UAF's Transition to Outcomes Based Budgeting


UAF’s Transition to Outcomes Based Budgeting

Submitted by Carla Browning
Phone: (907) 474-7778



TO: Deans, Directors and Department Heads

FROM: Marshall L Lind, Chancellor
University of Alaska Fairbanks

DATE: July 18, 2003

SUBJECT: UAF’s Transition to Outcomes Based Budgeting

In a continuing effort to keep you up to date on budget matters, I’d like to share with you the latest information on a phrase we will all become familiar with: Outcomes Based Budgeting. The University of Alaska has made great strides in developing new academic and research programs in recent years under the combined leadership of faculty, staff and administration. Given the fiscal environment Alaska and other states are facing, continuing this success in the future will only be accomplished with focus and the resolve to succeed. At the direction of the UA Board of Regents and in concert with the development of a strategic plan for the UA system, the University of Alaska is beginning a transition process to an outcomes-based budget and planning approach.

The white paper "Outcomes-based Budgeting: Goals, Background and Future Direction" provides detail on how an outcomes-based budget approach functions. The paper can be accessed at and details steps that have already been taken to start this transition at UA, and what remaining steps are to be completed over the next few fiscal years.

Since an outcomes-based approach can only be successfully implemented with full understanding and support of faculty and staff, this letter and the white paper serve as an introduction to this process and requests your participation.

While there will be formal opportunities to provide this input, I encourage each of you to engage in this process at any time. You may provide input via my assistant Chris Bennett at chris.bennett@uaf , by phone at 474-7112, or through the website dedicated to this process at

President Hamilton, myself and Chancellors Gorsuch and Pugh are committed to a successful transition to an outcomes-based approach. I look forward to your comments and working with you to ensure this transition is a success.