Extension agent helps develop online gardening program


Extension agent helps develop online gardening program

Submitted by Carla Browning
Phone: (907) 474-7778


Michele Hebert, Land Resources Agent for the University of Alaska Cooperative Extension Service is one of the authors of that new National Web-based educational program "SmartGarden". It was released Oct. 15, 2004 from the Horticulture Gardening Institute, a national organization located on the campus of Michigan State University and founded by the MSU Global Institure, the MSU Department of Horticulture and the MSU Extension Master Gardener Program. Michele developed a section on gardening in the North and had several picture published with the content.

The Art and Science of the SmartGarden online program is a 12-month highly interactive program based on the American Horticultural Society’s four SmartGarden regional guides. The goal of the program is to teach gardeners in all growing zones how to become an eco-conscious gardener -- assess all gardening decisions and choices in relation to their environmental impact. Topics include plant selections, conservation practices and site assessment.