New computer virus/worm


New computer virus/worm

Submitted by UAF Help Desk
Phone: (907) 474-6564


On June 5, 2003 the university was hit by W32.Bugbear.B@mm virus/worm. Symantec says this about the worm: "W32.Bugbear.B@mm is a mass-mailing, polymorphic worm that also spreads through network shares. This worm infects a select list of executable files, has keystroke-logging and backdoor capabilities and will attempt to terminate the processes of various antivirus and firewall programs."

DC&C was on top of the situation very quickly and had the Norton Anti-Virus definitions updated and distributed to all managed-software computers on campus within 30 minutes of the first reported incident.

Users of computers without managed software need to make sure they are running the current version of Norton Anti-Virus with updated virus definintion files. The current version is available for download from the DC&C download site:

If you download and install Norton AntiVirus, you must then scan your computer to clean/quarantine any viruses or worms you have contracted. If you have any questions about this procedure or Norton AntiVirus, please contact the Help Desk at 474-6564 or .