5th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences


5th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences

Submitted by Anne Sudkamp
Phone: 6367


ICASS V-Third Announcement and Call for Papers

The International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA) is pleased to issue the third announcement for the 5th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS V) to be held at the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA from May 19-23, 2004.

ICASS V’s theme is Connections: Local and Global Aspects of Arctic Social Systems.

These international congresses are held every three years, bringing together people from all over the world to share ideas about social science research in the Arctic. The last one, ICASS IV, was held in Quebec City, Canada from May 16-20, 2001, hosting some 300 participants from 17 different countries.

This is our third call for papers. Abstracts may be submitted online at our website: www.uaf.edu/anthro/iassa/icass5abst.htm. The abstract deadline has been extended to January 15, 2004.

ICASS V will also include a poster session. See the abstract submittal form for details.

Membership in IASSA is required in order to participate in ICASS V. A secure membership form is included on our website for attendees to join IASSA or renew their membership: https://ssl.uaf.edu/anthro/forms/membershipform.htm.

Members may also renew their membership, as well as register for ICASS V, on our secure conference registration form: https://ssl.uaf.edu/anthro/forms/confform.htm. The deadline for advance registration, with reduced fees, is February 15, 2004.

The following distinguished individuals have accepted our invitation to join ICASS V as keynote speakers:
--Larisa Abryutina, Vice President, Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North;
--Fikret Berkes, Distinguished Professor of Natural Resources and Canada Research Chair in Community-Based Resource Management, University of Manitoba;
--Dalee Sambo Dorough, Inuit Circumpolar Conference Advisory Committee on United Nation Issues; and
--Tim Ingold, Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Aberdeen.

ICASS V will open with registration and a reception on Wednesday evening, May 19. Sessions will run Thursday, Friday and Saturday days, as well as Sunday morning. Special sessions include a panel on the International Polar Year 2007-08, a workshop on "Partnering between Arctic Communities and Researchers," as well as plenary activities now being planned; check our website for updates. Events are planned for each evening, including the main social event, a riverboat cruise, for Saturday evening. The IASSA General Assembly will be held on Sunday morning. Post-conference tours will begin Sunday and Monday; details are available on the conference registration form on our website.

Conference organizing committee members include Peter Schweitzer, chair; Amy Lovecraft, Molly Lee, Richard Caulfield, Tammy Mix, Gordon Pullar, Jonathan Rosenberg, Gary Kofinas, Jordan Titus, Dan Odess, Pips Veazey and Anne Sudkamp.

Following is the list of sessions and organizers. Session abstracts may be found at: www.uaf.edu/anthro/iassa/icass5sessab.htm

--Arctic Policy: Re-examining Shifting Boundaries: Peter J. May (pmay@u.washington.edu);
--Building Human Capacity in the Arctic: Innovations in Circumpolar Higher Education: Gordon L. Pullar (g.pullar@uaf.edu) and Richard A. Caulfield (r.caulfield@uaf.edu);
--Building Sustainable Worlds: Native and Non-Native Perspectives on the Management of Natural Resources in the Arctic: Frank J. Sowa (frank.sowa@gmx.net);
--Children and Young People in Residential Care across the Circumpolar North: Elena Khlinovskaya Rockhill (evr20@hermes.cam.ac.uk);
--Children in the Arctic: Barbara Crass (bacrass@aol.com);
--Circumpolar Arts in an Era of Globalization: Nelson H.H. Graburn, (graburn@uclink4.berkeley.edu);
--Connections: Collaborations between Communities and Language Workers: Anna Berge (ffamb@uaf.edu), Gary Holton (gary.holton@uaf.edu), Lawrence Kaplan (ffldk@uaf.edu), and Kathy Sikorski (fnkrs@uaf.edu);
--Effective Local Institutions for Collective Action in Arctic Communities: Sharman Haley (afsh@uaa.alaska.edu);
--The Enemy Within: The Dilemma of the Outsider in Northern Aboriginal Communities: Ken Caine (kcaine@ualberta.ca), Mike Salomons (Mike_Salomons@gov.nt.ca) and Deborah Simmons (Deborah_Simmons@gov.deline.ca);
--Gender Issues in the Arctic: Joanna Kafarowski (gypsy_four@hotmail.com);
--Globalization and Self-Determination: Assessing Challenge and Change in the Arctic: Gabrielle Slowey (gslowey@sympatico.ca);
--Herding Reindeer and Hunting Caribou: Circumpolar Perspectives on People and Deer: Patty Gray (ffpag@uaf.edu), Gary Kofinas (ffgpk@uaf.edu) and Alexander King (a.king@abdn.ac.uk);
--Historical Archaeology in Arctic/Sub-Arctic Social Systems: Exploring Connections between the Local and the Global: James Whitney (fnjww1@uaf.edu) and Robin Mills (Robin_Mills@ak.blm.gov);
--Histories Shared, Parallel and Divergent - the North Pacific East and West: David Koester (ffdck@uaf.edu);
--Indigenous Media and the Circumpolar North: Nancy Wachowich (n.wachowich@abdn.ac.uk);
--Indigenous Resistance in the North: Art Leete (artleete@hotmail.com);
--Information Technology Working for Indigenous Study: Victoria Churikova (vika@novosoft.ru);
--Integrating Indigenous Knowledge, Ways of Knowing and World Views into the Educational Systems in the Arctic: Ray Barnhardt (ffrjb@uaf.edu);
--International Perspectives and Arctic Governance: Karen Erickson (ffkje@uaf.edu);
--Locating Circumpolar Environmental Change: From Global to Local: Anne Henshaw (ahenshaw@bowdoin.edu) and Susan Crate (crates@muohio.edu);
--Media and Telecommunications: Crossing the Barriers Between Circumpolar Peoples: Jane George (jgeorge@globetrotter.net);
--Order and Instability: Local and Global Connections in Arctic Subsistence Economies: Jesse Dizard (jesse_dizard@fishgame.state.ak.us);
--Paleolithic and Mesolithic Prehistory: Recent Advances in the Russian Arctic: Dan Odess (ffdpo@uaf.edu) and Vladimir Pitulko (archeo@archeo.ru);
--Perceiving and Constructing Community: Community Festivities in Present Day Arctic Settlements: Nicole Stuckenberger (n.stuckenberger@fss.uu.nl);
--Protecting and Restoring the Relationships Between Traditional Users and Wilderness Places: Alan Watson (awatson@fs.fed.us) and Lil Alessa (lil@uaa.alaska.edu);
--Quantitative Research in Arctic Social Science: Jack Hicks (jhicks@gov.nu.ca) and Ailsa Henderson (ahenders@wlu.ca);
--Resilience and Vulnerability: Understanding Cross-scale, Human-Environment Interactions in the Arctic: Grete Hovelsrud-Broda (gretehb@hotmail.com) and Marybeth Long Martello (marybeth_long@harvard.edu);
--Science and Society in the Arctic: Amy Lovecraft (ffall@uaf.edu);
--Sites of Memory: Place Names, Keeping Places, Landscapes: Jonathan Bordo (petitbordeaux@sympatico.ca) and Ludger MÙller-Wille (ludger.muller-wille@mcgill.ca);
--Social Conditions in the Arctic: Heather Myers (myers@unbc.ca) and Gerard Duhaime (gerard.duhaime@fss.ulaval.ca);
--Social Science in Human Dimensions Research: Issues and Potential: Gary Kofinas (ffgpk@uaf.edu);
--Sustainability: Beyond Ecology and Environment: Henry Huntington (hph@alaska.net);
--The Ties That Bind: Interaction and Adaptation in the Arctic Small Tool Tradition: Dan Odess (ffdpo@uaf.edu);
--Tradition and Western Democracy: What Road for Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic?: Kathrin Wessendorf (kw@iwgia.org) and Jens Dahl (jd@iwgia.org);
--"The White Arctic": When Does Exile Become Home?: Niobe Thompson (nst21@cam.ac.uk) and Peter Schweitzer (ffpps@uaf.edu); and
--Who Knows Best: How to Balance Research-Based Best Practices and Culturally Based Best Practices in Prevention, Treatment and Healing?: Susan Soule (Susan_Soule@health.state.ak.us) and Chris Aquino (Christopher_Aquino@health.state.ak.us).

For more information, contact ICASS V conference coordinator Pips Veazey at (fyicass@uaf.edu) or IASSA executive officer Anne Sudkamp at (fyiassa@uaf.edu) or go to IASSA’s website: www.uaf.edu/anthro/iassa