Find contact information for your forms:
Use the Department/Program Directory for: Find your Dean/Director, Department/Program chair, and Graduate Coordinator.
Find email of any UA faculty or staff member. You can also use department/program website.
- Appointment of Graduate Student Advisory Committee
Please use this form to initially appoint the members of your advisory committee before the end of the second semester in your graduate program. Thereafter, use this form to record any changes in your committee membership. Committee members that are resigning from the committee should be recorded (and sign the form). The department/program chair can sign for resigning members if they are not available to sign.
Preview Appointment of Graduate Student Advisory Committee form as PDF. - Graduate Study Plan
Please submit this form by the end of your second semester. Courses on this form should meet the degree requirements in the catalog. Please include any planned course substitutions and, if applicable, an outline of the proposed dissertation/thesis/project research. The outline of the research proposal should be detailed but succinct with the following elements:
- Title of project;
- Research Objectives;
- Proposed Methodology;
- Expected Outcomes;
- Significance of Research;
- Proposed Timeline. These six elements need only be short paragraphs or a couple of sentences. The outline should be no more than 2-3 pages.
Preview as Graduate Study Plan form as PDF. - Report of Advisory Committee
Please complete this form at least once a year during each year of study. The form should report the decisions made during the meeting of the student and committee, and be accompanied by a narrative statement authored by the student. The form is due by March 15th each year for those students admitted in a summer or fall semester, and is due by December 15th each year for those admitted in a spring semester. If you are unable to meet these deadlines, please request an extension here.
Preview Report of Advisory Committee form as PDF. - Report on Comprehensive Exam
This form is required for students in programs with written and oral comprehensive exams. Please complete this form when you finish each exam. Students whose exams are combined with their defense submit BOTH this form and the Report on Dissertation/Thesis/Project defense. Doctoral students should contact the graduate school to arrange an outside examiner to attend their oral comprehensive exams (see Request for Outside Examiner).
Preview Report on Comprehensive Exam form as PDF. - Advancement to Candidacy
Please submit this form in the semester prior to graduation at the latest. Doctoral students advance to candidacy when they have completed their comprehensive examinations. Master’s students advance to candidacy after completing nine (9) credits in their program, and received approval of their graduate study plan and, if applicable, received approval of a provisional thesis/project topic.
Preview Advancement to Candidacy form as PDF - UAF Graduation Application
The application to graduate is located in UAOnline. You will need to login, go to the Student tab, and then click on Apply to Graduate under the Student Records section. The deadline for submission is October 15th for fall graduation, February 1st for spring graduation, and July 15th for summer graduation.
- Approval of Dissertation/Thesis/Project
Please submit this form after your defense when you’ve completed the edits required by your committee. Dissertation and theses require the approval for the advisory committee, department chair, dean, and graduate school. The form certifies that your final post-defense copy of your thesis, dissertation, or project is complete, approved, and ready for publication to the ProQuest, the national archive, and ScholarWorks@UA, the university archive.
Preview Approval of Dissertation/Thesis/Project form as PDF. - Dissertation/Thesis Publishing Agreement
Please complete this form before you submit your thesis or dissertation to the graduate school.
- Dissertation/Thesis Submission
Please submit your dissertation or thesis to ProQuest, which serves as a national archive. The deadline for submission is April 7th in spring semester, August 1st in summer semester, and November 28th in fall semester. You can also submit through the “Ready to Graduate” page.
- Project Submission
Please submit your post-defense project for publication to the graduate school. The submission process differs from that of dissertations and theses. The deadline for submission is April 24th in spring semester, August 10th in summer semester, and November 28th in fall semester. You can also submit through the “Ready to Graduate” page. - Public Defense Announcement
Graduate dissertation, thesis and project defenses must be open to the public, and announced publicly to the university and wider community. Please complete this form at least two weeks before your defense.
Please upload a flyer with your submission that can be posted both online and on campus.
Flyer Requirements: DefenseTitle, Type of Defense (e.g. M.S. Thesis, M.A. Project, Ph.D. Dissertation, etc), Presenter, Major, Advisor, Time, Day, Date, Location and point of contact (phone and/or email). - Report on Dissertation/Thesis/Project Defense
Please complete this form after your defense examination. If your defense is combined with your comprehensive exam, you must complete both this form AND the Report on Comprehensive Exam. Preview Report on Dissertation/Thesis/Project Defense form as PDF. - Request for Outside Examiner
An outside examiner is only required for the doctoral oral comprehensive examination and the doctoral dissertation defense examination. Ph.D. students should submit his form at least two weeks before the date of their oral comprehensive exam/dissertation defense exam. The graduate school will appoint an outside examiner from a department/program other than that awarding the Ph.D. The outside examiner evaluates the examination process and ensures that it is unbiased, that the student is treated fairly, and that the examination has sufficient academic rigor for the award of the doctoral degree. The graduate school does not require the presence of an outside examiner at Master’s examinations.
- Application for Admission
The Office of Admissions lists the requirements for admission to our graduate programs. Applications for admission can be filed through the application portal. - Application for Residency Status
Student services provides information about resident and non-resident tuition, the process of applying for residency, and the online application. - CHANGE or ADD Graduate Degree, Major, or Certificate
Please use this form to:- Add a certificate or licensure to your current degree program;
- Change your major to another program within the same department;
- Change your degree type (e.g. Ph.D. to Master’s);
- Change your degree option (e.g. completion by Project instead of by Thesis, completion by Coursework instead of Project);
- Add a degree within the same department to your current program (e.g. continue from a Master’s into a Ph.D).
- Clinical-Community Psychology Dissertation Approval Form (PDF)
Students in the clinical-community psychology program should submit this form when they have completed their dissertation. - Graduate Student Employee Workload Exemption Request (PDF)
Please complete this form if you are a Graduate Student Teaching Assistant or Research Assistant and plan to work in excess of 20 hours per week (i.e., 40 hours per pay period). International students with temporary student visas (F-1 or J-1) are only permitted to work 20 hours per week while classes are in session, and are not eligible for a workload exemption. - Graduate Student Petition
Please complete this form if you would like to depart from your program requirements or catalog requirements, such as: Substituting courses; Changing Project credits to Thesis credits (and vice versa); Extending the time limit of your degree to applying a course to your degree; and any other departures from program or catalog requirements.
Preview Graduate Student Petition form as PDF. - Human Subjects/Animal Care/Biosafety
Students whose research includes working with human participants, animal subjects, biological agents, should complete the requirements mandated by the Office of Research Integrity (ORI). Please visit the ORI website and complete the necessary processes and forms. - Interdisciplinary Degree Title
Interdisciplinary Master’s or Ph.D. students formally establish the title of the program that will be printed on their transcripts and diploma. Please complete this form prior to submission of your graduation application.
Preview Interdisciplinary Degree Title form as PDF. - Language or Research Tool Requirement Report (Master’s) (PDF)
Required for certain Master’s programs with language/research tool requirements. - Languages and/or Research Tools Requirement Report (Ph.D.) (PDF)
Required for certain Doctoral programs with language/research tool requirements. - Reinstatement of Graduate Student Status
Students who have not met minimum enrollment requirements (i.e., six (6) credits per academic year) are required to be reinstated in their program. You can reinstate if it has been less than two years since your last enrollment in a UAF 400- or 600-level course. If it has been more than two years since your last enrollment, please reapply for admission.
Preview Reinstatement of Graduate Student Status as PDF. - Temporary Leave of Absence Request
Please complete this form if you need to temporarily suspend studies while earning a graduate degree. Completion of this form will ensure that you stay in good standing if you are not able to complete six (6) credits per academic year. If you do not obtain a leave of absence and do not meet registration requirements you will have to be reinstated before resuming your program. - Graduate Student Health Insurance Enrollment
If you have a Research or Teaching Assistantship, or a Fellowship that includes insurance, please complete this form by the Fee Payment deadline each semester. We are unable to enroll you in a health insurance until this form has been submitted with the correct information.
- Graduate Student Tuition/Fee/Fellowship Payment Memo Submission (
Payment memos are required for processing of graduate assistantships, fellowships, and awards. The memo should be submitted as soon as the payment is established and at least two weeks prior to the semester fee payment deadline.
- Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED)
SED is an annual census conducted since 1957 of all individuals receiving a research doctorate from an accredited U.S. institution in a given academic year. The SED is sponsored by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Education, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. The SED collects information on the doctoral recipient's educational history, demographic characteristics, and postgraduation plans. Results are used to assess characteristics of the doctoral population and trends in doctoral education and degrees.