Applied Management

Acquire management knowledge and skills to support your career growth

applied management


You are the expert in your industry; we are the experts in business. Let us add to your academic and career foundation by helping you build the skills, knowledge and strategies you'll need to manage in your industry. This program is specifically created to support students with current certifications, training or associate degrees in a trade or specialty area who are interested in completing a bachelor’s degree.

Are you looking to expand your professional toolbox and take your career to the next level? If so, the applied management program is for you. Whether you are interested in starting your own business or plan to take on a management role in your area of expertise, the coursework, faculty, staff and opportunities of the applied management program will support your career and academic goals.

Want to learn more?

Watch a short video about the BAM degree program:

If you have questions or would like to schedule an individual information session, contact Program Director Amanda White at or (907) 474-5872.

Hear stories from BAM students and alumni!


Brennan PalmerWith the support of the BAM program instructors, I was able to work full time, enjoy time exploring Alaska, and obtain the education I wanted. Brennan Palmer  |  Plant Operator, Doyon Utilities  |  BAM 2020

The College of Business and Security Management is extending an offer to waive the application fee for all students who apply to any College of Business and Security Management degree program. Use the waiver code UAFCBSM when applying to take advantage of this offer.

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