Buddhist expert to lecture at UAF


Buddhist expert to lecture at UAF

Submitted by Joseph Thompson
Phone: (907) 474-6834


The philosophy & humanities department at the University of Alaska Fairbanks is hosting two lectures by guest speaker David Gardiner, professor of Asian religions at Colorado College.

-"Are Mountains Really Mountains: Zen Practice in Light of Deep Structures in Japanese Culture," Wednesday, Feb. 23 at 6 p.m. in Wood Center conference room E/F.

-"Monks at M.I.T.: Decades of Dialogues between Tibetan Buddhists and Western Scientists," Thursday, Feb. 24 at 5:30 p.m. in the Schaible Auditorium. Note: This location has changed from original posting.

David Gardiner has a Ph.D. in religious studies from Stanford University with a specialization in Japanese Buddhism. He has published widely on Shingon, or Japanese Tantric Buddhism, and has more than five years’ experience researching in Japan, as well as studying Tibetan Buddhist communities in India and Nepal.

The lectures are sponsored by the sharing scholarship category of the BP/Conoco Phillips Fund, through the University Foundation.

CONTACT: Joseph Thompson, term assistant professor at (907) 474-6834 or e-mail Joseph Thompson for more information.