Wood Center Continued Closure


Wood Center Continued Closure

Submitted by Sarah Comstock
Phone: (907) 474-7037


Due to construction constraints, Wood Center will remain closed to the public through August 29, 2003. The building will reopen on Saturday, Aug. 30 at 9 a.m.

Services available during that time are as follows:

Orientation: Please call 474-2760 for assistance. Our orientation staff will be happy to meet with students and parents needing assistance.

Scheduling: Please call 474-6023, e-mail schedule@uaf.edu, or get online at to schedule future space needs.

Outdoor Adventures: Outdoor Adventures will relocate to 514 Copper Lane during the closure. You can also contract OA at 474-6027.

Admin Offices including Student Activities, Pub, and Leadership etc. at 474-7037.

ATM: Other ATM’s are located at the Moore, Bartlett, Skarland Complex and at Arctic Health.

Showers: Showers are available at the Patty Center for $3.

Bus Tokens: Bus Tokens will be available at the Bookstore during the closure.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during construction. Please contact Sarah Comstock at 474-7037 if you have any questions.