Circumpolar vegetation classification and mapping conference


Circumpolar vegetation classification and mapping conference

Submitted by Christine R. Martin
Phone: (907) 474-2459


The conference will take place in Tromso, Norway June 2-6, 2004 and will focus on issues related to classification, mapping, and modeling of vegetation in Arctic tundra regions.

The last major gathering of Arctic vegetation scientists was at the International Conference on Classification of Arctic Vegetation, held at the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, Boulder CO, USA, 5-9 March 1992. Since then there has been considerable progress toward classification and mapping as a means of understanding the Arctic as a single geo-ecosystem, and to aid in numerous efforts to model the response of vegetation to climate and land-use changes.

The classification portion of the conference will be primarily devoted to vegetation surveys of syntaxa or monographs on special areas or regions of the Arctic. Floristic and taxonomic papers might be accepted if they are directly of importance to vegetation science.

The mapping portion will focus on circumpolar and large-regional scale mapping efforts. Papers directed at circumpolar issues are particularly welcome. Members of the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Mapping (CAVM) project are encouraged to present regional maps derived from the CAVM at 1:4M scale with legends that show the dominant plant associations or plant community types.

For more information visit the website at

Contact information:
Christine R. Martin
Alaska Geobotany Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Institute of Arctic Biology
P.O. Box 757000, 311 Irving
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7000
telephone: (907) 474-2459 fax: (907) 474-6967