Yup'ik dance festival: new book from UA Press and ANLC


Yup’ik dance festival: new book from UA Press and ANLC

Submitted by Erica Hill
Phone: (907) 474-5832


The University of Alaska Press and the Alaska Native Language Center are pleased to announce the publication of TAPRARMIUNI KASSIYULRIIT: Stebbins Dance Festival. This volume is the product of extensive collaboration between the residents of the Yup’ik village of Stebbins and anthropologist Ann Fienup-Riordan.

Stebbins elders Anatole Bogeyaktuk and Charlie Steve described the complex rituals of the dance festival in Yup’ik. Their narration was transcribed and translated by Sophie Shield and Marie Meade. Parallel English translations are provided for the elders’ narrative, which is beautifully illustrated with photographs by Suzi Jones and James H. Barker.

This volume is an essential record of the dance festival for Yup’ik communities of western Alaska.

For more information contact the UA Press at (907) 474-5832 or via e-mail at fypress@uaf.edu.