2003-2004 UAF Catalog


Applying for Admission

When to Apply

Freshmen and transfer applications for admission are due no later than August 1 for the fall semester, or December 1 for the spring semester.

High school seniors should apply for admission during the first semester of their senior year, and provide a listing of course work in progress. Transfer students should apply four to six months prior to the beginning of the semester they plan to enroll.

How to Apply

You may request an application from the Office of Admissions, or apply online via the UAF website at www.uaf.edu. The Office of Admissions must receive the following before your application is complete:

  1. Application for Admission

    The Office of Admissions must receive your application, along with a $35 non-refundable application fee, before the published application deadlines.

  2. Transcripts

    High school transcripts:
    All bachelor's degree applicants with fewer than 30 semester credit hours must submit high school transcripts. Applicants to certificate and associate degree programs aren't required to submit high school transcripts, but are strongly encouraged to do so.

    College transcripts:
    All bachelor's degree applicants who have attended a postsecondary institution must arrange for their official college or university transcripts to be sent to UAF. You must arrange for each college or university you've attended to send an official transcript to UAF. Transcripts cannot be accepted if you submit them yourself. Applicants to certificate or associate degree programs are strongly encouraged to submit official college or university transcripts.

  3. TestResults

    Bachelor's degree applicants:
    Freshman and transfer applicants with fewer than 30 semester credit hours must submit the results of either the ACT or the SAT examinations. These test scores are used to determine your placement in English, mathematics and other freshman-level courses.

    Certificate and associate degree applicants:
    Applicants with fewer than 30 semester credit hours who apply to a certificate or associate degree program requiring English or mathematics course work must submit the results of the SAT, ACT, ASSET or COMPASS test.

    Contact the UAF Testing Office at (907) 474-5277 or your high school for information concerning the ACT, SAT, ASSET or COMPASS tests.

Conditional and Final Acceptance

If you're a qualified applicant, a letter of acceptance will be mailed to you once the above items are received and evaluated. Your letter of acceptance will list any conditions under which you are being admitted. If you're a qualified applicant in your last year of high school, or attending another college, your acceptance will be conditional until official transcripts are received showing you've satisfactorily completed the work in progress and, if you're a high school senior, showing you've graduated. Your acceptance to UAF is final only when all your credentials have been accepted by the Office of Admissions.

Request to Postpone

Your offer of admission is valid for the semester for which you applied. If you're unable to attend in the semester for which you're admitted, you'll need to contact the Office of Admissions to request a later term. If you don't attend another school outside the University of Alaska Statewide System, you may postpone your enrollment for a maximum of one calendar year.