National Ocean Sciences Bowl


National Ocean Sciences Bowl

Submitted by Carla Browning
Phone: (907) 474-7778


Alaska Sea Grant has started a fund-raising drive to help transport students to the Alaska Region Region National Ocean Sciences Bowl. The quiz competition and research presentation will take place Feb. 21-23, 2003 in Seward. the winning team will compete in the National Ocean Science Bowl finals April 25 - 28 in La Jolla, Calif.

The Alaska Region NOSB has attracted 20 teams from 15 high schools across the state for the 2003 competition, nearly twice as many as last year. Half the schools registered are not on the road system, and some students must travel by air as far as 800 miles. A few of the teams have a major sponsor, while others rely solely on smaller donations. For more information about the bowl or about making a donation, see