Smoke advisory, air quality and work environment


Smoke advisory, air quality and work environment

Submitted by Debra Damron
Phone: (907) 474-7122


Due to the smoke conditions, UAF faculty, staff and students who feel the air quality will be better elsewhere may leave the campus subject to supervisor and/or course instructor approval.

UAF remains open for business, with classes and office hours as scheduled, with the exception of Thursday and Friday, July 1 and 2, when most campus offices will be closed for the Independence Day holiday.

The UAF Department of Environmental Health and Safety recommends students, staff, faculty and visitors to campus heed air quality alerts warnings and avoid outdoor activities until conditions improve. For those who must be outdoors for work or other reasons, the department recommends taking frequent breaks, go indoors from time to time, drink lots of water and don’t overexert. If you begin to have respiratory problems, let your supervisor and/or course instructor know.

Contact: Debra Damron at (907) 474-7122 or