Table of Substitutions: Non-University of Alaska institutions

This table specifies courses accepted by transfer to UAF, from institutions outside the University of Alaska system, that may substitute for UAF’s core curriculum. This table of substitutions applies only to courses accepted by transfer. Students transferring from either UAA or UAS should consult the table of substitutions for intra-UA transfers (a brochure listing current intra-UA substitutions is available from the Office of Admissions at UAF, UAA or UAS), or visit online

Core Curriculum Courses Transfer Courses
MATH 107X: Functions for Calculus or MATH 131X: Concepts and Contemporary Applications of Mathematics a 100-level or above mathematics course having a prerequisite of at least two years of high school algebra
MATH 200X, 201X, 202X, 262X, 272X, Calculus a calculus course at the 100-level or above
ENGL 111X: Intro to Academic Writing the required first semester composition course at the 100-level (must be basic freshman composition and not developmental)
ENGL 211X: Academic Writing About Literature OR ENGL 213X: Academic Writing About Soc & Nat Sciences the second half of the introductory composition series at the 100-level or above
COMM 131X: Fundamentals of Oral Communication Group Context OR COMM 141X: Fundamentals of Oral Commmunication Public Context a 100-level or above performance course in fundamentals of speech communication, public speaking or small group communication
Natural Sciences-8 credits courses in basic natural sciences (biology, chemistry, earth sciences, physics) with labs, at the 100-level or above. Non-lab courses are transferable only as a second natural science course. To fulfill core requirements, a transfer student must complete two lab courses or two labs. Transfer of credit for courses in a natural science other than those listed requires approval of the dean of the College of Science, Engineering and Mathematics
Perspectives on the Human Condition Transfer Courses
HIST 100X: Modern World History a Western or non-Western civilization course at the 100-level or above
ECON/PS 100X: Political Economy a foundation course in political science, economics or law
ANTH/SOC 100X: Individual, Society and Culture a foundation course in sociology, social/cultural anthropology, social psychology, psychology, language and culture, or cultural geography at the 100-level or above
ENGL/FL 200X: World Literatures a literature course at the 100-level or above
ART/MUS/THR 200X: Aesthetic Appreciation a history or appreciation course in art, theatre or music at the 100-level or above
PHIL 322X: Ethics (Values and Choices) an upper-division course in ethics, or, with approval of the philosophy department, a lower-division course in ethics.
Other Transfer Courses
Library and Information Research (0–1 credit) a 100-level library skills course
Foreign Language a minimum of two semesters in a single, non-English language