Language Lab

Language Lab

The language lab has computers and numerous programs available for improving or maintaining your language skills--surfing the net in a different language, sending e-mail to foreign countries, or spell-checking your language papers (we have spell-checkers available in French, German, Russian, and Spanish!). Also, you can study here, listen to cassettes or CDs, get help from a language tutor, or just talk with your friends.


Hours & Location

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

609 Gruening

Do you need a translator?

Translation Policy

Because of liability issues, the UAF Department of Foreign Languages no longer offers translation services. The Office of the Lieutenant Governor of the State of Alaska provides a list of qualified interpreters and notaries public to assist with documents, such as birth, death and marriage certificates. For a list of translators who may be contacted to assist you in the language of your choice.