Process for the Approval, Revision or Rescission of UAF Policies

Faculty and staff employed through the UAF system, students enrolled at UAF, UAF governance bodies, and standing or ad hoc UAF advisory committees (hereinafter referred to as "requestor") may propose the adoption, revision, or rescission of a UAF policy by writing or emailing:  

UAF Chancellor's Office; Attention:
Chancellor's Assistant,
PO Box 757500,
Fairbanks, AK 99775;

  1. The written communication must include:
    1. Subject line describing the proposed policy action (adoption, revision, or rescission).
    2. Requestor's name, current UAF affiliation, mailing and email addresses, and phone number.   If this information is not provided, the proposal will not receive consideration.
    3. If the requestor is proposing a new policy: Complete the policy template (Word document). Submit both a hard copy and an electronic version (in Microsoft Word) of the completed policy template.
    4. If the requestor is proposing revisions to an existing policy: Justification for the proposed revisions and a copy of the policy with the specific revisions noted.
    5. If the requestor is proposing the rescission of an existing policy:   Justification for the rescission and a copy of the existing policy. 
  2. The UAF Executive Officer will review the written proposal and may contact the requestor to clarify wording or request additional information.  
  3. The UAF Executive Officer will notify Chancellor's Cabinet of the proposal and assign its review to the cabinet member with the most expertise in, or responsibility for, the subject area.   Even when there is overlap, only one cabinet member will be assigned responsibility for a proposal.   The assigned cabinet member will review the proposal and at his/her discretion determine next steps, which may include but are not limited to:
    1. Appointment of a committee to evaluate and make recommendations on the proposal. Composition of the committee is at the discretion of the assigned cabinet member.
    2. Refer the proposal to his/her direct reports for evaluation and recommendation.
    3. Refer the proposal to the UA Office of the General Counsel, UAF Risk Management, UAF governance bodies, Provost's Council, and/or affected departments or constituencies for comment.
    4. Cease further consideration of the proposal.
  4. During the review process many factors will be considered, including but not limited to:
    1. Compliance with federal, state and local laws and regulations, UA policies and regulations, and other UAF policies.
    2. Which UAF department or office will be responsible for compliance, and the consequences for noncompliance.
    3. Whether the proposal represents a document better implemented as a guideline, rather than as a formal UAF policy. 
  5. After the review process, the assigned cabinet member provides the UAF Executive Officer with a draft policy, a recommendation for policy rescission (with justification for the rescission), or a recommendation to cease further consideration of the proposal (with justification for the decision).   The UAF Executive Officer advances the matter to Chancellor's Cabinet for its consideration and decision, and ultimately the Chancellor's final, written approval of the proposed policy adoption, revision, rescission, or no action.   Unless otherwise specified, the effective date or rescission date of a policy is the date the Chancellor signs the policy or rescission.
  6. After the Chancellor's written approval of a new, revised or rescinded UAF policy, it will be communicated to the UAF community by at least one of the following methods:
    1. UAF Policy website.
    2. Email communication from the Chancellor; responsible Chancellor's Cabinet member, department or office; or University Relations.
    3. Announcement in faculty and staff newsletters.

The Assistant to the Chancellor will notify the requestor of the final decision made relative to his/her proposal.

Download policy template (Word document)

Flow Chart for the Approval, Revision or Rescission of UAF Policies

Flowchart for the approval, revision or rescission of UAF policies