Alcohol and Intoxicants-Field Activity Policy

UAF Policy 02.09.030

Original Adoption:
February 5, 2019
October 23, 2024
Responsible Chancellor's Cabinet Member:
Provost; VC for Research; VC for Rural, Community, & Native Education; VC for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management; VC for Administrative Services
Responsible Department/Office:
Office of the VC for Research; Office of the Provost; Office of the VC for Rural, Community, & Native Education; Office of Rights, Compliance, & Accountability; Nanook Recreation; UA Human Resources


Use of alcohol or intoxicants are not allowed during field activities involving UAF personnel and or students, unless an exception is granted. Any use of alcohol or intoxicants pursuant to an exception must be consistent with local, state or federal laws and regulations.

In field locations where a Licensed Premise is present, personnel may consume alcohol at a licensed premise after working hours in compliance with applicable law and the policy of the entity or personnel with administrative control of the venue or field activity. Principal Investigators (Pls), team/field leads, professors, supervisors, deans, directors, vice provosts, and vice chancellors may set more restrictive guidance.


Field participants, including UAF faculty, staff, students and volunteers represent the university and are expected to act responsibly. Impairment or impaired individuals pose a safety risk to themselves and others. As such, impairment as a result of the use of alcohol or intoxicants is not permitted during any UAF related field activities.

Emergency response to health and safety issues may not be immediately available and field activity participants must be able to respond as needed to address emergent situations.


Exceptions to the Policy must be approved in advance by the Chancellor or designee.

To request an exception to this policy, you are required to work with the UA Human Resources Benefits and Compensation and/or the Environmental Health, Safety, and Risk Management team to evaluate your request.

No exception will be granted if Minors are at the field site.

No exception will be granted if the field activity is a for-credit undergraduate course, an undergraduate student activity, a for-credit cross-listed graduate-undergraduate class or a non-credit workforce training program.


Alcohol - Any liquid, gel, or solid that contains one-half of one percent or more of alcohol by volume.

Dean or Director - The dean or director has supervisory authority over the PI and all associated field activities.

Field - The location of any university-related activities, including course or research activities. “Field” does not include off-campus: sporting events, meetings, conferences, training, sponsored dinners, or events.

Field Research - is the collection of data outside a laboratory, library, or workplace setting on behalf of the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus and/or branch campuses.

Field Safety Emergency Plan (FSEP) - a sound action plan to cope with emergencies encountered during official travel. Used by those traveling to a location of any university-related activities, including course or research activities, that occur beyond the UAF campus not including sporting events, meetings, conferences, training, sponsored dinners, or events that occur at another institution, or facility.

Field Work Participant [in field activity] - all individuals engaged in an activity administered by UAF at the field site. This includes but is not limited to all UAF faculty, staff, and students; UAF volunteers; and faculty, staff, and students from other institutions who are engaged in a UAF-led activity. Field Work Participant also include anyone who is using a UAF-owned or administered facility.

Impairment - For purposes of this Policy, impairment is defined as the inability to act with the caution or skill that one would normally display if not affected by an intoxicant. A person exhibiting signs of impairment will be presumed to be impaired.

Intoxicants - Substances that produce a condition of diminished mental and physical functions and abilities. Examples include but are not limited to controlled substances, inhalants, illegal drugs, marijuana and medication*.

*Any person taking prescription drugs or over-the-counter medication is personally responsible for ensuring that while taking such drugs or medications, they are not a safety risk to themselves and others while on University property, while driving a University or privately owned vehicle, or while otherwise engaged in University business. If taking prescribed medication could compromise workplace safety or affect work performance, the employee is responsible for communicating with their supervisor or Human Resource contact to evaluate temporary job modification/re-assignment during the course of the treatment.

Licensed Premise - A bar, restaurant, or similar business where alcohol is legally sold and consumed on site; it does not mean a package or liquor store, or equivalent, where alcohol is purchased and taken to be consumed off site.

Motor Vehicle - Any means of transportation that is propelled by a motor, including automobiles, trucks, aircraft, motorcycles, motor boats, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and snow machines.

Non-conventional Modes of Transportation - are defined as a boat, snow machine, ATV, private aircraft, and other modes not listed (i.e. dog mushing, ice road travel). University Regulation 05.02.060 - Travel and Relocation, requires that non-conventional modes of transportation need to be approved by the UAF Risk Manager prior to use.

Principal Investigator - Principal investigator (PI) bears primary responsibility for technical compliance, completion of programmatic work, fiscal stewardship of sponsor funds, and compliance with administrative requirements of the project. In some cases the PI may also be the Trip Leader.

Trip Leader - The trip leader is the project leader, who is responsible for planning, implementation, supervision and reporting (if applicable) for the field activity. In some cases the Trip Leader may also be the PI.


The following are Alaska Statutes and references that were used in the development of this Policy.

  • Alaska Statute Title 04. Alcoholic Beverages.
  • AS 11.61.210 Misconduct involving Weapons in The Fourth Degree.
  • AS 28.35.030 Operating A Vehicle, Aircraft or Watercraft While Under The Influence Of An Alcoholic Beverage, Inhalant, Or Controlled Substance.
  • UAF Research Field Safety:
  • AS 04.16.050 Minor Consuming Alcohol.
  • AS 28.35.029 Motor Vehicles; Open container.
  • AS 28.35.030 Operating a Vehicle, Aircraft or Watercraft While Under the Influence of An Alcoholic Beverage, Inhalant, or Controlled Substance.
  • AS 11.61.200(a)(7) Misconduct Involving Weapons in the Third Degree.
  • AS 04.21.080(b) Alcoholic Beverages § 04.21.080. Definitions.
  • Marijuana remains a controlled substance under federal law, and Regents' Policy and University Regulation prohibit possession and use on university property, in university workplaces, and at university sponsored or authorized activities and events. BOR P05.12.104



  • Establishes and communicates the Policy and is advised of any Policy violations.
  • Reviews and takes action on requests for exception to the Policy.

Vice Chancellor/Provost:

  • Review and submit Dean/Director department requests for exceptions to the Policy.


  • Review and submit department requests for exception to the Policy.
  • Manage and address, if necessary, reported violations of the Policy.

Principle Investigator (PI)/Trip Leader

  • Comply with the Policy and any field site, unit, or project specific alcohol policies.
  • Disseminating the Policy to all individuals that they supervise who engage in field activities.
    • Communicate and ensure understanding of the Policy prior to any participant engaging in the field activity.
  • Reporting violations of the Policy to the supervisor/dean/director of that participant (employees), EHSRM, or the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability (ORCA).
  • May suspend field activities when alcohol or other intoxicants are present in violation of the Policy and take the following steps:
    • Confiscate and dispose of or render any intoxicants to the appropriate authorities if it can be done safely.
    • Direct one or more of the following actions:
      • Allow the field activity to proceed.
      • Terminate the field activity for the current activity period.

Field Work Participants

  • Participants carry out the project work at the field site.
  • Reading and affirming their understanding of this Policy and any field site, UAF unit, or project specific policies prior to embarking on the planned field activity.
  • Complying with the Policy and any field site-specific alcohol policy.
  • Reporting non-compliance with this Policy to trip leader/PI and/or to the cognizant dean or director.


Failure to comply with this policy may result in immediate removal from field activities at the participants expense as well as disciplinary action. Non-compliance with the law may lead to arrest and fines.

All participants of the field activity who suspect or recognize a direct violation of this Policy have the right and responsibility to report non-compliance with the Policy to:

  • The field activity participant supervisor;
  • The field activity supervisor; or
  • The field site leadership.

If personnel reporting a non-compliance concern do not feel comfortable reporting to the above parties, they have the right to report to their direct supervisor, dean or director, UAF Human Resources, or their Vice Chancellor or Associate Vice Chancellor.


  1. Request for exceptions. Trip Leader and or the PI may request an exception to the Policy. Exceptions must be approved by the PI, the dean or director, Vice Chancellor and/or Provost and the Chancellor or designee. Exceptions are valid per approved field safety emergency plan, provided there are no changes to the plan.
  2. Revoking Exceptions. The Chancellor or designee may revoke exceptions at any time for any reason.
  3. Understanding the Policy.  All field work participants and the trip leaders must read and affirm their understanding of the Policy and any applicable field site, unit, or project policies for each field safety plan. The Policy requirements must be included in the safety brief provided to all participants before leaving for the field.



Daniel M. White, Chancellor
University of Alaska Fairbanks