Poker Flat Countdown Available on Web


Poker Flat Countdown Available on Web

Submitted by Vicki Daniels
Phone: (907) 474-5823


Live audio coverage of Poker Flat Research Range’s rocket launch countdown is now available to the public via the Internet. For the remainder of the 2003 launch season, near real-time audio coverage including broadcasts of each of the six remaining launches can be accessed by visiting

Much like listening to a police scanner, the coverage features real radio chatter from the range. The public can follow operations throughout each night, including countdowns for various tests and for actual rocket launches. The remaining launches are scheduled to occur when weather and aurora conditions are optimal between now and March 10.

Listeners are cautioned that there will not be constant sound, so short periods of silence don’t necessarily indicate a connection failure.

In addition, it is normal for the countdown to be put on hold for indefinite periods of time. However, once the countdown passes "T minus three minutes and counting," a rocket launch is imminent.

Those listening to a launch countdown in hopes of viewing a rocket in the sky are reminded not to wait until the countdown is finalized to look outside toward the northern horizon, since there is about a 30-second delay in the audio stream.

Poker Flat Research Range, located 30 miles northeast of Fairbanks, is owned and operated by the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks under contract to NASA.

CONTACT: Vicki Daniels, Public Relations Specialist, UAF Geophysical Institute: (907) 474-5823