Nominations open for Faculty Senate Committee


Nominations open for Faculty Senate Committee

Submitted by Sheri Layral
Phone: 474-7964


The UAF Faculty Senate is soliciting nominations for the four open seats on the Committee on the Status of Women, which will be elected at large from among UAF faculty. If you or someone you know is interested in serving on this committee, please submit a nomination by March 11, 2005 to

Continuing members include:
Uma Bhatt, Associate Professor, Atmospheric Science
Carol Gold, Professor, History
Denise Thorsen, Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Jane Weber, Associate Professor, Developmental Education (Senate rep.)

The purpose of this committee is to monitor the status of women faculty at UAF and to work proactively for gender equity. Such actions will include, but are not limited to:
- maintaining lists of women faculty with hire, tenure and promotion dates;
- organizing and supervising surveys on the status of women and assessing the cultural climate of the university as it pertains to women; recommending policy to address the needs of women faculty;
- supporting mentoring of women, both new and mid-career faculty, including running workshops on mentoring, promotion & tenure, negotiating techniques and other forms of faculty development identified as necessary;
- addressing family-work issues, such as child care, parental leave, spousal/partner hire;
- coordinating with other campus and university groups which deal with women’s and gender issues; and
- any other issues which would help women faculty to achieve equity at UAF.

For more information contact Sheri Layral at or 474-7964.