Director of UAF Northern Studies Program honored for her FAS work.


Director of UAF Northern Studies Program honored for her FAS work.

Submitted by Julia Parzick
Phone: (907) 474-7126


Dr. Judith Kleinfeld, Director of UAF’s Northern Studies program has been honored by the Statewide Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Parent Support Group for her contributions to the education of young people in Alaska with fetal alcohol syndrome. She received the Gold Pan Award for Outstanding Contributor in the Field of FAS for 2002 during a ceremony in Anchorage in late December.

Kleinfeld is a nationally known author of articles and books on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, including, "Fantastic Antone Succeeds: Experiences in Educating Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome" (Fairbanks, University of Alaska Press, 1993). Her second book on fetal alchohol syndrome, "Fantastic Antone Grows Up" focusing on the problems of adolescents and adults, was published by UA Press in 2000.

Visit the Northern Studies website for more information