UAF Open Forums on Circulation and Parking


UAF Open Forums on Circulation and Parking

Submitted by Sharish PAtil
Phone: (907) 474-5127


The UAF Master Planning subcommittee on circulation and parking will host two public forums Monday September 29th. Judith Gray of consulting firm Kittelson and Associates will outline the plan at 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. in the Wood Center Carol Brown Ballroom.

After each forum, members of the subcommittee will be available in the lower level of Wood Center to explain the proposed long-term plan.

Shuttle buses will run from the parking lot at Taku and Farmer’s Loop to Wood Center for the evening forum.

The report is available online at <A HREF=&quot;;></A> and comments can be submitted via e-mail to <A HREF=&quot;;></A> by October 15th.

Contact: Shirish Patil at (907) 474-5127 or e-mail for more information.