Come to the Fair!

Submitted by Tori Tragis
Phone: (907) 474-6438


It’s already fair time again, and YOUR help is needed to spread the word about UAF and your department or unit. Over 100,000 visitors came to the Tanana Valley State Fair in 2001, making this a fantastic opportunity to showcase UAF, and in a variety of ways. Please consider participating in one or more of these activities:

University Relations has booth space in the Borealis Pavilion the entire week. Hours: noon-10 p.m. daily.

You are encouraged to claim a whole day (noon-10 p.m.) and to staff the booth however you like, keeping in mind that it’s helpful to have at least two people at the booth at all times. Contact me right away to reserve a day for your group.

Suggested items to bring:
Sign or display to identify your unit; brochures & departmental materials; Sign-up sheet or inquiry cards (for those who might want more information about your unit); Freebies, prizes.

As in the past, each department will be responsible for acquiring its own daily passes. Booth staffers can purchase concessionaire passes at a significant discount. These passes are sold in strips of nine (9) for $36 at the Tanana Valley Fair Office on College Road. Staffers can also purchase passes at the gate on the day of their shift, but the regular ticket price of $7 each will apply. University Relations may be able to provide some tickets on a first-come, first-serve basis.

2. UAF DAY 2002: Friday, August 2
UAF Day is a special day set aside by the Tanana Valley Fair Association to highlight UAF during fair week each year. This is our seventh year, and the campus is invited to participate.

UAF Day provides a valuable and visible opportunity for departments to share with the community all the exciting things going on at UAF. It’s ideally suited for departments which may not have adequate time or personnel to devote more than a few hours to the fair.

Participants are asked to provide an activity, special display or performance. Interactive activities are encouraged, but all activities are welcome.

Some fun things we’ve seen before:
1. Making slime with the Chemistry Department
2. Miscellaneous experiments with the Physics Department
3. Making miniature icing flowers with the folks from Culinary Arts
4. Cheerleading clinic with UAF’s Cheer & Dance Team
5. Performance by UAF’s Percussion Ensemble

A tent with a stage has been reserved for UAF activities to take place between noon and 5:30 p.m. If your activity or performance requires more space, or if it needs to occur later in the day, the Fair Office will make sure there’s a good place for you.

Please respond as soon as possible 1) to ensure your inclusion in publicity about UAF Day, and 2) to make sure your group gets its share of passes for entry into the fairgrounds.

Contact Tori Tragis, 474-6438 or by email at