- Digital Photography and Pixel Painting (3 credits)
JRN/WMS 380O -- Women, Minorities and the Mass Media (3 credits)
JRN 401 -- Beat Reporting (3 credits)
JRN 402 -- Advanced Photography (3 credits)
JRN 403 -- Color Photography (3 credits)
JRN 404 -- Photojournalism I (3 credits)
JRN 405 -- Advanced Photography Seminar (3 credits)
JRN 406 -- Photojournalism II (3 credits)
JRN 408 -- Media Management (3 credits)
JRN 411W -- Advanced Writing for Publication (3 credits)
JRN 424 -- Magazine Production (3 credits)
JRN 433 -- Public Relations (3 credits)
JRN 440 -- Ethics and Reporting in the Far North (3 credits)
JRN 444W -- Investigative Reporting (3 credits)
JRN 451O -- Television Production (4 credits)
JRN 452 -- Radio and Television News Writing (3 credits)
JRN 453 -- Television News Reporting (3 credits)
JRN 454 -- Advanced TV News Production (3 credits)
JRN/ART 484 -- Multimedia Theory and Practice (3 credits)
JRN/ED 486 -- Media Literacy (3 credits)
JRN 493 -- Special Topics (3 credits)
JRN 497 -- Independent Study (3 credits)

* Student must earn a C grade or better in each course in the major requirements; ENGL 317; HIST 132; and any course offered through the Department of Journalism .

** To assure the journalist a broad liberal arts education, 80 credits must be outside of journalism, 65 of which should be from traditional liberal arts courses offered by any of these departments: AKNP, ALST, ANL, ANS, ANTH, ART, ASLG, ATM, BIOL, CHEM, COMM, ECON, ENGL, ENVE, ESK, FISH, FL, FREN, FSN, GEOG, GEOS, GER, HIST, HONR, HUM, JPN, JUST, LING, LS, MATH, MSL, MUS, NORS, NRM, PHIL, PHYS, PS, PSY, RUSS, SOC, SPAN, STAT, THR, WMS.

*** JRN 102, 308, 408 and 486 may not be used as approved JRN electives in this concentration. However, any of the following courses may be substituted for one of the 3 approved JRN electives: BA 343, 436 or 445W.

**** JRN 471O and 472O may be used as approved JRN electives in this concentration.



  1. Complete the following:
    JRN 101 -- Introduction to Mass Communications (3 credits)
    JRN 301W -- News Reporting and Writing (3 credits)
    Approved JRN electives (9 credits)
  2. Minimum credits required (15 credits)

* Student must earn a C grade or better in all department courses used to satisfy minor requirements.