Midnight Sun Visiting Writers Series

The Midnight Sun Visiting Writers Series logo. A very large pen hovers over a green mountain. The sun is bright in the background. Below that is the text: "Midnight Sun Visiting Writers Series."The Midnight Sun Visiting Writers Series is an annual program that hosts local and nationally renowned writers for craft lectures and public readings. The first events were held in the early 1970s, and over the years, many of the most prestigious names in literature—Robert Pinsky, Lucille Clifton, Scott Russell Sanders, Mark Doty, Camille Dungy, and Terry Tempest Williams, to name a few—have made appearances in Fairbanks. All events are free, and they're open to university students, stakeholders, and community members. For the 2023–24 academic year, Joseph Holt is Director of the Midnight Sun Visiting Writers Series.

The series also hosts the Dead Writers reading during the Halloween season. Participants—including many of our MFA students and faculty—deliver readings from the work of their favorite deceased writers, often in full creepy costume. The event includes raffle prizes and awards such Best Costume and Best Performance. Dead Writers, which originated in 1990, raises additional funds to bring visiting writers to Fairbanks.

For the 2022–23 academic year, visiting writers included Caitlin Scarano, Debbie Moderow, Ken Waldman, Tom Kizzia, Joe Sacksteder, Elizabeth Bradfield, and Sara Ryan. We will be announcing our Fall 2023 lineup in late summer.

We're also happy to debut the new logo for the Midnight Sun Visiting Writers Series. It was designed by undergraduate student Marina Gonzalez Mazo. Thanks to a Supplies & Services Award from Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity, we will be distributing promotional material featuring the new logo during the next academic year.