Weekly Science Calendar


Weekly Science Calendar

Submitted by Center for Global Change
Phone: 474-5818



3:40 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Special Lecture Series sponsored by the Chapman Chair
Ice that Burns
George Ewing, Chancellor’s Professor of Chemistry (Emeritus), Indiana University
Information: Norbert Untersteiner

7 p.m. - Westmark Gold Room, 813 Noble St. downtown
2005 Science for Alaska Lecture Series
Alaska Wildfires and How They Affect Our Health
Cathy Cahill, Department of Chemistry and the Geophysical Institute, UAF.
Information: 474-7942 or http://www.scienceforalaska.com


1 p.m. - 417 IARC
USDA/Agricultural Research Service Seminar
Point-Source Degradation of Select Herbicides Using Biobed
Frieda Eivazi, Lincoln University
Information: 474-1806 or 474-6516

3:30 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Institute of Marine Science Weekly Seminar
Results from Amchitka Island Oceanography Cruise
Mark Johnson, SFOS/UAF
Information: 474-6332 or B. Bluhm


3:40 p.m. - 183 Arctic Health Research Building
Natural Resources Management Graduate Seminar
Current and Emerging Forest Health Issues in Alaska and the new Forest Health Protection Unit
Bob Ott, Alaska Division of Forestry, and Jim Kruse, USDA Forest Service
Information: 474-7188

3:40 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Special Lecture Series sponsored by the Chapman Chair
Atmospheric Ice
George Ewing, Chancellor’s Professor of Chemistry (Emeritus), Indiana University
Information: Norbert Untersteiner


1 p.m. - 417 IARC
USDA/Agricultural Research Service Seminar
Can Exotic Weeds be Contained and then Controlled? Experiments with Grazing, Fire, and Restoration
Steven Seefeldt, USDA-ARS, U.S. Sheep Experiment Station, Dubois, Idaho
Information: 474-1806 or 474-6516

3:30 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Life Sciences Seminar Series, sponsored by the Institute of Arctic Biology and the Department of Biology & Wildlife
Pretreatment Effects of Logging Site Treatments on Rodent Density in the Tok River Valley
Eric Rexstad, Department of Biology & Wildlife and the Institute of Arctic Biology, UAF, and Tom Paragi, Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Information: 474-7640

3:30 p.m. - 201 Natural Sciences Facility
Department of Geology and Geophysics Seminar
Mapping the Deep Structure of Volcanoes with Seismology or "What Does the New Guy Do, Anyway?"
Mike West, Alaska Volcano Observatory
Information: 474-7565

3:45 p.m. - Globe Room, 215 Elvey Building
Department of Physics Journal Club
Weekly informal presentation.
Information: http://ffden-2.phys.uaf.edu/journal_club.htm or 474-7339