Summer Global Institute for Educators


Summer Global Institute for Educators

Submitted by Kasey Gillam
Phone: (907) 474-7581


Anyone working with students is invited to the Global Institute, June 10 - 25, 2003, in Fairbanks. Teachers will join educators from around the state to discuss the effects of global change on communities and lives.

Attendees will learn to integrate local/traditional knowledge with environmental studies, use the "GLOBE" curriculum to enhance student science skills and understanding, learn the latest teaching techniques and best practices in science education, and address science, math, and cultural standards.

Especially encouraged are teams of teachers, resource specialists, and local experts in science or Native knowledge. Instructors are Elena Sparrow, Leslie Gordon, Sidney Stephens, and guest elders and experts. For more information go to, or contact Martha Kopplin at (907) 474-2601.