Leaders for Alaska Institute


Leaders for Alaska Institute

Submitted by J.J. Boggs
Phone: (907) 474-1170


The 4th annual Leaders for Alaska Institute will be held on Friday, March 25 and Saturday, March 26 in the Wood Center Carol Brown ballroom.

On Friday, March 25 at 7:30 p.m., Jay Zarr from High Impact Training will lead a public talk and interactive workshop on the Co-Creative Community of Learning and Leading. According to Zarr, "co-creative relationships occur when leaders and followers work together in a responsible relationship based on a common purpose. The learning and leading community is one in which each member is actively involved in growing together."

UAF students, staff, faculty, and community members are invited to attend the Friday night workshop. Refreshments will be served.

Zarr will join Brian Rogers, Chair of the UA Board of Regents, on Saturday, March 25 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in the Wood Center Carol Brown ballroom in coordinating an open space discussion for UAF students on the question äóìWhat is the ideal UAF and what can we do to help create it?

After the institute, all conversations and subsequent action plans will be recorded and presented to key university stakeholders like Chancellor Jones, Provost Reichardt, Dean Barnett, ASUAF, the Campus Life Master Planning Committee and the Strategic Planning Committee. This is a great opportunity for student leaders to share their insights and initiate change at UAF!

Jay Zarr is one of the nationäó»s leading experts on experiential education. Zarr is the Founder and Director of the Experiential Learning Center at Colorado State University- Pueblo. He is also currently working on his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Innovation at the University of Colorado- Denver.

The Leaders for Alaska Institute is sponsored by the UAF Leadership Program with support from the Division of Student Affairs.

For more information, please contact J.J Boggs at (907) 474-1170, or the Leadership Council at leadership@uaf.edu.