UAF Faculty Gets NSF CAREER Award for 2003


UAF Faculty Gets NSF CAREER Award for 2003

Submitted by Hong Liang
Phone: (907) 474-6135


Assistant Professor Hong Liang in the Mechanical Engineering department has been selected to receive the National Science Foundation CAREER Award for 2003. The NSF CAREER Award is one of the most prestigious awards for junior faculty in this country. As part of the award, Professor Liang will receive funding of $450,000 over five years for research activities.

This latest award brings the total number of recipients of the NSF CAREER or its precursors, the NSF Young Investigator and the NSF Presidential Young Investigator, awards at UAF to three. Professor Liang is the only engineering faculty ever at UAF to receive this award. The other recipients of the NSF CAREER awards include Bert Boyer and William Simpson.