Atmospheric Sciences

College of Natural Science and Mathematics
Atmospheric Sciences Program

M.S., Ph.D. Degrees

Minimum Requirements for Degrees: M.S.: 30 credits; Ph.D.: 18 thesis credits

The field of atmospheric science covers a wide variety of disciplines involving the physical and chemical properties and processes of the atmosphere. Emerging trends in atmospheric science stress the interactions of the atmosphere with other components (i.e. land, sea ice, ocean) in the total earth system.

The UAF Geophysical Institute, the International Arctic Research Center and other university research institutes support active research programs in high-latitude atmospheric science that include faculty from the biology, chemistry, physics and other departments. Current research by atmospheric sciences focuses on: atmospheric chemistry/biogeochemistry, climate modeling, cloud and aerosol physics, mesoscale modeling, numerical weather prediction and aviation weather. In addition, scientists affiliated with the research institutes conduct research on ocean-atmosphere interactions, dynamic meteorology, microclimatology, polar meteorology, radiative transfer, cryosphere-atmosphere interactions and remote sensing.

Graduate students are an integral component of this research, both in the laboratory and the field. Research institutes provide excellent environments for research in atmospheric science as well as interdisciplinary research with scientists in other research areas.

Graduate Program — M.S. Degree

  1. Complete the general university requirements.
  2. Complete the master's degree requirements.
  3. Complete four of the five following basic courses in atmospheric sciences:
    ATM F601—Introduction to Atmospheric Science—3 credits
    ATM F606—Atmospheric Chemistry—3 credits
    ATM F613—Atmospheric Radiation—3 credits
    ATM F615—Cloud Physics—3 credits
    ATM F645—Atmospheric Dynamics—3 credits
  4. Complete additional approved F600-level courses—9 credits
  5. Complete ATM F699—Thesis—6 – 12 credits
  6. Minimum credits required—30 credits

Graduate Program — Ph.D. Degree

  1. Complete the general university requirements.
  2. Complete the Ph.D. degree requirements.
  3. Complete the following basic courses in atmospheric sciences:
    ATM F601—Introduction to Atmospheric Science—3 credits
    ATM F606—Atmospheric Chemistry—3 credits
    ATM F613—Atmospheric Radiation—3 credits
    ATM F615—Cloud Physics—3 credits
    ATM F645—Atmospheric Dynamics—3 credits
  4. Complete the additional course requirements determined in conjunction with the graduate advisory committee.
  5. Minimum credits required—18 credits