Electronic miniaturization call for abstracts


Electronic miniaturization call for abstracts

Submitted by Sonja Bickford
Phone: 455-2013


University of Alaska Fairbanks Office of Electronic Miniaturization is hosting a Microsensor Systems Program (MSS) Management Review Conference at the WestMark hotel in Fairbanks, Alaska on June 1-2, 2005. The conference will bring in people from government agencies, academia and industries.

A poster-session will be held at the Westmark on Wednesday June 1, 2005 to showcase UAFäó»s accomplishments and on-going research in the field of electronics. The poster session is open to all UAF faculty, students and staff working on an electronics project.

Abstracts may be submitted by April 31, 2005. Authors will receive more information regarding the session on or around May 1, 2005.

All those wishing to present posters are invited to send an abstract, preferably in electronic format, with the following information:
äó¢ Title of the project
äó¢ Name of the author(s), organization to which he/she belongs
äó¢ A 250-word abstract

Abstracts are to be sent to:
Sonja Bickford

UAF Office of Electronic Miniaturization
P.O. Box 758090
Fairbanks, AK 99775-8090
(907) 455-2013